Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 155 Chapter 154

Chapter 155 154. Staff
Early the next morning, this was also the first day of the tournament.

Petyr Baelish, the elegant and elegant Chancellor of the Exchequer, invited the current Hand of the King to take a walk in the royal garden.

He was thin, and the neckline of his patterned robes was pinned to the collar of an exquisite mockingbird-shaped button, the crest of House Baelish he had chosen.

At this time, the elegant and easy-going Minister of Finance was acting as if someone who had experienced it pointed out the latecomers.

Point out to Ed that one seemingly inconspicuous person after another they passed on their walk was actually behind the eyes.

The old man who sweeps the fallen leaves with a plow is the Queen's eyes and ears.

Not far away, the dirty children playing with toys are the 'Little Birds' under the Kingdom's Chief Intelligence Officer.

And on the bench, the nun who seemed to be immersed in a booklet of the teachings of the Seven Gods was the eyeliner of Petyr Baelish's own subordinates.

"So, Lord Stark."

As soon as Petyr stretched out his hand, he gestured to Ed again for the few inconspicuous 'passers-by' they passed by just now. One of them counted as one, and they were all guys with superiors.

"When working and living in King's Landing, the most important thing is to speak carefully."

And Ed himself, from the first time he saw Petyr Baelish when he came here today, the expression on his face was like a hard rock.

This acting skill is really not good, but thanks to the impression he usually gives everyone, he is also a model knight with a straight face.

So for a while, Petyr didn't feel anything wrong.

"You called me here just to say that?"

Ed suppressed his anger and tried to keep his voice steady.

"No, of course not."

Petyr smiled unsurprisingly.

In his heart, the current Ed Stark should be in this kind of state where he is angry but has nowhere to vent.

This man who came to King's Landing from the northern border is too straightforward and easy to understand. He doesn't seem to have any hidden ideas at all.

So at the current imperial conference table, basically everyone sees him thoroughly.

Under Ed's staring gaze, Petyr threw out the two baits he had prepared long ago.

The knight of the kingdom who was recently canonized quickly - Xiufu, and a blacksmith shop that the former prime minister often visited during his lifetime - Tob Mott's blacksmith shop.

After sharing the two carefully prepared information, the meeting is considered over.

"Thank you for letting me know. Let me take my leave. I have to go to the martial arts tournament today."

Ed said coldly.

The chancellor of the exchequer still has a gentle and elegant smile, which makes people feel better.

"Master Stark is busy with everything, please be careful on the road."
"Since you said that you will go back to the martial arts competition today, then you should go there."

In a vacant room in the Prime Minister's Tower, Lane taught Arya how to use the two sharp blades in her hand, one long and one short.

Nymeria was lying in the corner of the room, panting listlessly with her tongue out.

The environment in King's Landing is too hot for a direwolf.

Lan En watched Aliya swinging the sword slowly, while tilting his head to communicate with the Prime Minister beside him.

So is Eddard Stark.

Their eyes were on Arya practicing with the sword, but what they said and what they thought were not in this room at all.

"I'll go over there, but I want to hear what you think of the statement first."

Lan En glanced slightly to the side from the corner of his eye.

Is this guy treating me as a staff member?

Whether it is the experience of a college student or the life of a witcher, this kind of role is really Lan En's first attempt.

However, he is also very confident. With the Mentos in his mind, he is responsible for rational analysis, and the memory of the Emperor's Children is responsible for enriching knowledge and experience.

There is nothing he can't do this kind of thing, and even said that as long as he wants, he can do it perfectly.

"There's nothing to say about Xiufu. I've cleared out all the information in his mind yesterday. The other party assured you to contact him, probably because he was sure that you would not ask about the former prime minister's private life. Or he was sure that Xiufu could Recognize the situation clearly, know that you are just a prime minister who has just taken office and has no authority at all, and will not tell you more."

"And that smithy"

Lan En paused at this point, with an expression of "it's such a coincidence".

The blacksmith shop that Petyr mentioned was the shop where the boss had mastered the Valyrian steel recasting technology.

"Aaliyah, stop here. Bring me a pen and paper."

The little girl, who was adapting to the parrying movement with the dagger with her left hand, nodded, and went out of the room to bring a pen and paper.

Lan En held the pen and turned his wrist slightly, as if he was familiar with a long-forgotten feel.

A few seconds later, under the curious eyes of Ed and Alia, he quickly sketched the frame of the human figure on the paper, and then filled in further details.

In the end, in less than 2 minutes, the appearance of the strong young man I had seen in the blacksmith shop appeared on the paper.

Most of the Emperor's Children are proficient in some artistic skills, as a tool to improve their self-cultivation, or as a hobby.

Painting knowledge is too common in memory.

Although Lan En didn't have practice, but only a character sketch is more than enough.

In a moment of logical discussion between Lane and Mentos, they came to a conclusion.

It is impossible for the former Prime Minister to go to the smithy for weapons and armor, after all, he is so old.

It must be to meet someone.

The owner of the blacksmith shop has been in King's Landing for decades, and if there was a problem, it would have been exposed long ago.

Only that kid could have something unknown.

And sure enough, as Lan En expected, after Ed saw Gendry's sketch, his eyes narrowed.

"Is this...Robert's child? Have you seen this man?"

To be honest, with Ed's relationship with the king, he didn't even know how big Robert's bird was.

The young man looked too much like Robert's youth.

Strong body, rigid facial curves, black hair and black pupils.
Lane raised an eyebrow.

"He's the blacksmith's apprentice. You say he's the king's illegitimate son? It seems Petyr wants you to see him."

"but why."

Ed was a little puzzled, he knew his king brother too well.

To put it bluntly, that guy is like a wild dog in heat sometimes!

When Robert fought the War of the Reaver, that is, the war for the current throne, he once fell into a disadvantage and was forced into a city alone.

But relying on his youthful appearance, physique and family background, he abruptly attracted the women of the whole city to embrace him and hide their traces.

During that time, he had to work hard on the ladies' beds every night.

The enemy dared not offend the ladies of the whole city. After all, they were noble and rich, and did they show their support for Robert?

So Robert escaped with his own waist!
Ed didn't know exactly how many illegitimate children the king had, but he guessed that there must be quite a few.

Robert was the kind of man who would swear to the death of a woman he wanted and then forget about it the night he fucked her.

"I don't comment on the king's behavior, nor do I care about it." Lan En said calmly.

"But you should go to the martial arts venue, Mr. Prime Minister. Check the progress of the project, after all, tomorrow is the opening time."

"As for the information provided by Lord Baelish, let's put it aside for now. After all, you are so busy."

Ed looked at Lan En in astonishment, and then saw the witcher waving his hands indifferently.

"Those deep-rooted adults think they have seen through you, and you will run after throwing two baits. But this time you know everything you should know, and if you don't run away, then... who should be in a panic?"

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  Today's three changes are over!

(End of this chapter)

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