Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 467 467 Body Proportions

Chapter 467 467. Body proportions
The rain did not last long in Goth Velen.

This city is under the care of sorceresses. In normal times, they will create ocean currents to drive away schools of fish and increase catches.And when they encounter weather they don't like, these sorceresses will also cast spells to slightly change the weather when they become uncomfortable.

Of course, it is just like dispelling a burst of rain, storms, continuous heavy rain, these high-intensity weather should be endured.

So, in the continuous heavy rain, Gos Velen once again got a small patch of sunshine thanks to the magic power of the sorceresses.

Lan En, who rested in the academy for two days, finally appeared within the city limits of Gos Velen.

This time he was not wearing the hooded cloak, his eye-catching brilliant silver hair, and his iconic face, all exposed on the street without any obstruction.

Lan En could keenly feel that many people were looking at him. Some of them were looking purely for beauty, while others were not so innocent.

Margarita and Tissaya's planning was very effective.

Lan En thought in his heart.

Those impure glances left quickly after confirming his identity.

For intelligence officers, this was a clear sign of panic.

Lan En left secretly and came back secretly. Although he caused a lot of troubles on the way, he was even entertained by the royal family of Cintra.

These spies and spies probably knew that Lan En was out, but they had no way of knowing exactly when he left and when he came back.

Inaccurate information is worse than no information, and it is no different from harming people.

The intelligence community would not accept this kind of work.

The uncertainty about Lan En's whereabouts caused many people to panic.

But this is exactly what Aretuza and Lan want to achieve.


Lan En supported his lower back, bent his body backwards, and stretched.

"Gede, yes, let's go find Gede first."

After two days, Lan En not only didn't feel rested, but also felt a little more tired.

So the young man took out a piece of ration and gnawed it while heading to Yinlu Tavern.

After greeting the bartender in the tavern, Lan found Gede easily.

The guy was arm-wrestling with a group of Skellige men at a table.

Looking at the coins on the table next to him, he has already won a lot.

After seeing the young man standing against the wall at the door of the hotel lobby, the big man who was very chatty with the Skellige people laughed.

Then he swept the coins on the table into his palm, stood up and turned to leave.

"It was a pleasure playing with you, gentlemen. Your arm strength is impressive, just like your heroic sailing tune!"

Gede said condescendingly.

But fortunately, although most Skelliges are part-time pirates, most of them are men who can afford to lose.

Although they lost, no one was unhappy with Gede.

"I'm not in a good state today, bah."

The Skellige who was sitting opposite Gede spat.

Gede said nonchalantly: "Yes, you are in a bad state. Telling me the story of the monsters on your island made you waste too much saliva. Frost giants and sea monsters as big as houses are the reasons for your failure. Don't worry. , I will go to the Skellige Islands to find work when I have time. If those monsters are really as dangerous as you say, I think your nobles will be willing to open their wallets and come to discuss with a witcher."

".If you win, whatever you say will be whatever you say."

Although the islander had a stinking face, he still stood up and shook hands with Gerd before sitting down again and picking up the wine glass.

Gede weighed his money bag in his hands and walked towards Lan En.

He reached out his fist enthusiastically and smashed Lan En's arm.Normally this action involves touching the shoulder, but he was not tall enough.

"Haha, man! I've heard about your great deeds in this city besides [Hunter Lord]! Living in a sorceress's academy!? Tsk tsk tsk. Which man in the world has never had such a dream? Hey , and in the end, you became it!”

"You said I'm like a wolf in the sheepfold."

Lan En smiled and stretched out his fist, smashed Gede's shoulder, and then continued to complain.

"Don't you think about how difficult it is to deal with sorceresses? Their personalities and their strength."

"Oh~" At this point, Gede couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that he had also been in contact with the sorceress.And the memories are not good. "I feel sorry for you now."

He squinted at Lan En, but the young man smiled calmly.

"No, I lied to you. I felt so good inside because I was stronger than her."

Sure enough, after Lan En finished speaking, the senior of the Bear School suddenly turned as pale as a bear.
The heat in the large blacksmith's workshop was even worse than when Lan En left.

Because this place has undergone another expansion, as more people are attracted by the Valyrian steel business, more blacksmiths have joined the work because of the gold coins.

More furnaces, more hammers!

This place is filled with powerful muscles, glistening sweat, and hot iron.

At the edge of the workshop, there is a rest area where the blacksmiths rest and rehydrate.

Berengar looked at Lan En and Ged behind him suspiciously.

Although Ged's face still looked foul, he still nodded politely when he looked at Berengar.

Berengar said while looking through a stack of parchment drawings in his hand.

"Another emotional bear school. Why do I feel like you are like a stamp collector? I even met a griffin when I went out."

The old demon hunter counted on his fingers at Lan En.

"So now you have friends in three schools. Do you want to be a social butterfly in the Witcher?"

"Hey! This is what Geralt of your school taught me! 'To live longer, make more friends, who knows when you will be able to use them'."

Lan En stretched out a finger and shook it dissatisfiedly.

"Doesn't this make sense?"

Berengar curled his lips and said, "Whatever you say, I've never even seen that kid's face, so how can I say it's not all because of your mouth?"

"There's more!" On the other side, the dwarf Fergus took a towel and handed it to Yuna next to him, and then looked up and down at Lan En in surprise.

"Have you grown taller again? By the way, can you humans grow so tall? Lan En, tell me the truth, you are really not a giant."

Before Fergus could finish speaking, Lan stretched out his finger and tapped at him.

"Be careful what you say, Fergus. I haven't asked you for that vampire bird card yet!"

So the dwarf who had no door on his mouth consciously covered his mouth.

Lan En's current body shape, with the continuous supplement of special rations, has some signs of surpassing ordinary people. He estimates that he will complete bone strengthening much faster than expected.

His height has suddenly increased to over two meters, but his body proportions are not unbalanced at all, but are well-proportioned and powerful.With an exquisite sense of proportion.

It’s completely different from the common obesity and fat body types!
Lan En, a person with a super-sized body standing here, even looks like the proportions of other normal people are not good enough.

It’s not the fault of Fergus’s fuss.

After blocking the dwarf's loud voice, Lan En came up with the excuse of growing up again.

Berengar was already familiar with Lan En's special characteristics, but Yuna and Fergus didn't understand the witcher, so they had nothing to question.

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(End of this chapter)

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