Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 302 301 Trust

Chapter 302 301. Trust
"What's your situation?"

Seeing that not only was he unlucky, but the old man was also unlucky, Lan En's mood improved a lot.

Geralt was dazzled by the smile under the silver hair. The hole he had dug was already quite large, but the shovel missed the ground and was hollowed out, and he staggered and almost fell in.

Thanks to his quick reaction, the hollowed-out shovel poked the ground next to him to stabilize his figure.

"For the sake of the plague"

He first cursed subconsciously, then turned his head away.

"After I came here, the villagers here happened to have a headache for the water ghosts in the lake. They came to ask for help with smiling faces, and offered a bounty, so I agreed."

"But that's not a water ghost at all! It's a swamp witch with four or five more ferocious drowned ghosts!"

Lan En didn't react when he heard this, because it was so common.

"Then what? You can't ask farmers to be as clear about the different types of monsters as demon hunters. To them, monsters that live in water and harm humans are 'water ghosts'."

Geralt adjusted the grip of the shovel in his hand, and continued to work hard, complaining in his characteristic calm voice.

To make complaints from someone whose voice is so calm that there is almost no fluctuation is already very comical.Even if what he said wasn't really funny.

"What else can I do? I slaughtered the swamp witch and the drowned, and then I came here to ask for money. As a result... You should know what those farmers will say when they want to renege on their debts, right?"

"Let's think about it," Lan En said very naturally, "Master, please be merciful, my child is already hungry with acorn powder, and the family really has no money, so let's go. "

Geralt nodded.

"That's right, but what you said was too general. The village elder said it in more detail: the king wants to push the border of Brokleon a little further in order to get more timber and minerals. For this reason, a nearby A war tax, and conscription. If the village doesn’t want to contribute labor, it has to be exchanged for money. In the past few months alone, the tax has been collected several times. Now they can barely even eat, obviously leaning on the lake, the dining table There was not even a piece of smoked fish on the table”

"Tsk tsk." Holding the Valyrian steel formula in his hand, the young witcher, who expected that he would never have to worry about money for the rest of his life, smacked his lips easily.

"It seems that your professional expression is not very useful."

White Wolf sighed, "In the end, I only received ten Oren, which was originally negotiated to be twenty. Ten should be ten, but they even adulterated me with this little money! Put it in the money bag." Silver coins and pebbles!"

"That's why I dug out my reward here."

Lan En looked around and understood the situation.

There are only families in their early twenties in this village. In the northern countries, such villages abound.People will pool their money to buy and repair farm tools, buy seeds and livestock, and pool money to do things.

Using numbers and collective power to fight natural and man-made disasters is the spontaneous way of survival of the villagers.

In such villages, collective property is generally stored in a hidden place.

For a demon hunter, the concealment of ordinary people is not concealment.

"Although it's a bit impolite, let me make sure. You should only take what you deserve, right?"

Lan walked over to the hole Geralt had dug, where there was still a pickaxe for loosening the soil.

The old witcher from the wolf faction rolled his eyes at Xiongzi: "Who do you think I am? I'm a witcher who takes money to do things, not a shameless robber."

So Lan shrugged, picked up the pickaxe and dug with him.

After digging down another two feet or so, the two of them finally dug out a small box in the shape of a jewelry box.

Lan stood on the side holding the handle of the pickaxe, while Geralt blew a whistle to comfort himself that his hard work would finally pay off.

But when he rubbed his hands and opened the box, his expressionless face froze.

Seeing this, Lan En leaned over curiously, and after taking a glance, the expression of watching the excitement disappeared from his face.

"That's all, you don't even have an Oren coin? Are you sure you found the right one?"

Geralt shook his head. "I'm not mistaken. It's the last of their possessions. I even sneaked into that elder's house and searched."

Lan En was silent for a moment, then sighed.

"That said, those villagers really didn't lie to you."

Geralt pursed his lips, "I saw dogs and chickens in their village, so I thought they were rich and unwilling to pay, but now it seems that after a while, they will have to eat all the livestock and poultry. "

With a "click", Geralt took a deep breath, closed the small box again distractedly, and threw it into the hole he just dug.

"So be it."

"You haven't taken the money yet, don't you want it?"

"Forget it." Geralt paused, then picked up the shovel again and started filling it with soil. "It's not even enough to repair a sword."

And just as he swung his shovel and the sand was flying, a golden luster flashed and fell into the pit.

The cream-haired witcher looked back at Lan En who was pulling his hand from the purse in surprise, and then continued to work.

"I've never seen a witcher throwing money into a pit. An Oren coin that hasn't been clipped is really generous."

"Hey, you saw it today."

The pick won't fill in the soil, so Lan leans back with his arms folded, watching Geralt work.

"Spending money is to live. If the money meets the physiological needs, then the extra money spent is for happiness. This oren can save me a lot of troubles these days, and it is worth it."

Facing the serious and righteous brainwashing of consumerism by the bear cub behind him, the corners of Geralt's stiff mouth, which was buried in his work, unconsciously curved slightly.

"Whatever you want, 'Plutocrat'. It's your money anyway."

When he left, Geralt no longer deliberately maintained the tacit 'safe distance' with Lan En.
"To be honest, if it weren't for your performance just now, I would really suspect that you are a psychopathic murderer now. I can get this far by checking any clues. Tsk, did you use a hundred-page hammer? Terrible."

Geralt lifted a corner of the canvas on Pope's horse's back, and the pooled black blood immediately "tick-tocked" from inside and fell to the ground.

He turned his head to look at the demon hunter of the bear school standing aside with a pretended suspicious expression.

"You didn't mean to let me relax my vigilance just now, did you?"

"Haha." Lan En cooperatively uttered two voices that had no emotion at all, with a smile on the surface. "You wolves are good at telling jokes. And then."

"Can we get down to business first?"

Lane had already fully informed Geralt of what had happened on the edge of Brokleon Forest, as well as the results of the investigation, and was waiting for the experienced expert to come to a conclusion.

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(End of this chapter)

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