Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 166 Chapter 165

Chapter 166 165. Captives
As the Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister should have been wearing a luxurious and sturdy armor with a white cloak as a symbol of the knight's noble spirit.

But now, he seems to know that he led troops to surround the prime minister, and even hurt the prime minister.

So he simply didn't wear the Kingsguard's 'overalls', instead he just wore a nice everyday leather suit.

Looks like he's ready to run away.

But even though he had grasped Ed's whereabouts with the strength of the Lannister family in King's Landing, he knew that he would definitely pass through the Mud Gate if he wanted to return.

But the only miscalculation is that there is not only the prime minister in this team, but also an angry king!
"Go! Get Jaime Lannister!"

cried Robert, swinging his hammer as he rode past a Lannister soldier.

When the hammer head collided with the helmet, the soldier's entire jaw was dented!

James now only has one and a half swords in his hands, and he doesn't even have any protective equipment on him.So facing the obese Robert who had been addicted to debauchery for more than ten years, he had no choice but to ride his horse and dodge.

"Your Majesty! This is the grievance between Stark and Lannister, and has nothing to do with others!"

This sentence is half exhortation, half threat.

In the feudal kingdom, if the king manages the private affairs of the nobles too deeply, it is a threat to the power of the nobles themselves.

If you want to maintain the stability of the kingdom, then the king should not interfere with the private affairs of the nobles.

But things are very different now.

Robert couldn't hold Jaime well because of his weight, so he started shooting at the Lannister soldiers like a gopher.

Although these soldiers had spears in their hands, they were very easy to deal with targets like Robert who didn't wear horse armor, but they didn't dare to attack Robert at all.

"It's irrelevant? Let those three scoundrels become the crown prince! It has grown up to this day in the eyes of everyone in the kingdom! This has nothing to do with me?! How long will you and that bitch Cersei want to lie to me?!"

James was taken aback by Robert's angry questioning.

At this time, although Lane, Ed, and Robert all knew that the three crown princes were not Robert's own, they also didn't know who their biological father was.

It’s just that Jaime Lannister, as Cersei’s younger brother and the Kingsguard who has been with him all year round, must know about it.

But James was confused at this moment because he knew too well.

Because he is the father of the three crown princes, he is the biological father of his sister's child!

As a 'criminal', James himself had a lot of mental pressure. Under Robert's pressure, he panicked more than anyone else.

His first reaction was that this matter must not be good!

Robert was able to hold the smashed corpse of a Targaryen baby at the end of the Reaver's War instead of punishing the baby's killer.

That is the crime of infanticide!

James knew he had a cruel heart, and he would never let Cersei and himself go.

Following Robert's golden robes, although they didn't want to fight Lannister in their hearts, the king had already rushed up. If the golden robes still didn't move, they thought they were living too long.

So the gold robes also drew out their long swords together, and rushed forward to kill.

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic due to the increase in the number of people and the start of shouting and killing.

Jaime Lannister was at a loss on horseback, but the knight's instinct in long-term training allowed him to drive the horse to keep moving to avoid being entangled by the infantry.

He couldn't figure it out, so he just came over to teach Chief Stark a lesson for his younger brother and let him let him go.Why would the king know the secret that their siblings had hidden for so many years.

"I have to find Cersei, I have to find the children."

James muttered on horseback.But then he denied himself.

"No way! Don't even think about getting out of the Red Castle once you're in it! In this situation, even if you spend money, you can't buy the golden robe. It's impossible for the remaining Lannister soldiers to fight for the golden robe."

James struggled to collect his thoughts.

he has to go.

He had to take advantage of this place not far from the city gate, and leave King's Landing immediately!

Only join the family's army, and then use force and damage to the kingdom's territory to make Robert be afraid to do anything to Cersei and the children.

Tywin Lannister has already begun to mobilize troops, and their preparations are earlier than the king's, which has an advantage.If his eldest son was trapped in King's Landing, then Tywin would not dare to act rashly.

He must go!

With the logic clarified to this extent, James immediately stopped hesitating.

"Stop them all! Make way for me! Make way for the city gate!"

When the order was issued, the Lannister soldiers who had originally dared not fight, but could not withdraw, suddenly had a direction.

The Lannister family is rich in gold and iron ore, so the armor of the soldiers is generally higher than that of the other six countries.

Putting it all together, they are not afraid of the golden robe who has no advantage in numbers.

A group of Lannister soldiers rushed towards the gate.Their armor "squeaked" in the collision and friction.

Ed also pulled out the hand and half sword hanging from the horse at this time, and rushed towards the crowd.

Lan En didn't feel that his riding skills could support him in such a complicated battle on horseback, so he simply dismounted from the horse at the beginning.

James was less than five meters away from the two of them, rushing towards the city gate.

When he passed by Ed, he gave him a bitter look.

"It's not over yet, Lord Stark. Lannisters must pay their debts!"

More than 50 Lannister soldiers were enough to stop the pursuers in this small venue, and the city gate guards probably wouldn't strictly stop James before they knew how serious the matter was.

They also don't want to offend people.

But here are not just ordinary soldiers and noble lords, but also a demon hunter!

"A Lannister must pay his debts? Why not now?"

James kept his horse on his lap, and looked at Lan En who was talking through the crowd.

He has always looked down on many people, and in his eyes, Lan En is just a barbarian guard brought by Stark from the north.

So what if he could win against [Hound Dog] in the trial by combat?He thinks he is also much stronger than [Hound Dog].

Besides, the five meters between the two were filled with entangled golden robes and Lannister soldiers.

He just thought it was an unknown person with a bad brain speaking harsh words.

This kind of person, he can summon a bunch of people to kill him with a word.

Lane was well aware of what James thought of him, and he was calm about it.

He just squeezed a stone in his hand and said softly with a smile——


With a slight "bang", the pushed stone directly passed through the crowded crowd after careful calculation of the path, and hit the hoof of James' horse that was about to fall to the ground.


The war horse sprained its feet, and Jaime Lannister tightened the reins in a panic, but it still couldn't stop him from being thrown flying!Rolled several times on the dirty ground before stopping.

The sword was unsheathed, and the white cloak drew an arc.

The Kingsguard, Barristan the Bold, laid the blade on Jaime's neck.

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(End of this chapter)

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