Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 586 Chapter 587 Transfer

Chapter 586
"In order to deal with targets that have small targets and can move flexibly and quickly, a special force was formed with so much money."

Lan En said with a half-smile.

"Should I be proud of the Nilfgaardian Empire's response?"

"You should indeed be proud." Geralt said calmly in his low and hoarse voice. "After all, before you, they would only arrange warlocks on the battlefield to deal with the enemy's warlocks."

"They probably view demon hunters as the second group besides warlocks that may influence the direction of the overall battle by relying on a small number."

"This is not necessarily a good thing." Gede scratched his chin and said in an uncertain tone.

Lan En responded decisively: "This is definitely not a good thing."

Afterwards, the three demon hunters released the hotel owner and his family who were locked in the storage room, and took away most of the food in the hotel.

The location of this hotel is not important, but it is the only one on this road, so even Nilfgaardian patrols will come here to rest.

Nilfgaard's logistics will ensure the survival of this hotel, just like the royal family of Cintra's original allocation for this hotel.

Then, the three demon hunters stripped the corpse of the magical equipment.

Lan En felt that the mixed-race sorceress should have something on her body that could increase the power of lightning. Unfortunately, the out-of-control magic had destroyed everything on her body.

But no matter what, they finally completed the elimination of this special force and completed Haxo's commission.
When the three returned to the refugee group's camp, the people here were already moving.

Nearly forty people died last night due to hunger and cold, but there was no emotion on everyone's faces here.

They are already numb.

You can light a fire during the day, but you still need to prevent smoke from attracting attention.

It can only be said that when people are pushed to a certain extent, they can indeed unleash their potential.

Before the war, most of the food habits of the refugees in Sintra were no different from those in the northern countries.

But in this case, they learned how to dig flues in the ground and use the residual heat from the ashes to cook food.

These methods are very rudimentary, but at least these people are doing their best to survive.

When Lan En, Geralt, and Gerd came back, they received the eager and dependent eyes of the civilian refugees as always.

An emotional woman staggered over, grabbed Gerd and Geralt's hands, and thanked them with choked sobs.

It seemed that these two witchers had helped her family before.

Under her leadership, there are still many agitated refugees who are dependent on the demon hunters and want to come over.

Geralt and Gerd were a little confused, and they took a long time to get away quickly.

When they saw Haxo, the former royal steward was sitting on a tree stump, eating food slowly.

He looked so serious and dignified, as if he was still in the palace.

The heavy steel scepter leaned against the tree stump, and the half-grown child Clerk followed closely behind.

When the three demon hunters walked over, they first nodded towards Dandelion and Ciri who were eating together in the distance.

Out of concern that Haxo would expose Ciri's identity, although a tacit understanding had been reached to a certain extent, Geralt still told his poet friend to take the little girl to keep a distance from Haxo.

As the leader of the refugee group, Haxo seemed to have acquiesced to this.

It's just that when Ciri thinks of the person who has been serving her in the castle since she was a child, her eyes will still drift away from time to time.

"Ah ha, friends. It seems that you had a good time hunting?" Haxo placed the wooden bowl for eating on the tree stump before standing up, holding the steel scepter and saying hello to the three of them.

"The process was smooth and the loot was great. Overall it was really good."

Lan En, as the social representative among the witchers, stepped forward to talk to Haxor.

"Then Master Bordon, would you mind telling me in detail?"

Haxo made a gesture of 'please', and the little clerk behind him who was chewing bread quickly held the bread in his mouth, prepared a pen and paper in his hand, and was ready to record.

Lan En glanced at the 14-year-old secretary, and then detailed the results of their nearly three-hour battle.

"It's true that one person has more than six hundred orens worth of magic equipment on his body. Isn't that right, Master Bordon?"

Lan En nodded without any trace: "But it seems that you are not surprised. I thought this kind of special force that has never appeared on the battlefield before will let you."

"Leaving me dumbfounded and horrified?"

Haxo asked with a smile.

"Master, there is a limit to a person's endurance. After I have been shocked by more intense situations and emotions, few things can scare me anymore."

"But no matter what, the three respected masters have cleared the way for us to send scouts later, and it's time for us to continue moving to the border."

Lan En turned around and looked around: "Speaking of sending scouts to explore the road. I don't seem to see Mr. Stewart."

"He has set out with the scouts, as one of the first pathfinders. He will find a place to rest tonight."

The demon hunter's eyes narrowed slightly: "But we just came back now?"

Furthermore, the information about the elimination of that special force has only come back now.

In other words, Haxo had already sent his son out without any news?
Haxo seemed to have guessed what Lan En meant.

"No matter whether your news arrives or not, or whether you find the team, we will move today."

He spoke calmly.

"That's why scouts must be sent out, no matter what the situation is. In order to find a way out for more people."

He spoke as if his son was not there.

Lan En looked at him and unconsciously touched the back of his neck.

"Understood." The demon hunter pursed his lips and nodded, "When are you going to set off?"

"We have to spend a morning to let everyone eat something hot first, and then drive carefully at noon, the warmest time. After basically walking for three or four hours, everyone's physical strength will not be able to keep up, and it is time to set up camp and rest. .”

Based on this operational efficiency, it is incredible that the thousands of people in the refugee group can travel [-] kilometers a day.

But there was no way, considering the cold weather and the nutrients the refugees had taken, they had already worked very hard.

After asking about the departure time, Lan, Geralt and Gerd arrived at Ciri and Dandelion's side.

They also had to pack their things and prepare to leave together.

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(End of this chapter)

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