Lord of Rot

Chapter 420 Your Most Loyal Knight Bulwell Has Arrived

Chapter 420 Your Most Loyal Knight Bulwell Has Arrived

Viscount Matthew didn't ask Li Qi what evidence he had, because he could guess Li Qi's plan.

The other party pays the same attention as himself, find a commanding height of public opinion, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, stand on it first, and then use this as a reason to attack.

The history books are all recorded by the victors. Whoever wins the final battle can continue to make up the rest of the story.

It's just that Viscount Matthew couldn't figure it out. Isn't Li Qi afraid of angering Earl Buffalo when he lied so boldly that Lisu Mama was Princess Sophia?
If there is really an heir to Princess Sophia, the Earl of Buffalo will definitely jump in a hurry, and even send troops to kill him directly. He will not allow others to share his rights.

The nonsense Princess Sophia is small, but it is big to bear the wrath of the Earl of Buffalo.

Or did Li Qi not take Earl Buffalo seriously at all?

The sound of horseshoes suddenly came from afar, interrupting Viscount Matthew's thoughts.

Breaking through the sand dunes and connecting the sky to the horizon appeared a group of knights.

Followed by a group of infantry, and after that, but the speed is too slow, they are left far behind.

The knight at the front shouted loudly: "Protect Princess Sophia! Kill the traitor and charge with me!!"

The eyelids of Viscount Matthew, who was guarding the rear, twitched.

He didn't quite understand what it meant that the group of knights shouted to charge but didn't move at all, but he saw a group of extraordinary people surpassing the knights and rushing towards him. The extraordinary speed was extremely fast, especially the one at the front An extraordinary person, whose speed is incomprehensibly fast, and a suffocating aura erupts from his body.

When running, there will be sandstorms around him. He has never seen such a terrifying scene.

In an instant, the team of extraordinary people had already rushed to the front of the mercenary camp.

The soldiers blocking the way were easily knocked over like paper in front of him.

Hundreds of mercenaries went up to meet them, and hundreds of mercenaries fell down, even more than the number Li Qi brought down on the eagle just now.

It's just that not long after they debuted, the number of fallen mercenaries has exceeded [-].

Ouch screams all over the place.

The remaining Transcendents beside Viscount Matthew woke up and took the initiative to meet them.

But the man who rushed to the front raised his fist, punched one by one, and easily exploded his head.

Killing a chicken isn't that simple, isn't it? Viscount Matthew's heart was beating wildly and his knees were weak. He tried to bring himself into it, but found that he couldn't even hold a punch.

When Qiang Shi grabbed Viscount Matthew's neck with one hand and lifted him up, Viscount Matthew finally understood why Jones and his 15 superhumans could still lose together.

It is not the power of a class at all, even if there are 50 more extraordinary people, I am afraid that they will not be able to match this strong monster.

With such a strong backing, it's no wonder that Baron Porcupine doesn't value Earl Buffalo. How many people in the whole continent can be valued by him?
He understood why Li Qi dared to be so tough.

So, does it matter who Princess Sofia is?unimportant.

Who is behind Princess Sofia is what matters.

With Li Qi's support, he said that whoever is Princess Sophia is Princess Sophia.

Qiang Shi dragged Viscount Matthew back in front of Bulwell and other wandering knights, even the fast Transcendent couldn't react.

Bulwell dismounted and raised his sword.

With a click, the head fell to the ground, and hot blood flowed into the sand.

The process was so fast that Viscount Matthew didn't even have a chance to talk nonsense and make a dying speech.

The rebel thief Viscount Matthew, who tried to attack Princess Sophia, was killed by the loyal knight Bulwell, the outside world will transmit this story.

The headless corpse fell to the ground, and the hearts of the mercenaries fell to the ground at the same time.

The wandering knight Bulwell led a team of more than 100 people. He looked at the more than 3000 people in front of him, but he didn't pay attention to them at all. He looked up at Lisu Mama on the city wall, knelt down and shouted excitedly : "Princess Sophia, your most loyal knight Bulwell has arrived! The bandit has been killed!"

The twenty or so wandering knights have never been as excited as they are today, as if the glory lost in the past ten years has returned!
They also half knelt down together.

Finally, they have their own Princess Sofia.

On the other hand, the mercenary side was completely confused.

Recall what they did during this time.

First, the mercenaries received the news and wanted to follow the wild boar mercenary group to fish in troubled waters. When the battle started, they would fight like a crush and win easily.

It was really easy at first, and the victory was in sight.

But unexpectedly, Baron Porcupine arrived on a winged Pegasus, and he wiped out all the advantages of the siege by himself.

Then another group of strong men came out, ran through the group on foot, captured the head of the wild boar mercenary group, and chopped off his head with a single sword.

The leader is dead, what now?
Fighting, it should be impossible to fight.

Look at the few remaining extraordinary mercenaries, already kneeling on the ground, surrendering with their heads in their hands, the middle and high level are gone, how can the bottom level work hard?For whom?

"Bulwell? Isn't he a wandering knight?" Some of the mercenaries whispered.

"Do you know why he is a wandering knight? I heard that it is because they are loyal to Princess Sofia. After Earl Buffalo robbed Princess Sofia of her rights, he pushed them away."

"I seem to have heard similar claims."

3000 people can spread [-] versions.

From the time the story leaves the mouth of the first man, the subsequent development of the story has nothing to do with him at all.

Bulwell looked at the pretty figure on the distant city wall, recalling in his mind the questions that Okey and other wandering knights raised when they were on their way.

"Lisu Mama is not Princess Sofia. She is indeed beautiful, but apart from her beauty, she has nothing in common with a princess. Even if she is forced to say that she is, will anyone believe it?"

"They will believe it, because of us and Lord Baron."


The memory ends.

Looking at the more than 3000 mercenaries in front of him, one after another dropped their weapons and chose to surrender, Bulwell let out a sigh of relief.

Because Baron Porcupine has strong strength, everyone has to accept this "fact". Of course, people are rebellious, and it does not rule out that some people choose to defend their homeland firmly in their hearts.

Then the approval of the wandering knight is the evidence.

As the most loyal and wandering tragic knights in the desert to Princess Sophia, although they are more notorious than desert bandits, no one will doubt their loyalty to Princess Sophia.

In fact, it was not that Bulwell and the others were loyal to Princess Sophia, but that they had no choice. They were on the wrong team back then and failed to join the Earl of Buffalo as early as the Baron of the Golden Cauldron, which led to this result.

Either be reduced to a wandering knight who is full of infamy, or choose to become a "loyal" but full of infamy wandering knights, it is still necessary to save face, it is the "loyalty" that has been going on for more than ten years, which has given them the opportunity to choose today. A chance to have your very own "Princess Sophia".

After Princess Sophia's death, Li Qi was their true allegiance.

Li Qi looked down: "Now that there are soldiers and city walls, the Lucky Potion really deserves to be the Lucky Potion."

He strongly suspected that Lucky Potion helped him push the head of the porcupine mercenary regiment, making him choose to attack directly, and also helped him make up his mind.

Otherwise, as long as the opponent delays, Li Qi really dare not touch the orc army because the number of people is too large.

Next, it's time for him to mass-produce superhumans. This battle of superhumans is of great significance.

Then use that flower to cultivate a hall level, three against one, the advantage is mine!
Lisu Mama looked at the half-kneeling wandering knight below.

Seeing more than 3000 mercenaries who surrendered and a row of radiant Transcendents, she was stunned.

Li Qi turned to look at her: "You are Princess Sofia!"

He seemed to have come here specially to remind him of his identity.


Lisu Mama really wants to say something, even if I don’t believe it myself, will more than 3000 people believe it?Just a moment ago, they wanted to kill me, massacring the city for three days.

"Princess Sofia!"

"Princess Sofia!"

Lisu Mama was surprised by the successive shouts below. This group of mercenaries changed their faces really fast.

"Go and tell them that they are captives now," Li Qi said.

Lisu Mama nodded. She understood the fate of Mama City. The one standing in front of her was the owner of the city. Even the princess who was pushed out hastily belonged to him.

"The thieves have been killed, the rest of you hand in your weapons, and I will send knights to judge whether you are guilty or not!" She said loudly.

But she is not a transcendent, and it is difficult for her voice to be heard.

There was a commotion below: "We are your loyal subjects, Princess Sophia."

"I was deceived, princess!"

Regardless of what they think in their hearts, at least what they shouted was sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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