Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 451 450 Dwarf Patrol

Chapter 451 450. Dwarf Patrol
After resting for a night in Hainkawehe Castle, the three set off again.

They followed the movement path marked on the map.

The mountains in the mountains are endless, making them feel like they are climbing one wave after another in the ocean.

The path calculated by Mentos would give them the greatest probability of discovering the dwarf settlement hiding in the Amer Mountains.

Computation is efficient and useful.

The day after they set off again, they found traces of their journey's goal in the white snow.

Although the high altitude of the Amer Mountains keeps the snow covered all year round, the exposed rocks and soil do not turn the surface completely white after all.

So here, there is no need for Lan En and Gede to prepare for snow blindness.

At this time, two demon hunters and a high-level vampire were squatting on a high position on a hillside, looking down.

"Phew~ Found it."

Lan En whistled lightly.

Below their field of vision, a group of short and strong figures were walking through the mountain path in an orderly manner.

They were all wearing white cloaks, which were very different from the color of the snow.

But as they move around, some different tones will be revealed under the cloak.

It was a forged metal gray, a crossbow wood handle that had been coated with moisture-proof paint, and the cooked leather was reflective.
"The whole body armor is made of strong plate armor, tsk tsk tsk, tsk tsk, tsk tsk, gleaming. They are not demon hunters. They probably have good cotton armor inside to preserve the temperature. Look at the texture of the crossbow, it is solid and powerful! He's small, but he's not cheap compared to a human knight!"

Lan En's [Spirit Vision] allows him to see many details.

On the other side, Regis closed his eyes and sniffed, speaking slowly.

"Oh, what else could the smell of strong liquor, the smell of iron filings, and the smell of body odor be but that of a dwarf?"

The sense of smell of a high-level vampire is already considered a supernatural ability, even more exaggerated than that of a demon hunter.

Gede watched speechlessly as the two people each received information, but he didn't know anything.

At this distance, the hearing of ordinary demon hunters is not very good, and the sense of smell is also difficult to use because of the low temperature, which causes the diffusion efficiency of gas molecules to be very poor.

"Okay, it's whatever you say."

He stuffed the hem of his cotton armor into his arms again, squatted on the ground and sniffed twice.

"Then what do we say next? Follow their traces?"

Regis' eyes followed him, focusing on Lan En.

The young man looked at the dwarf patrol below, frowned and thought for a moment.

The traces of a group of dwarf patrols are too easy for the witcher to follow.

He could easily follow the group of dwarves to their resting place, or follow them all the way to their settlement.

But after a moment, Lan En still shook his head.

"We came here to find the blueprints for the master-level equipment. Either we asked these dwarves for help, or we paid for business. What's the point of showing up at a settlement in the mountains without saying hello? Is this a bad visitor? "

Lan En raised his chin towards the other two people.

"I just showed up in your bedroom without knocking and said I wanted to talk to you. What would you do to me?"

"Then I guess we can indeed talk."

"I will pull out the sword first, and then put a [Quen's Seal] on myself before speaking."

The two responded quickly without any hesitation.

"So." Lan En spread his hands, then stood up straight and took a step forward.Sliding down the snow slope.

"To make friends, you have to say hello first!"

His voice still lingers on the slope, but the person has disappeared.

Regis and Ged looked at each other, then shrugged helplessly and slid down. "Peng Ke, look up!"

In a group of five dwarf patrols, a dwarf next to the leader carried a hammer as big as a man's head on his back. During his patrol, he glanced at the hillside next to him, and his calm eyes suddenly widened. He grabbed the leader's cloak!
A dwarf named Penko carries a large and heavy crossbow.

He turned his head and saw three figures gliding down the snow-white hillside.

He immediately picked up the crossbow behind his back and put it away.

"Alert! Alert!"

The dwarf leader shouted at the top of his lungs.Stars of saliva spurted from his mouth, and the saliva splashed all the way to his long, flying beard.

Five dwarves, in addition to the captain's crossbow, there are two crossbows.

None of them carried shields, and all were equipped with two-handed warhammers or double axes.

The generally high level of armor of the dwarves gives them the confidence to adopt this equipment mode.

Each one looks like a small iron pier. When it rushes into the enemy, it spins like a steel top with an edge.

The dwarves on the patrol loosened and clenched their fingers holding weapons, and their breathing gradually became thicker. This was a physiological phenomenon caused by the increase in adrenaline before entering the battle.

In serious cases, the tremor may even cause the trigger to be accidentally triggered and the arrow on the crossbow to be fired.

But fortunately, Lan En stopped before the people of the dwarf patrol could react further.


When sliding down the snow slope, Lan En was half lying on the snow and sliding down. When he wanted to stop, he only needed to exert force on his waist to stand up.

"Stop there! Don't move!"

Peng Ke held the crossbow to the side of his face and spit fiercely at Lan En. The hot breath from his mouth turned into thick mist on the snow-capped mountains.

"Otherwise I will use this arrow to poke a hole in your face!"

"Calm down, man." Lan En opened his hands to indicate that he was not threatening or hostile. "I've stopped."

Lan En's sensitivity to the subtle atmosphere among the crowd helped again.

His appropriate expression, tone, and movements did not make the dwarves who suddenly discovered the stranger any more nervous.

Regis and Ged, who slid down next, followed Lan's lead and spread their hands, standing on both sides of him.

The situation was deadlocked for a while, but this was not a bad thing. This was the time Lan En deliberately set aside.

The frightened dwarf patrols relaxed their nerves a little and calmed their breathing during this gap.

At least they won't pull the trigger by mistake now.

"I am a friend of Siloton Giancardi."

The young man threw out the paper that had been tucked between his fingers, which Siledon had written for him during the previous meeting.

"Who knows whose friend you are!" a dwarf in the team said fiercely, "Stand away. Stay still and let us see."

But Peng Ke, the leader, scanned the three people's bodies after calming down his excitement.

Then, without even touching the note thrown by Lan En, he took the lead and released his hand on the trigger.

"Quiet first, Bryn." This time, he looked at Lan En and Gerd emphatically, and then ordered hesitantly.

"Maybe they really are friends?"

What he said was a bit uncertain.

And Lan En noticed that his eyes mainly glanced at the roaring bear head necklaces around the necks of the two demon hunters.

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(End of this chapter)

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