Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 529 Chapter 530 Absurdity

Chapter 529 530. Absurd
A groggy mind is a good target for being affected by the Sign of Yaksi.

Even so, Lan En still had to knock the unlucky divine guard unconscious three times through his helmet, and each time he used the [Yaxi Seal] to pry his mouth open.

The warrior's will is strong enough, but the demon hunter's [Yaxi Seal] is not very powerful.

So if it weren't for the chaos magic power reserve in Lan En's body, which increases as his body becomes stronger, he might not be able to afford this consumption.

Finally, Lan En kicked the religious guard who had been ravaged for a long time back into the bungalow.


After dealing with the cult guards, the demon hunter held his chin and muttered to himself.

This is the information he just got from the other party's mouth.

He didn't know who this man was and what his status and power was in the city of Athens. [Yaxsi Dharma] also doesn’t support making it clear.

Lan En then returned to Phidias's workshop with a piece of papyrus with an order written on it that he had found from the cult guard.

Early the next morning, Phidias, who had not slept soundly for nearly half a month, got up.

As he stretched his muscles, he felt more refreshed than ever before.

Lan En's [Yaxi Sigil] really helped him sleep well last night.

If he hadn't seen the olive oil residue on the door, he would have thought he just had a nightmare last night.

When Phidias came downstairs, he saw Lan sitting at the dinner table, and the little girl with the witcher had disappeared.

"She has her own thing to do and her own practice sessions."

Lan En watched Phidias go downstairs, seeming to see the doubts in his heart, and explained aloud.

"How did you sleep last night? I used a little trick on you, I hope you don't mind."

With an apology on his face, Phidias sat down opposite Lan En.

"No, it's nothing. Instead, I should thank you for letting me have a good sleep. Otherwise, I always feel that I won't last a few days and will die in the room."

"Also, I was very rude to you last night, I'm sorry."

"As an apology, no matter how many drachmas Alcibiades paid for this task, I will pay you another sum of the same price!"

Lan En nodded indifferently and accepted the other party's apology.

Then he was still holding the barley bread in one hand, and with the other hand he took out a piece of papyrus from the alchemy leather bag on his waist and threw it to Phidias across the dining table.

"have a look."

When he threw it over, Lan En still had a bad smile on his face.

"This is what those people are prepared to do to you."

The master sculptor picked up the papyrus hesitantly, then looked at it for a moment and then quickly threw it away, as if the paper had burned his hands and eyes.

"O Zeus!" Phidias moaned with trembling lips, "those demons! Beasts!"

"It would be better for me to fall among hungry wolves than to fall into their hands!"

There was only an order on the piece of paper, but no signature.So Lane gives Phidias the name of the man who wants to kill him.

"Brisson is the one who issued this order. Do you know this person?"

"Brisson?" Phidias asked in surprise. He obviously recognized this name.

"He is the son of Mystia, and his mother and father are both outstanding artists in Athens! Why would he do such a thing?"

"Who knows this? I just want to investigate and find out. I don't know the other party's motives." After learning that the other party was the son of an artist, Lan En felt that things should be much easier to handle.

After understanding who was targeting him, Phidias' anger, which had been mentally tortured to the point of collapse, finally found a target to pour out.The famous sculptor in Athens immediately used his connections.

After a while, Alcibiades rushed over first.

"Pericles was entangled, and he asked me to handle it. You know that, Phidias. The war is going badly, and Cleon's reputation is rising with it. If you want to suppress him now, you can use Febericles. After a lot of effort, it’s very different from before.”

Alcibiades seemed very familiar as soon as he entered the workshop.He sat directly opposite Lan En, with that cynical smile still on his face.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Do you think Brisson is a member of that cult?"

"Sir Zeus, when I first heard about such a secret organization, I thought it was a new play written by Aristophanes!"

"Reality can often make the most absurd scripts appear logical." Lan En raised the pottery cup in his hand towards Alcibiades.

The wine inside was sprinkled with cinnamon powder and mixed with pomegranate juice. This was Phidias's private way of drinking.

In Athens during this period, drinking pure unadulterated wine was considered barbaric.

"Why don't you just tell me who Brisson is?"

"You've asked the right person. I know him quite well. He's a very handsome young man. Of course, he's far from you, my dear." Alcibiades described Brisson easily, and it sounded like they were indeed Very familiar.

"But among the crowd of people, you can still distinguish his beauty at first sight."

"And just like all beautiful men, or rich men, or men who are both. Everyone thinks that Brisson is easy to get along with, but no one thinks that he is majestic and not easy to mess with. To be honest, Pericles and I were really surprised when you revealed this name."

"Heh, when you see what he's going to do to me, I really hope you can still call him 'easy to get along with.'"

Phidias, who was standing aside, sneered.There was hatred in that voice, after all, he was almost driven crazy by the other party.

Putting aside Phidias, who was obviously carrying personal emotions, Lane continued to negotiate with Alcibiades.

"Didn't Pericles realize that there was such a secret force in the city of Athens and that it had evil intentions?"

The amber cat eyes looked at each other suspiciously.

The other party kept playing with the gold olive collar around his neck.

"He noticed it, but it was of no use. The other party is a secret organization, which means that the tree has deep roots. Compared with the city of Athens itself, even Pericles is just a 'young man'. This is a city that is growing rapidly. A city founded in the days of Scyna.”

"Even before you came here, at most we only knew the name 'The Cult of Kosmos'. This is why we didn't think about the Cult of Kosmos when Phidias complained."

"—We know so little about them."

"That's better than me. I only knew about 'God's Religion' before."

Lan shrugged.

"So, how is Pericles going to deal with Brisson? This is a good breakthrough, isn't it?"

"Are you going to send someone to arrest him? Or are you going to offer a reward for mercenaries to do it?"

"Actually" At this point, Alcibiades smiled sheepishly. "Pericles hopes that this matter can end 'quickly and cleanly' without involving anything."

Lan En raised his eyebrows after hearing this. In other words, Pericles wanted Brisson to die neatly?

"This is illogical. Is this a valuable source of intelligence?"

"What a valuable piece of information." Alcibiades said with a rather sarcastic smile. "It's nothing compared to the stability of the political situation. Cleon is chasing Pericles on the podium, and any disturbance may give him an advantage."

"After all, 'reality can make even the most absurd script seem logical,' right?"

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(End of this chapter)

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