Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 304 Whereabouts of Master 303

Chapter 304 303. Whereabouts of the Master

The final payment of Geralt's bounty is paid by Baron Hamm's territory. After Elisa marries King Evel, the king's gift money will pay this part of the expenditure together.

After getting the reward he deserved, Geralt was ready to continue his career as a demon hunter, wandering across the continent to accept commissions and hunt monsters.

He rode a turnip in the cold wind all the way out of Hamm.

And Lan En has never meant to separate from him.

"What do you want to do?" Geralt raised his head and looked at the bear cub beside him with his eyes tilted. "Two witchers taking jobs together only happens when you are taking apprentices, because it doesn't make any money at all. Although the two of us get along pretty well, don't expect me to travel with you at a loss."

Lane was already half a head taller than Geralt, and Poppy was slightly taller than Carrot.

Putting it all together, he was also riding a horse now, and Lane's shoulders were level with Geralt's forehead.

"Whether you make money or not is a trivial matter." Lan En smiled modestly.

"The main reason is that I have something to ask for your help."

Geralt glanced at each other: "Let's help each other, tell me."

"Do you know an old wolf witcher named 'Vesemir'?"

The sound of the horseshoes of the two people was 'crack clatter', and after leaving Hamm with a lake, the air changed from wet and cold to dry and cold.Both of them would spit out a cloud of white gas from their mouths while talking.

"Why, do you have a holiday?"

Although Geralt had already understood the young man's character, but based on the rumors, deeds and contact for so long, he still felt that Lan En's temper was a bit violent.

So when Lan En mentioned Vesemir, his first reaction was still—"This kid is not going to fight."

"Vesemir is kind, if you have any misunderstanding with him, I can be your go-between."

"No!" Lan En quickly waved his hands and explained, "Where did I get so many holidays? How long have I been on the mainland? You know me, I'm just a young man."

Then, Lane told Geralt about his experience of learning witcher alchemy with Berengar and showing supernatural talent.

"Berengar suggested that I go to Kaer Morhen, the castle of the Wolf School, to learn the most comprehensive knowledge of alchemy inherited from a demon hunter, and of course, my incomplete knowledge of monsters and curses."

Lane tugged at the reins, allowing Poppy to avoid a puddle of mud on the road.

"He said that the one who can make the decision in Kaer Morhen is Vesemir. After convincing him, there will be no problem whether it is studying or making up lessons."

Geralt twitched his hips in the saddle to ease the awkward position.

"Berengar? I don't know the name. It seems that he has really left the school and the profession for a long time. But he is right. What Vesemir promised was the decision of the wolf school. But you know that he is now Where is it? Usually in winter, he will return to Kaer Morhen Wodong. Wait until spring to go south to find work. Right now"

Geralt's implication is that the Grand Master of the Wolf School's witcher is probably hiding in the castle right now.

If you want to go to the castle, you must first get the consent of the grand master.But if the order is reversed, it is not to seek knowledge, but to have a bad guest.

This nature is not the same.

"Don't worry, Geralt."

Lan En waved his hand on the horse's back.

"I have definite information. The grand master of your school is not far from us right now. He is accepting the employment of King Wenslav in Brug next door. The demon hunters who have received big orders don't have time to go to Wodong."

Geralt nodded after hearing this, but he didn't find this situation unusual, on the contrary, it was actually quite common.

The winter solstice is approaching, and it will be one of the most active days of Chaos magic in the whole year.Curses, magic, and monsters will become more and more active as that day approaches.

It's normal for a witcher to be temporarily entangled in these things and unable to get away.

What makes him feel weird is another thing
"You have 'definite information'? You a young witcher?"

The young man smiled without saying a word, which made the old witcher startled, and felt that this boy was unpredictable.
If you want to find a witcher hired by the king, you must first go to the central city of Brugge, that is, Brugge City.

A relatively fragmented country among the northern countries, the central city is certainly not as good as Vizima.

It feels to Lane like a big, long-running country fair.

The dirt road will turn into a mud pit when it encounters rain, and the smell of horse manure, firewood and various livestock excrement makes the smell of "life smoke and fire".

That is, the palace in the distance looks magnificent and beautiful.

Before entering the city gate, the two demon hunters were stopped by a young man in a tight leather suit for easy movement and a felt hat on his head.

"Hello, gentlemen."

The young man looked a little tired, but he started the business greeting deftly.

Lane and Geralt looked at each other and responded to him calmly.

"Hello, too, sir."

It can be seen that although he is young, he should have been in the business for a long time.

"Are you Lane of Cintra? Here is your letter."

Lane leaned over from his horse and took the letter from the young man, with Arethusa's mark on the wax.

This is a college messenger.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Sorry to trouble you."

While putting the letter back into the alchemy pouch on his back, Lan En threw a silver coin at him.

The young man happily caught it, took off the felt hat on his head and held it in front of his chest, "Thank you, Mr. Generous."

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Magical communication at this stage is an expensive and unstable method after all, so the profession of messenger cannot be replaced even in Arethusa Academy, which trains spellcasters.

"I suggest you read the letter from the academy first. If Vesemir is already out of the city, I don't want to be sacked for nothing on the city entry tax."

Geralt reined in and spoke.

A total of two letters were sent, one obviously came from a college with a good environment, and the other had black soot on the envelope.

Lan En nodded indifferently, and opened the letter from the college.

The sound of "swipe, swipe, swipe" was heard, and Lan En quickly skipped the first few love poems written by Margarita.

In the age of letters, people always don't mind attaching strong emotions to words, but in the eyes of Lan En, a person in the information age, although they can feel strong emotions, they are more embarrassing.

He was a little uncomfortable.

It has been briefly flipped to the end, indicating the latest information about the witcher master——

He was heading towards Brokleon, and judging from the direction of travel, he wanted to plunge in.

"You reminded me just in time, Geralt."

Lane repacked the roughly flipped letters.

"We can pay one less city tax. It's time to go, to Brokleon."

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(End of this chapter)

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