Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 298 Exchange and Cooperation

Chapter 298 297. Communication and Cooperation
"Are you a witcher?"

A slightly stuck lingua franca came out from the woods.

Lan En naturally threw away the arrow in his hand, then pulled back the hood on his head, showing his cat's eyes to the dryads in the woods.

"It's true, everyone."

After he turned around, a small group of dryads suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the dense forest.

As Lan En learned before, with grass-green skin and a vigorous and graceful figure, she is like a nymph in the woods.

Their ability to hide in the woods is exaggerated. As long as they want to, the movement in the woods can cover up their own movements.

Even if their bodies sweat, they smell like tree sap, without human pheromones.

The witcher's extraordinary senses are not often found in the forest.

Lan En saw with his own eyes a dryad with brick red hair coming out from behind a fir tree holding a bow, but judging from the width of the fir tree, it shouldn't be able to cover the dryad at all.

Then a dryad with olive green hair came out of the bushes that Lan En had seen just now, but no one was seen at all, and faced him with a bow.

There are supposed to be more dryads in the woods, but if it's just for conversation, these folks are pretty good.

The dryad with brick red hair looked at Lan En for a moment, her expression was too serious for Lan En to judge whether she was beautiful or not.

The awkward ancient language came out of her mouth, and judging by her expression, she seemed to be urging.

Of course, the object of urging was not Lan En.A honey-haired dryad reluctantly stepped forward to act as an interpreter.

"Witcher, your name."

Judging from the sound, this is the dryad who called him just now.

Lan En understood the feelings of dryads who were unwilling to contact outsiders. If his scalp was offered for purchase, he would not want to talk to someone who might take the business.

But Lan En knew very well - he would never take that kind of job in his life.

So when responding, the young witcher seemed open-minded.

"Lane, Lane of Cintra. Where's your name? As the basis of conversation, exchanging names is necessary."

"It does not matter."

The honey-haired dryad refused at first, but then pursed his lips. "Brian. If you think the conversation needs to exchange names, call me Brian."

"Okay, Brian. I'm a demon hunter who won't do anything to intelligent creatures because of money and missions. Believe it or not. I entered Brokleon this time just to deal with that day demon. Ling. It has been wandering here for two years, so you must know more or less about it?"

Brian stood seven steps ahead of Lan En, and Lan En simply found a decayed and fallen log and sat on it.

"Day demons are a nuisance, both to humans and to you. If I can get rid of it, you have no reason not to give me convenience, right?"

Brian looked back. Although the brick-red haired dryad hadn't spoken, he nodded at her unobtrusively.

So Brian turned around and said to Lan En.

"I've heard the rules of your demon hunters. If you don't hunt intelligent creatures, I hope you are a rule-abiding one. If you want to free that demon spirit, what do you need?"

Lan En nodded, and it would be easy if he was willing to cooperate.

Immediately, he briefly explained to the dryad the hunting method of the demon spirit during the day, as well as the ins and outs of the incident.

"So..." Brian frowned after listening, looking rather difficult.

"You want to find the woman's bones? The bones that have been lying in this forest for two years?"

The dryad translator spread his hands, feeling that the witcher in front of him was talking in his sleep.

No one knows better than them the biodegradability of forests.The luxuriance of the Brokleon Great Forest is far beyond human imagination. Even the corpse of an adult griffin here cannot be preserved for more than three days.

What's more, a woman in her early [-] catties?
"Let's not mention this for the time being, but I'm more concerned that you are not curious about the voice that completed the woman's curse in a distorted form and dragged away the corpse after it was realized?"

Lan En sat bent with his elbows on his knees, looking very relaxed.

The dryads who had raised their bows on guard behind Bryan, after the conversation became more and more smooth, let go of their vigilance a little bit, leaning on the tree trunk to look around.

Brian didn't seem to care about Lan's curiosity.

"This is a huge forest that has existed since ancient times until today, demon hunter. The area of ​​this forest is almost the same as Verden and Brugge. And how many of us do you think? Ten thousand? 10,000+ ? Do you think the dryads are the managers and protectors of Brokleon?"

Blaine smiled mockingly.

"Don't judge us by human concepts, witcher. Brokleon has no administrators, and no protectors. Dryads are Brokleon's daughters, not masters."

"It is quite normal for some ancient power and unknown creatures to appear in this forest. If you want to hear, I can tell you about six or seven different ones."

"No, thank you for the invitation from the Story Club." Lan En nodded, expressing his understanding that the dryads were accustomed to supernatural powers.

"I just hope that when I'm chasing the bones, there won't be a good arrow shot at the back of my head. As long as I can guarantee this, I can make that day demon Spiritual liberation."

"I promise you, demon hunter." Blaine nodded to Lan En from a distance.
The forest returned to that gloomy tranquility, and the dryads disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if they had never appeared.

Lan En put his hands on his knees and stood up from the rotten log.

Having obtained the temporary right of way of Brokleon, it is time for him to start working.

It was approaching noon now, and he was going to spend the afternoon finding the bones, and then summoning the demon spirit of the day to appear at night.

At night, the power of the day demon spirit will be weakened, which is easier to deal with than the night demon spirit.

Except for the late night when its power is at its peak, night demon spirits cannot even be summoned at other times.

Mentos began to project on Lan En's retina, it would sort out the environmental conditions, and then highlight the suspected clues to match Lan En's witcher vision.

But even with this kind of treatment that ordinary demon hunters can't imagine, Lan En's progress is not smooth.

Indeed, as Brian said, the exuberant biological activities in the forest, the nature of plants and animals can cover up all traces.

Lan En had to rely on the roaring bear's head pendant around his neck. He couldn't rely on trace science to find the corpse, so he could only look for it according to the remnants of the magic power of chaos.

The highly effective cormorant curse, as well as the huge magical power that drives the vines, will leave traces within ten years.

Lan En wandered around the border between this forest and the outside world for a long time, and finally found a vine with residual chaotic magic power.

He followed the clues, advanced about half a kilometer in the forest, and finally found his target in a dead tree with a hollow inside.

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(End of this chapter)

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