Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 346 345 Burning

Chapter 346 345. Burning
The night is passing, and the bright daylight is overflowing from the horizon.

Last night's huge and abnormal moon was also gradually covered and faded under the sunlight.

The traces of the night of the hunt are being removed.

The bodies chopped down by the hunters were collected and burned.

People wearing all kinds of hunting attire, dragging their "records" last night, gathered people from the streets and alleys.Everyone was holding one or several corpses of lycanthropy patients with bushy black hair and deformed bodies.

The hunters deal silently and nonchalantly with the lycanthrope who might have been an ordinary resident yesterday.

They set up fires in various squares in the city, threw the dead bodies on them, poured gasoline on them, and ignited with a bang.

Lan En and Gascoigne also dragged the unremarkable corpses they cleaned up last night to a small square, and threw them on the fire along with other hunters.

Now young people can be sure that taciturnity is a group occupational disease of Yanan hunters.

Dozens of hunters gathered to work, but apart from the sound of the lycanthropist's corpse being dragged on the ground, there was no sound of human conversation.

Perhaps due to the subtle influence of the religious atmosphere in this city, even if the hunters set up a fire, it was like burning a witch in the name of religion in the Middle Ages.

They even spontaneously set up a shelf and tied the first corpse that came to the fire, and then started to throw other corpses on top.

The flames burned, and the foul smell of blood from the lycanthropy was washed away by the smoke.

None of the hunters spoke, they just watched the flames dancing on the fire indifferently.

The eerie and uncontrollably solemn silence, the religious pyre-like fire, and the corpses deformed and melted in the fire
The combined scene is the same as Lan En's first impression of this city——

A sense of filthy holiness.

Seeing that the pile of corpses was burning more and more prosperous, hunters began to turn and leave one after another.

Gascoigne also took Lan En to a remote path.

"Is the fire just like that?"

Lan En asked strangely on the road.

Although the city already looks Victorian, with most buildings made of stone brick or concrete, there is still a lot of wood.

Fires are a big problem, especially in Yanam.

But Gascoigne didn't seem to care.

"The church people will take care of the mess, they will clean up the fire, and they will wash away the blood on the street. It is still dark now, but if you wait a little longer, when people go out, they will see a unchanged Yanan. "

As he spoke, the priest laughed at himself.

"Of course, this was the ideal situation a long time ago."

"Oh?" Lan En showed the curiosity of a stranger, "What were the previous hunting situations like?"

"In the past, the spread of lycanthropy was not widespread. Hunters carried out sporadic hunting in the dark shadows, avoiding crowds, and avoiding panic. But as the occurrence of lycanthropy became more and more frequent, the church set up a hunting At night, let the hunters openly hunt."

Gascoigne calmly talked about Yanan's past, and Lan En listened quietly behind him.

The two were walking through a residential area, and some residents were already tentatively opening their doors, looking happy after seeing the sunshine in the sky.

The residents who went out first seemed to easily ignore the broken stone pillars and fences on the street, and started their daily lives.He also had lycanthropy-like matted hair on his face, but it wasn't nearly as thick.It appears to be a resident who was once threatened by lycanthropy, but was finally brought under control.

Lan En watched all this with a slight frown, his eyes deep.

Was the monster last night really a disease of animal transformation?

The lycanthropy patients who have been on all fours seem to have been hollowed out by the messy hair on their bodies.

Not only is his body skinny and skinny, but he also relies on his skeleton to support his body shape.And on the abdomen, even the ribs are covered with black hair, exposed from the abdominal cavity.

There are no internal organs or intestines in the completely exposed abdominal cavity, only a lumbar vertebra with skin and hair.

They don't have digestive organs, so it's pointless to eat like crazy.

But they are going to crazily bite the flesh and splash blood.
This kind of change that does not follow biology at all is actually more similar to an illogical 'curse' than the term 'disease' in Lan En's eyes.

But problems arise.

Yanan is a huge city with a population of at least 10,000+. According to Gascoigne, lycanthropy has existed in this city for at least several decades, and it is getting worse.

What curse could be of this magnitude? !

In the wizarding world, a curse that can plague a family for generations is enough to enter Arethusa's textbook!

A curse that can affect nearly a hundred people to the point of 'scaring' them is enough to make the city's city hall look for wizards and witchers!

If this is really a curse, Lan En can't imagine what kind of power is keeping the curse running.

"Originally, the first stop for foreigners seeking blood therapy when they come to Yanan should be to go to the Healing Church. The clergy there will make a covenant with the foreigners and then arrange the blood therapy schedule, but the time you came here is not convenient."

Gascoigne did not notice Lan En's thoughts. He led the way through the narrow and rugged streets and said to Lan En.

"After the night of hunting, the manpower of the church will be used to deal with the mess. It is estimated that even the manpower to arrange your accommodation is gone. If you don't mind, you can go to my house to rest today. After all, we took care of each other last night. ”

"Is this convenient?"

"Hehe, don't worry. I used to be a priest anyway. Although I can't help others in the name of the church now, it's okay to help you. Viola also likes people to visit her home."

Gascoigne reverted to his mild-mannered ex-priest after leaving his hunting job.

Lan En moved his shoulders a little, feeling the fatigue of his body, and finally nodded.

"Then trouble you, Gascoigne. It's enough to keep me in the house for a few hours. I'm very efficient at rest."

"My God." Gascoigne shook his head with a smile as he pressed his wide-brimmed hat.

"If the arrangement you said is true, Viola will drive me out of the house."

"You just accept the hospitality honestly. To be honest, what Henrik said when he left made me a little nervous. I will take the time to buy incense today. I have a good hunter at home, so I can feel at ease. How about treating it as if I owe you a favor?"

Lan En put his hand on the scabbard and tilted his head, feeling that it was no big deal.

"There's no need to say that people are inhumane. It's just to help you see the door. We've made a deal."

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(End of this chapter)

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