Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 317 Chapter 316 Child of Destiny Ancient Bloodline

Chapter 317. 316. Destiny's Child Ancient Bloodline

In the end, Lane was persuaded by Geralt to take Ciri out of the ritual of transforming dryads.

Because Geralt told him that he still underestimated the intensity of the racial conflict between dryads and humans in this day and age.

The lioness of Cintra, the strong woman named Calanthe was a queen known for war.

After losing Ciri, Cintra will definitely go to war with Brokleon.

When that happens, Ciri will shoot arrows at her former subjects.And her former subjects would mercilessly crush Ciri's skull with their horses.

If Ciri really becomes a dryad, that day is not far away.

At night, the three witchers came to the tree room where Esna held the ceremony on time.

It was a modest but cozy room, lit by a particularly bright firefly in a cage.

In the middle of the room, Esna was sitting on the rug with Ciri, and the silver-eyed queen was smoothing her frizzy mouse-gray hair with a comb.

"Come in, witchers."

Three generations of demon hunters, old, middle, and young, walked in, looked around, and then sat cross-legged on the floor.

"When are you going to leave?" Esna asked bluntly, without human beings beating around the bush. "When are you going to go back? How about tomorrow morning?"

"As for Lann, you can leave whenever you want. Excuse me, I respect your contribution to nature and the world, but Duan Kanal has not received outsiders for a long time, and you and us have stayed for a long time will feel uncomfortable.”

"You can't give dryads children, so the reasons that ordinary human men linger here don't apply to you. Because dryads will admire your appearance, but they will not arouse desire for your body."

Vesemir and Geralt did not speak. This was the second time Esna emphasized Lane's so-called 'huge contribution'.

They don't know exactly what this too young witcher has done, and now they are at a loss.

But the three of them have discussed it outside, and Lan En will use his 'contribution' at the last moment to leave Ciri depending on the situation.

So the three demon hunters nodded, expressing that they would leave the dryad's city tomorrow.

"Eisina, please think again. Give this girl back to me, and let her return to the outside world, the world she should go to."

Knowing that Lane's 'contribution', or face, is so important, Geralt can finally make a request to the Dryad Queen without psychological pressure.

Vesemir didn't stop him either.

The Dryad Queen's response was as crisp as ever.

"No, White Wolf. It is fate that she came to Brokleon, and you should be clear about fate."


"Yes, you."

At last the silvery eyes moved away from the comb for a moment.

"Brockleon's information is not closed. I know very well that you activated an unwritten law that has been passed down for a long time at the palace banquet in Sintra ten years ago."

Geralt's body began to sway restlessly, and Lane's eyes began to narrow seriously.

Asina continued.

"The Law of Accidents."

"You solved a curse at that banquet, then paid for your work with the law of accidents, and in the were destined to have a child."

"You are trying to use fate to fight against the physical defects of the demon hunter, to have a predestined child, let him help you avoid the oblivion after death, and fight against the nothingness of life. Why do you and I do the same thing, but you always Look like you can't understand?"

During the gap between Esna's words, Lan stretched his head to Geralt's ear, and whispered with a calm face but gritted his teeth: "You never said that! Ciri is your accidental child!"

White Wolf's expression was the same as that of Lan En: "That's just superstition! How can there be such a thing as fate in this world?!"

If Lan En hadn't had too much contact with beings like Lady of the Lake and Gaunt O'Dim, he would most likely not take a mere customary law seriously.

But what he is hanging on his waist now is a concept of God's divine weapon. The law of accident has been circulating in this world even back to the time when human beings appeared.

Lan En is a materialist who does not believe in God, but the first essence of a materialist is not to ignore the facts in front of him!
Fate works!
If he hadn't been in a different world at the time, he would never have said that to Ed Stark as a joke.

Lane and Geralt's whispers couldn't be concealed from Esna, and she didn't care about the whispers, just talking to herself.

"No, I will not give you the child back, Geralt. She is so healthy and strong, and there are not many girls like her these days."

Vesemir didn't get involved in the bickering between the two 'children' in his eyes, but asked Esna back with a frown.

"What does 'Not much more' mean?"

The silver eyes returned to the comb.

"Humans dumped sick girls into the forest, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and recently even smallpox. They thought the dryads in the forest were not immune, and they thought they could wipe us out with a massive epidemic, or at least drastically reduce the number. But they were wrong, wrong. We have something stronger than immunity, and Brokleon will take care of his daughters."

When Lan En heard that infectious diseases were used to carry out genocide, he couldn't help covering his forehead again.

What humans in this world have done in racial conflicts have made his sense of déjà vu stronger and stronger.

"Okay, okay, native humans are really fucking bastards."

Lan En rubbed his forehead and sighed, and all the eyes in the room were focused on him.

"To be honest, Ms. Eisner, I thought letting Ciri stay in Brokleon would be a choice that suits her temperament, but now it seems that this is a bit too dangerous."

"You want to take her from me."

Esna looked unsurprised.

Lan En also made no secret of his intentions.

"I think she is quite pleasing to the eye. She is not a lonely family with no worries. She has connections in blood and destiny."

"If you speak, then of course I will let you go. The vast majority of life in this world should give you a reward, whether others know it or not, but as long as you speak to me, I will give it. But don't you want to listen? ? This is the personal expression of the son of the ancient blood."

Lan En frowned inadvertently, what is the 'Son of the Ancient Bloodline'?It sounds great.

But now that the showdown has come to this point, he still put aside his doubts and bowed his head to the silver-eyed queen with a face as calm as ice.

"Thank you very much. It would be the best to let Ciri speak for herself."

"Then repeat, Ciri. Repeat what you said to the White Wolf, to Geralt of Rivia, son of the ancient blood."

"My dearest lady." Ciri said intermittently, "Please don't force me to stay. I want to...leave and go with Geralt. I must...follow him."

"Why, Ciri?"

"Because this is my destiny."

Lan En breathed a sigh of relief. His request to Esna was also on Ciri's own mind, which made the young man feel that he had done nothing wrong.

Geralt, who was beside Lan En, paled after the word 'fate' appeared, as if he was not ready to be told that his wife was pregnant.

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(End of this chapter)

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