Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 321 320 'Not Good'

Chapter 321 320.'Not Good'

The originally chatty discussion on horseback once slipped into a serious and terrifying atmosphere.

But fortunately, Lan didn't want to talk too much about Dagon. After chatting for a while, he finally said it to Geralt, who had only one mouth left.

"I sincerely hope you never meet that monster in your life, Geralt. Sincerely."

After these words, only Geralt muttered nonsensical words like "it doesn't make sense" and "it's impossible to count", and the atmosphere between the four of them was filled with liveliness and joy.

Monsters that can destroy all creatures, and gods who have disappeared without a trace, these things are too far away for ordinary people, and ordinary demon hunters.

Lan En felt that they could only listen to the rumors for the rest of their lives, and would not really face those troublesome things directly.

It's kind of lucky.

The four of them came to a fork in the road again, which was full of horseshoe marks and ruts.According to the plan, they should take the east route to Brugge City.

But Ciri looked worriedly at the road leading to the west.

"That road goes straight to Nastrog." Geralt teased Ciri behind her. "You want to marry Prince Christian?"

Ciri muttered angrily, the two horses had already set foot on the road to the east, but the little girl still looked west from time to time.

"What's the matter, Ciri?"

The Vesemir was careful, and he could see something was wrong with Ciri's expression.

"I don't know," she whispered, "but it's a bad road."

Lan En stretched out his hand, spanned the gap between the two horses, and patted Ciri on the head.

"If it's not good, you have to go, otherwise there will be a wilderness without even a roadbed. People can walk, but horses can't."

"Exactly, I also want to see the 'bad' in your premonition, to what extent is the 'bad'."

Lan En was very curious about the prophecy that seemed to come with Ciri's bloodline. He wanted to see what the prophecy standard of this 'prophecy' was.

Is it "not good" to judge only by the factor of Ciri herself as a little girl, or is it still "not good" after integrating the fighting power of the three demon hunters.

Both Geralt and Vesemir understood Lane, only Ciri's own green eyes were still confused.

Both demon hunters tightened the straps of their armor and the hilts of the two swords on their backs.

By the time Carrot and Poppy had made their way through a large bushy bend, the three witchers realized that Ciri had been right.

A group of soldiers were standing there, seeing them coming, a few horsemen came directly to block their retreat.

Under the road in the distance, there were a few soldiers standing with bows and crossbows. Although they hadn't seen them stringing the bows now, the speed of shooting arrows must not be too slow.

They wore conical helmets, dark gray quilted armor, and chain mail over which they had smocks embroidered with arms.

That is the black and yellow checkered coat of arms representing the royal family of Verdon.

The three demon hunters looked at each other and dismounted without waiting for the soldiers to reprimand, leaving only Ciri on the horse.

Demon hunters are not good at horse fighting, but this behavior is a sign of obedience in the eyes of these soldiers.

A short and fat man with a bowed back was shouting at them from a distance, but now he seemed to confirm that there was no danger, so he came to them.

"Who are you?"

"We were going home, to Brugge, what happened?"

Geralt stepped forward to negotiate, while Vesemir was comforting Ciri on horseback.

Lan En, on the other hand, rested his left hand casually on the hilt of the Lake Lady's sword on his left waist, and his cat's eyes moved sideways under a polite smile.

In an instant, Mentos had sorted out the quantity roughly.

"Twenty-three people have appeared so far, sir. But we cannot rule out the possibility that there are still people in the forest by the roadside."

Lan En's smile didn't change, but the fingers of his left hand tapped Arondette's handle lightly.

"Bring the man here, Jaghans!"

A voice shouted from the road ahead, and the surrounding soldiers parted to make way.

A smiling Lane, and Geralt, who was expressionless and entered the task state, walked in front.

Behind him, Vesemir led the two horses alone.

"Don't look, Ciri." The old witcher softly told the little girl, "Put your head down and don't look at the road."

On the road ahead, a large leafy tree fell across the middle of the road.

Before this 'barricade' there was a carriage covered with canvas, and several pack horses were lying on the ground.The broken wooden frame and reins were entangled with their bodies into a mess.

The pack horses were full of sharp arrows, and one of them didn't die immediately. It was showing its yellow front teeth, panting heavily and bleeding.

Several human corpses were involved in the wheels, and some were thrown several meters away.

"If you want me to say, the debt is paid in blood!"

A squint-eyed soldier surrounding the crime scene growled.He wore a copper-trimmed doublet and was a heavyset man.

"Blood in blood! It's unbearable. First we Baron of Bodrog, then the princess of Cintra, and now a merchant. For the sake of the gods, revenge, we must! Or else, They should run to our door tomorrow and kill people!"

"You say 'revenge'. Is this what a tree does?"

Geralt asked hesitantly, and the question was answered by a soldier wearing a leather marksman's wristband.

"Otherwise? Clearly! It's those green whores!"

"Blake's well said," continued the squint-eyed soldier, "don't you? And you, brother, I have to ask you: where are you from?"

"The Bruggers," Geralt continued to lie, his work expression stiffened just right for the situation.

Lan En feels that this is indeed a useful technology.

"The Bruggers..." the squint-eyed soldier frowned, "I must say, brother, it is your king Vincelav who indulged these monsters. King Sass is in an alliance. If we attack from three sides, we will definitely kill those..."

"Are you sure it was the tree spirit?" Lane interjected after Geralt.

The squinting-eyed soldier was not annoyed: "The feathers of this arrow are the tail feathers of pheasants in the forest. The glue that sticks the arrow feathers is tree gum. The whole arrow feather has been soaked in tree sap to harden it from water. This is not the arrow of a dryad, but it can be an arrow. What?"

"I also saw those arrows." Lan En interrupted him again, "But these people on the ground, many of them died after being stabbed with knives, right?"

"Good observation." said the squinting soldier. "This is better. You have to report to King Vincelav, man. That king doesn't want us to hurt the 'good and friendly' dryad. Wait until May Day, they said Maybe there'll be a tryst. They're probably friendly in that respect. If we capture one alive, we can test it."

"You have to persuade your king to let your wife hold his leg and cry in front of the king, and quickly form an alliance with King Aiweier to fight against the dryads, otherwise how will the business on this road be?"

"Well, this is indeed a proposal that the king will care about. The kings can't tolerate the loss of their prestige in the hearts of the city residents."

Lan En nodded seriously, deeply agreeing.But then, he stroked the silver hair scattered in front of his eyes behind his ears, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he continued.

"But, my friend. These people don't seem to have been killed by the dryads."

"Murderers cut down a tree for a barricade, but dryads...they don't know how to cut down trees."

The fingers that were casually tapping the hilt of the sword stopped.

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(End of this chapter)

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