Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 431 430 Magic?

Chapter 431 430. Magic?

The footsteps were so fast that even Cohen and Ged didn't have time to pay attention in their tense spirits.

On the contrary, the monsters reacted.

The water ghosts and evil ghosts did not attack each other for the time being.

While they were acting like they were watching for food, they formed a formation to surround Cohen and Ged.

On the other side, a few people wandering around the periphery chose to face the heavy footsteps.

They observe the situation and then react for their pack.

If you can beat it, eat extra food; if you can't beat it, run away.

Simple logic consistent with simple IQ.

However, the abnormality of the footsteps exceeded the expectations of all the beings present.

The sound of stampeding, like a heavy hammer pounding the ground, suddenly stopped after a violent burst!

The monsters who were waiting were all stunned, but in the eyes of the two demon hunters, they could only see a dark figure that seemed to be in a half-crouching posture.

Then the airflow started to flow abnormally!
Just looking at it felt like the sharp silver light flashed away.

The action of the blade cutting the air was extremely smooth, and it didn't even cause more sound of breaking the air.

It just left a very conspicuous line of milky white air in mid-air.

The two nearest water ghosts were clearly not touched by the bright silver blade, but a gap suddenly opened in their chests.

The blood is sprayed out in the high-speed air flow as if it were being drawn.

This was enough to make the witchers wonder if it was magic.

And then, the blade of air became even more 'magical'.

In front of the air trace cut open by the blade, a horizontal and horizontal transparent air blade condensed out of thin air!

The high-density air even caused the faint firelight to refract like water!

At this moment, most of the monsters seemed to have just reacted.

They hissed for the bloody smell of the two dead water ghosts.

but then

That high-density air that has had a change in refractive index due to density changes is like a lawnmower that has been started.

In an instant, it swept across a whole area!
The two demon hunters instinctively felt a sharp texture that was about to cut their skin.

Cohen didn't even care about the sword in his right hand, and directly let go and picked up a [Quen's Seal].

A golden magic barrier appeared.

But the air blade that seemed to be cutting limbs was weakened in the air before it hit the barrier and collapsed into a chaotic airflow.

The scene became eerily silent for a moment.

The monsters were like ducks with their necks strangled, while the two demon hunters withdrew the [Quen's Seal] in a daze.


The broken limbs fell into the mud and made a sound of hitting the water.

The sound was weak at first, but then it became louder.

"The effective range of [Dragon Flash] has been increased to five meters."

Lan En loosened and tightened the Sword of the Lake Lady in his hand, relaxing his wrist muscles in the process.

While assessing his progress in a low voice, he walked towards Gerd and Cohen.

"Wonderful technology! Ah, I'm tired of saying this, but it seems I have to keep saying it when I'm around you."

Regis emerged from the darkness on the other side of the torch, three bodies lying at his feet.

A swamp witch, a drowned ghost, and a monster that looks like an enlarged evil ghost.

That is a powerful type among evil ghosts, evil ghost warriors.

These three monsters were either not within the range of Lan En's [Dragon Flash] just now, or they had already weakened to the point where they could not be hurt by the time the air blade reached their location.

Regis was there to check for leaks and make up for them.

In the hands of this high-level vampire, three monsters that together could kill a squad of soldiers were all torn into two pieces from their waists.

Use the tearing method to tear the monster's flexible body from the waist, the strongest part. Regis's strength must be at least ten tons.

Two guys in human form rushed out and instantly dealt with a large number of monsters in a way that was completely incomprehensible.

Although Gede couldn't understand it, it didn't stop him from putting down his guard and nervousness and holding his waist to take a breath.

"Ah~ Melitelli." The demon hunter of the Bear School wanted to lie down in the mud and rest for a while, but the torch in his hand prevented him from completely relaxing.

The demon hunters of the Griffin School are indeed much more 'chivalrous' in comparison.

Even at this time, Cohen still nodded politely to Lan En and Regis who came over.

"Thank you for your rescue, gentlemen. Was that some kind of magic that controlled the air? I have never seen anyone able to make the air sharp like that!"

The Griffin School is the 'spell researcher' among the demon hunters, and most of them are curious about magic.

"No, not magic."

As Lan En answered, he subconsciously danced a gorgeous sword flower with Arondette, and then neatly sheathed the sword.

"It's just swordsmanship, a special kind."

"Ah, it's whatever you say. Swordsmanship? Ha!"

Cohen capped the bottle containing the potion [Cat's Eye] again and put it back in the bag.

Then he sat down in the mud and let out a long breath.

"Judging from the amount of bleeding, you have a blood vessel opened in your waist."

Regis pulled out a towel from his shoulder bag, wiped the monster blood on his hands, and then squatted down to examine Cohen and Ged.

He is a barber doctor after all.

"Oh, your blood tastes good. It seems like the dirty environment and monster blood haven't infected you."

The two demon hunters have never seen a doctor describe it this way.

Lan En also saw Regis practicing medicine for the first time.

"Can you tell the patient's physical condition from the smell of blood? Just by smelling it?"

Lan En took the torch from Gede's hand and helped him sit down too.

The cotton armor was now full of mud and water, but Gede didn't seem to care.

"Of course, this is my secret recipe, you know. I can even smell people's mental problems, but that kind of problem is too difficult. I know the disease is in the brain, but I have no way to treat it."

Regis first gave Cohen a hemostatic bandage, then showed Ged the wound on his back, and then gave Lan En a "you understand" look.

The two demon hunters were still in a state of confusion.

Because in their eyes, Lan En, who slashed out the air blade with one knife, should be a wizard who is proficient in combat.

And Regis probably wouldn't give in too much.

In the impression of regular demon hunters, no wizard can give these mutants a good look.

Not to mention squatting down to bandage them.

"Why don't you drink [Cat's Eye] first?"

Only then did the two men, who had regained their composure, see the pendant around Lan En's neck and his eyes after drinking the potion.

"Going into the tomb with a torch in one hand, do you think two hands can do too much in battle?"

"Uh, I, you are really a witcher! Or a bear school?!"

Gede stuttered for a moment, then continued.

"Oh my god, that's some swordsmanship! Wow! I've never seen anything like this, man!"

Not only does Gerd not look as cold as the Bear School, he even looks a little enthusiastic like a dwarf.

It wasn't until he met Lan En's strange look that he returned to the question.

"Well, I'm saving money right now to upgrade my outfit to something like yours. I haven't prepared [Cat Eyes] at all."

Saving equipment is indeed a reason to save money.

Lane nodded.

His calm look made it seem as if he was a senior member of the Bear School and Ged was a rookie.

Gede's slightly reserved tone also shows that he probably thinks so himself.

"What about you, Griffin? You brought [Cat's Eye], why didn't you drink it right away? If your visual function was normal, you two could kill all of these guys, instead of the miserable situation you see now."

Cohen from the Griffin School first cried out in pain under Regis's technique, and then responded with a gasp.

"Intelligence, huff, the intelligence is wrong. Not only is the palace supervisor thinking that this place is a demon spirit, but we are not so stupid to believe the employer's description. Anyway, I have conducted an on-site inspection for both of us, and I have also confirmed that it is a demon spirit. . I didn’t see any traces of other monsters at the scene of the crime! I just thought I only had to deal with demon spirits, so I didn’t drink [Cat’s Eye]. After all, those demon spirits can glow on their own.”

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(End of this chapter)

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