Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 578 Chapter 579 Decisiveness

Chapter 578 579. Decisiveness
Faced with the almost naked questioning, Stewart remained calm, unlike a young man, and Haxel still smiled as if he hadn't seen anything.

"grown ups."

Hilton narrowed his eyes dangerously and shouted respectfully again.

"This is different from what we agreed before. I have sold my goods to you at the biggest discount. Which one of you here has not eaten the food in my fleet? Which one of you has not had his equipment damaged? Did the craftsmen in my fleet repair it?”

"The guards of my convoy have also helped in many battles. We can't be like prostitutes visiting a brothel, and we can't recognize people when we lift our pants, right? This is neither decent nor upright."

Haxo's expression did not change at all.

"Of course, Mr. Hilton, it's not honorable or honest."

"But it keeps us alive."

"Can't you see how many people are dying of hunger and cold outside?"

"Of course I feel sad and sad for those poor people, sincerely." Hilton said coldly, "But I will definitely not destroy my goods because of sadness and sadness!"

The cold light of steel in the businessman's sleeves was about to emerge from the cuffs.

"So I don't need you to destroy your goods." Haxo said with a smile, "We will help you."

"Haktho! Don't be so shameless, you bastard! I'm from Soden, and I won't lose money for the life and death of you Cintra people! Then I'd rather die!"

"Oh? You are not willing to sacrifice the cargo of this convoy for the lives of the people of Cintra?"

For the first time, Haxo showed an expression other than a smile. He was a little surprised.Hilton's words seemed to confuse him.

"But as far as I know. Lincoln, what is our Mr. Hilton's main business?"

The half-year-old child who had been taking notes next to Haxo sniffed first, and then gave the answer fluently.

"Sir, Mr. Hilton is a businessman with a license from the Temerian royal family. He uses Soden as a transit agent to sell Temerian high-end handicraft products to us at high prices. We are unable to produce these, so he has always been the one to start the business. Whatever the price is, we can only offer it.”

"Then I may take it that way?" said Haxor.

"Our friend from the great northern country has made countless wealth by relying on his monopoly reselling business. His many luxurious properties in Soden, Temeria, and Cintra, and his large sums of money, are all The wealth created by the hard work of the people of Sintra. And all he relied on was a piece of paper printed with a white floral pattern?"

"And when the war comes, when the Nilfgaardians begin to ravage this land and its people, this country has been taken advantage of time and time again through financial means."

"You said that the people here have nothing to do with you. You said that you would rather die than release a convoy of goods for the lives of these people."

Haxo was still smiling, but that smile made the tent feel cold inexplicably.

"Dear Mr. Hilton."

"You have enjoyed all the honor and applause that money and channels have brought you in this country, and the girls in the brothel are willing to fuck your eggs for your gold coins. Now you want to leave a less good business, sir."

"Even if I did before, I don't allow it now!"

Hilton was undoubtedly overpowered in the momentum of the conversation.

Haxo's hand that was not holding the scepter grabbed Hilton's dagger hidden in his sleeve, and placed it on his neck very calmly and politely.

"Of course, my neck is now under your knife. You don't need such a sophisticated dagger. A razor can open my throat. But before you pull out the handle of the knife, I have to remind you. "

From beginning to end, his smiling eyes were fixed on Hilton's eyes. "I don't care about my life, my dear sir. Because as I said to you, you have earned the money of the people of Sintra, and now it is your turn to pay it back. I am a royal steward, and I used to sit on the majority floor of Sintra. It’s shit on people’s heads! Wealth, status, prestige, you have it, I have it too. So it’s time for me to pay it back. It’s time for us all to pay it back.”

"But I have to warn you, sir."

"After you pull the knife away from my veins, you and your friends will walk out of here safe and sound, I promise."

"Then my son will go to the Nilfgaardians, the Nilfgaardians alone."

"My son would chop them up alive, chop off their limbs and hang them on poles, castrate them and stuff that thing into their mouths."

"These wooden poles will be erected in the most conspicuous place, along with a sign. The sign will say: We did this together, thanking the Hilton Chamber of Commerce for its material support."

"It seems that your mother, wife and children are in Soden? That is a really dangerous place. After all, with the Nilfgaardians' strength, self-esteem and arrogance, they went to Soden to massacre a wealthy merchant family who had insulted them. Doesn’t it seem difficult?”

Haxor's voice was soft and polite, as if he was still serving the royal family of Cintra with all his heart.

Geralt had heard this sound before when Haxor shaved him when he first met Calanthe.

At the time, he enjoyed Hacksall's approach and sound.

but now
Hilton unconsciously licked his lips with his tongue, his eyes fluttering around in panic.

And the mercenary who was about to touch the hilt of the sword at his waist blinked blankly and moved his hand away from the easily misunderstood position.

Haxo let go of Hilton's sleeve and smiled.

A look that says you're ready to take action.

But the big businessman who was so aggressive just now seemed to be afraid that the dagger would shave off a piece of Haxo's beard.

With an extremely gentle gesture, he took a step back while holding his breath.

It wasn't until the dagger completely left the skin of Haxo's neck that he suddenly began to breathe again.

The former royal steward smiled as always, looking at the big businessman who was gasping for air and starting to sweat coldly.

"We will take all useful cargo from your convoy. We will recruit all your convoy guards."

"This is not a request or solicitation, this is a notice I am giving you on behalf of the people of Sintra."

Now, everyone in this tent has nothing to say.

Haxor smiled, while his son stood beside him with a calm expression.

Everything seems to be normal.

But it was clear to everyone who laid eyes on them that they were simply crazy!
From now on, there will no longer be room for small groups within the entire refugee corps.

If anyone still stands in the way of the goals of Haxo and his son, they will drag them to death without hesitation!

There is no doubt that it is a decisiveness close to self-destruction!
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(End of this chapter)

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