Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 375 Chapter 374 Ringing

Chapter 375 Chapter 374. Ringing
When Yousefka regained control of her body and regained consciousness, she found herself lying on an iron hospital bed.

The messy bloody bandages on the hospital bed stained her clothes, but she didn't think it was a big deal tonight.

"That voice."

Yousefka lay dazedly on the hospital bed, as if he had just woken up and was still confused, looking at the ceiling and mumbling.

The voice was very similar to hers and reminded her of her twin sister.

They were once selected as Blood Saints by the Healing Church, but the quality of her blood did not seem to improve much during training, and she was eventually dismissed.

Although her sister was in the same situation, she showed good learning ability through the training of blood. In the end, she stayed in the church town not as a saint of blood, but as a scholar apprentice.

From that time on, they began to keep in touch through letters.

However, after she opened this clinic to make a living and her sister's studies became tense, the exchange of letters gradually became less and less.

Yousefka didn't see anything wrong with this.

People always have to grow.

Sisters who were very close when they were young naturally have to allocate more time to communicate with each other after they start their own careers and become busy.

Yousefka could only try to make the feelings contained in each letter she sent a little more intense.

Although her sister's replies were getting fewer and fewer, she still believed that the friendship between them was still strong enough.

After all, my sister is already a scholar of the Healing Church, but she is a stupid sister who can only open a clinic outside the church town.Academics are certainly more time-constrained than doctors in clinics.

She has known since she was a child that she is not as smart as her sister, but as long as they take care of each other, life can always go on.

But what happened today?
If I remember correctly, my sister attacked her own clinic?

"Sister, are you awake?"

A familiar voice sounded from a few steps away.

The familiarity of that voice was as if my sister had woken me up early in the morning while I was still sleeping a long time ago.

But in those warm memory fragments, there was no such strong smell of blood.

Yousefka turned his head stiffly on the hospital bed.

On the bed next to her was not the regular patient she had been comforting for so long tonight.

There are no more yellowed undershirts, fluffy top hats, or even any human features.

He turned into a strange creature with blue skin like an aquatic creature, and his head expanded and filled with water to become a large water ball.

It wasn't human, but it wasn't a terrifying lycanthrope either.

His aggression is obviously much weaker than that of a lycanthrope patient.

Yusefka could recognize it as a patient in her clinic because the creature was reluctantly wearing a familiar pair of ripped and patched overalls.

Most of the patients who come to the clinic are not wealthy, and patches on their bodies are a hallmark of their identity.

"what have you done?"

Yousefka asked in a dry voice.

"Stop. Stop!"

After looking past the blue big-headed doll, Yousefka found a very familiar figure standing next to another hospital bed.

That face was like looking at herself in the mirror. That was her twin sister.

And now, compared to Yusefka's gentleness, her sister, who is more intellectual and rational, is wearing a white church dress.

The fine white fabric and the silk white gloves on the hands make this outfit perfectly meet the dress requirements of religious people - holiness.

But in the hands of this 'holy' man, the scalpel on his fingertips was ripping open a patient's skull without mercy.Then limbs like soft-bodied creatures emerged from the white cuffs and penetrated deep into the patient's head.

But for the patient who was anesthetized by unknown techniques, his body only twitched a few times in the hospital bed as if it were a nervous reaction, but there was no other movement.

All the patients were lined up on beds. The instruments Yousefka used to heal others have now become laboratories and slaughterhouses.

Viola and the two little girls were in the back. They looked at each other in horror, but couldn't say anything.

It seemed that talking was a preferential treatment given to her by Yousefka's sister.

The younger sister looked at Yusefka who woke up in surprise, put down the patient in her hands and came over.

Yousefka watched helplessly as the patient whose brain was penetrated by the limbs of the mollusk began to turn blue during a burst of convulsions, and his head grew bigger as if filled with water.
"Ah, sister."

The white silk gloves were still stained with blood, and she gently touched Yousefka's face.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"W-what did you do?"


Yousefka asked with tears in his eyes.She was indeed scared at this time, but more importantly, she was heartbroken.

Her sister shouldn't be like this. Her sister wouldn't treat her sister like this.
But the bloody finger pressed against the doctor's lips.

"There's no need to be afraid anymore, sister. I'm here to save you."

My sister promised gently.

"I have brought far-reaching knowledge. This knowledge is enough to turn you into a clan beyond human beings and connect with the wisdom of the gods! By then, lycanthropy or other diseases will not be able to harm you or anyone else!"

"We are different, sister. We have blood that is older and nobler than anyone else in Nan. We can even conceive with the gods! As long as we give birth to a son of God. As long as we give birth to a son of God."

Yousefka had seen his sister's tenderness many times while growing up.But never once did she feel queasy and nauseous like today.

It's as if the sister's face no longer has a human bone structure but has turned into something twisted and fanatical!
"I'll perform the ceremony for you at the end, sister. Until then, I'll keep the surgical touch alive with these lucky ones."

My sister sighed.

"They're really lucky. Just because they stayed in the clinic that night, they were able to transform from humans to Familia."

While sighing, she stood next to the row of hospital beds again as if she had caught up with the progress.

Viola lay on the bed, watching helplessly as the church member operated on the patient next to her.

With her 'surgery' efficiency, maybe it will be her in 10 minutes
She wasn't afraid of her own death;
Turning his head, Ovelia and Victoria were lying on the hospital bed wearing red and white hairbands.

The two little girls seemed to be aware of their mother's worry. Although they were also afraid, they still held back and put on a strong look.

And the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Viola felt.

Can't help it?
really not.
"Bang bang!"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

It's like a replay of what happened before the door was opened.

An old man's voice came from outside the door.

"anyone there?"

Although the voice was tired, it was as decisive as the most senior hunter.

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(End of this chapter)

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