Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 498 Chapter 499 [Falcon Tamer] Divine Chapter Creature

Chapter 498 499. [Falcon Tamer] Mythical Creature
Barnabas, still wet and looking a bit slovenly, turned to Kassandra and Lane on the deck, stared at them, then fell to his knees like a dropped cloak.

He stared at Cassandra and Lann with awe in his eyes.

"In my travels, I've met some people who claim to have the blood of the gods in their veins. But it's easy and cheap to talk big, and I think to truly judge a person you need to observe their behavior. But you guys These two were the first people who convinced me that this was the case.”

Lan En hid aside and stood leaning against the wooden railing of the ship.

Icarus landed on Cassandra's shoulder from the sky, and she waved her hand, signaling Barnabas to stand up.

"Before we're so polite, shouldn't we introduce ourselves?"

"Ah! That's how it should be!" The old man woke up as if from a dream, and he managed to straighten his wet hair and neck.

"I am Barnabas, captain of the Adrestia."

"Thank you very much! I have been wandering at sea all my life. It would be too shameful if I really died in a cauldron on land just now."

"You're welcome, Barnabas. I'm Cassandra, a mercenary."

Cassandra smiled cheerfully, and then shook each other's forearms with Barnabas.Then he tilted his head and looked at Lan En, who was standing aside.

The witcher acknowledged the signal and waved to Barnabas.

"Hello, I am Lan En, and I am also a mercenary."

He wasn't used to being genuflected, but he didn't resist meeting new people.

Barnabas' familiarity seemed to make it easy for him to deal with Lan En's personality. The old man walked up to Lan En very enthusiastically, laughed and gave him a strong bear hug.

It's like an old friend I haven't seen in years.

This time, Lan En was a little at a loss.

"Oh ho ho! My friends, you must be more than just two mercenaries!"

He slapped Lan En hard on the back.

"The one-eyed man pushed me into the water, I prayed to the gods, and then he pulled me out, and guess what happened next? You guys showed up!"

"This is a coincidence." Lan En said.

"You prayed, and I answered you," was Cassandra's answer.

Lan En looked at Cassandra in surprise, and what he saw was Cassandra's confident and proud eyes.

She doesn’t necessarily think she is a god, but she thinks she has the ability to answer other people’s prayers.

A woman who is so confident that she is dazzling.

Lan En thought in his heart.

"Haha! It seems that the fairy tale is true, even you will have differences."

Barnabas laughed happily, feeling like he was in a wonderful drama.

"Stop teasing us, Barnabas. Tell me how you got into trouble with the one-eyed man?" Lan En patted the old man's shoulder and pointed to his soaked hair and collar. "Although he is cruel, he is not cruel. As for treating every captain who comes to Kefalonia like this?"

Having said this, Barnabas sighed deeply.

"Actually, what happened with the one-eyed man was a misunderstanding. I recently enjoyed a meal at a tavern by Sami's pier. It's better to say it's a meal than a drink. I got excited after drinking, so I decided to tell the locals A story from a past voyage, about something I saw on an island.”

"The story was very exciting, everyone listened comfortably, and I told it happily. But just one second after I mentioned the word 'one-eyed monster', my head was pressed into the cauldron filled with water. It’s in.”

"Yes, the one-eyed man is more... concerned about that." An irrepressible smile appeared on Cassandra's lips.Lan En's interest is more interested in the sailing stories from Barnabas' mouth.

"You mentioned the 'one-eyed monster'? On which island was it a beast with one eye blind?"

"Beast? No, no, no, Lan En. Although my eyesight is dim, I was a smart and capable man at that time. I know what a beast is and what a 'monster' is."

"You want to hear a story, Lan? Oh, of course. Everybody wants to hear a story, and I won't get tired of telling it a thousand times."

Barnabas's single eye flashed with a look of reminiscence, and his tone was cautious and fearful.

"My brother and I were captains of the Athenian fleet, but then we were involved in a siege. Poseidon's wrath destroyed our entire fleet, and it was that night that I saw it."

In an era when information dissemination is still underdeveloped, storytelling can attract attention.Cassandra, for example, is also attracted by the story now.

"It? What did you see?"

"Ah, when Poseidon unleashes his wrath, he stirs up more than just wind and rain."

Barnabas lowered his voice and spoke.

"I see his beast, his cruel pet!"

While speaking, his remaining eyes scanned the surrounding sea, as if he was wary of something.

"Few will believe my words, but this blind eye is forever proof. As punishment for seeing Poseidon's pet and living to tell the story."

After saying all this, Lan En and Cassandra fell silent.Apparently, neither of them expected Barnabas's story to be of this type.

They expected that the other party would at most tell a story about the Athenian military or a desert island adventure.Unexpectedly, this well-informed old captain immediately revealed that he was Poseidon's pet. Is this a mythical creature?

Fortunately, Barnabas himself doesn't seem ready to say any more.He let out a sigh of relief.

"I owe you my life. There is no doubt that all the crew members escaped death because of you. However, apart from offering my loyalty to you two, I can't think of any other way to repay your life-saving grace." .”

"You just need to lend me the ship for a while." Cassandra thought about her mission.

"A journey?" asked the old captain. "I'll take you anywhere, Falconer. Even to the edge of the world, if need be!"

Falconer, this is what Adrestia's crew calls Kassandra.

The eagle is the bird of the gods, and in the previous battle, Icarus helped Cassandra directly capture and kill a gangster. This is where the name "Falcon Tamer" comes from.

"What about you, Lan? What are your plans?"

Barnabas turned his head and looked at the witcher.

"Do you also have somewhere you want to go? We'd better coordinate. I want to repay you, but if your schedules don't match, I only have one boat."

"No, don't think about me yet, Barnabas. My schedule has not been decided yet."

Lan En smiled and waved his hand.

"Can I be alone with Cassandra for a while? I have something to talk to her about."

The old captain looked at the man and then the woman, shrugged indifferently and walked to the other side of the deck.

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(End of this chapter)

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