Chapter 27 27. The Swamp Witch
There is a big difference in appearance between the water ghost and the swamp witch, and it seems that they are reproductively isolated.

But St. Hale of Dresden recorded his own speculation that the Marsh Witch was the wife of several water ghosts.

It was rumored that the swamp witch would disguise herself as an old lady to lure travelers into its lair, but in Lan En's view, only drunks who were so drunk that they couldn't even control their hands and feet would fall for this trick.

After all, even a blind man can smell the stench of a swamp witch.

Lan En's eyes are lingering.

Because it's even more unlikely to quietly retreat now with Bernie.

Because water ghosts live in water all year round, their eyesight has degenerated to a level similar to cataracts.

But while the Swamp Witch has a fighting power that surpasses that of a water ghost, she doesn't even suffer from this shortcoming.

Its perception range and strength far exceed that of water ghosts.

The young man finished observing the moment he poked his head, and Mentos's computing power was enough to complete the analysis of the situation with just a glance.

Lan En bent down again and paced back to Bernie's side.

Facing the hopeful eyes of the old hunter, Lan En calmly explained the situation to him.

"Don't think about retreating quietly. There are only seven of these water ghosts nearby, not many in number, but there is a swamp witch inside. Let's take a wrong step. If it barks, I don't know how many water ghosts around will be like mad dogs Follow us."

"This match is definitely going to be fought, but I need your help this time. Only with the two of us working together can we have a chance to get out of this forest alive."

It was supposed to be a desperate statement, but under Lan En's calm tone, Bernie himself didn't know that he could be so calm.

"You said."

Bernie swallowed, tightened the straps on his long leather gloves, and removed the bow behind his back.

Lan En's explanation was not slow, but orderly and clear.

"I'll be in charge of charge and close combat in a while, and you can show up after you hear the water ghost's cry."

"After showing up, you will see a conspicuous target, humanoid, bigger than water ghost, covered with wrinkles and warts, that is the swamp witch. You have to shoot arrows at it, but don't rush to shoot arrows, wait for it to bend down When picking up something on the ground, you shoot an arrow to interrupt it."

"Shoot at the torso, don't shoot at the vitals. It reacts quickly and its skin is very strong. Your arrow is not made of silver, so don't think about hurting it. Just help me contain it."

Rapid speech can make people's brains run at high speed, and even forget their fears.

But detailed information can give people confidence and courage. At least Bernie feels that his hand holding the bow is more stable.


Lane nodded, and moved lightly to the side, slightly away from Bernie, and then swiped his left hand in the air.

A golden magical aura flashed across the surface of the body.

Before the war, Shang Kunen was the cultivation of the Xiong School.

Exhale the last breath of stale air in the chest cavity, and take another deep breath.


At the moment when the lungs are filled with fresh oxygen, the muscles and bones work together, and the soles of the feet touch the ground!
The center of gravity was suddenly shifted to the upper body by the skill of [Bear School of Swordsmanship].

Almost in an instant, the combined weight and armor of more than one hundred kilograms unexpectedly reached the highest speed!
This reaction force is really huge and abrupt.

So much so that the buckle on the boots, which was responsible for fixing the armor and the leather surface, even let out a mournful cry of the metal and leather being taut in Lan En's ears!

Like a cheetah, the charging posture with the center of gravity leaning forward can even disturb the branches two meters away with the wind!


A water ghost turned its head suspiciously, but only halfway through the turn, a silver sword tip pierced its throat with a cold light.

Bernie could see clearly from a distance, even in the process of rushing forward, the long sword in Lan En's hand was as stable as "gliding" in the air!
The sound of the blade hitting the flesh was completely covered by the violent impact of an object weighing more than 100 kilograms on the ground.

But the blood still spurted out.

Having rushed into the attack range of the water ghosts, Lan En's eyes were calm and determined.

And the water ghosts immediately entered an attacking stance after the first victim appeared.

The two water ghosts who were standing relatively close immediately rushed towards the Lann monster with a shout!
Leaping into the air, the shadow of the water ghost enveloped Lan En.

But now, the long sword in the young man's hand was piercing the middle of the water ghost's neck, and the body of the monster that was twitching on the verge of death became a drag on the action.

But the charge has not stopped!

The young man swooped in front of the two water ghosts without even slowing down!

Passing by the side of the water ghost whose throat was pierced, the silver sword was still tied to the cervical vertebra behind the water ghost's throat.

The hands holding the sword and the silver sword itself were naturally behind the charging body.

Does he have to rely on physical collisions to face the monster's claws?
No, of course not!
Arms back - it's part of charging!


One shout!In the two arms holding the sword hilt, the muscles and blood vessels swelled and swelled in an instant!

The extent of the muscle bulge cannot even be covered by the bloated and thick cotton armor!
There was a creaking sound from the leather and cloth surface being stretched.

The center of gravity began to shift, and the sword's posture changed from "thrusting" to "slashing".

Lan En swung the silver sword with a cervical vertebra that was different from it!
The dying monster was pulled half a foot high by the strength of the silver sword!
The cervical vertebra plays the role of the scabbard for drawing the knife and cutting it, and the friction between it and the blade accelerates the completion of power storage.

The water ghost's throat was pierced, and its back and neck raised an arc in an unnatural way.

Then when Lan En's sword speed reached its maximum, "Puff!"

The "cervical vertebra" that served as the scabbard was cut directly and broke out!

And the silver sword that has completed the acceleration, with the frightening silver light and the dirty blood brought out by the blade, passed the bodies of the two water ghosts in the air!
The speed was so fast that the sound of meat piercing was too late.

A water ghost was directly chopped open with its arm connected to half of its shoulder and head in the thin silver light.

Because the other one jumped higher, its entire fish-white belly was cut horizontally.

Cervical spine together!
Seven and four left!
Because Lan En's offensive was so fast and fierce that the blood of the three monsters was spurted out of the body almost at the same time.

The thick stench filled the puddles in the forest in an instant.

Even the water ghosts who love stinky food were temporarily dazed in front of their own bloody smell.

The dirty blood didn't get on Lan En's body, because there was a thin layer of golden magical aura blocking it.

But at the next moment, Lan En's cat eyes shrank sharply.

With a sound of "Boom!", the golden magical aura first shook and shone like ripples on the water surface, and then suddenly shattered!
An impact that was not completely blocked came from behind the left shoulder.

The intensity of this force, even the remnants after being offset by Kun En's seal, made Lan En's upper body twist half a circle abruptly!

"Wow wow!"

It was different from the cry of the water ghost, like the mocking of an old woman.

Swamp witches are good at throwing. On the mudflats by the water, they usually throw mud pellets to obscure people's vision, and then use their terrifying claws to tear apart their prey.

But in this forest, it can easily pick up rocks that are much more threatening than mud pills!
The circulation of the center of gravity was broken by an external force, and Lan En simply gave up the standing posture.

An extremely relaxed posture rolled forward and rolled over two meters, temporarily shortening the distance from the enemies.

But the first thing the young man thought of at this time was not himself, but his companion.

"Bernie. Why didn't you shoot it?"

Standing up again, not daring to leave the eyes of the swamp witch who smiled strangely, Lan En could only tell Mentos to use the corner of his eye to observe his companion.

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(End of this chapter)

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