Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 595 597 is rounded to 0

Chapter 595 597. Break it into parts
Darkley is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

If he is afraid of death, then he will not do the kind of work he does now, but should farm honestly or learn crafts or do business.

An accurate description of a person like him is: he will weigh the threat of death against the benefits that can be obtained by enduring the threat. Once it reaches the limit that he can accept, then the threat of death is not unacceptable.

In the beginning, there was no doubt that Lane's performance exceeded the maximum risk that Darkley was willing to accept.

So he immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

But then, when he discovered 'certain' facts, he suddenly felt that the risk was not as big as it seemed.

"Now I take over the temporary command! Everyone obeys!"

In the chaotic Nilfgaardian phalanx, Darkley at the rear suddenly shouted loudly.

Judging from his rank in the Nilfgaardian army, he does have command authority now.

This shout is also very noticeable now that Lan En has caused chaos.

But Darkley was very cautious, or rather arrogant, and just spoke out.But he had no intention of highlighting his position.

Originally, in military command, it is necessary for the commander to highlight himself so that his subordinates can determine their position and orders.

And beside Darkley, the four experts he brought looked at him as if he were a madman.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

"Son of a bitch! If you want to deal with him, go alone! Do you hear me?! Go alone!!"

While cursing, they were about to ride away from their commander.

Even the seemingly quiet psionicist Joanna is like this.

This group of people was originally a group of outlaws, and their respect for Darkley was out of respect for his position and power.

But now Darkley, these men only regard him as a dead man.

But Darkley himself looked excited now, which was the state he often had when engaging in some exciting bets.

Excited and nervous.

He lay on the horse's back, trying not to make his figure stand out.

But the orders from his mouth never stopped.

"Disperse! Abandon the formation! Abandon the front! Everyone disperse!"

Darkley issued an order that was enough to confuse all commanders, even soldiers with some battlefield knowledge.

In cold weapon wars, formations have always been something that commanders are willing to sacrifice no matter how many lives they have to maintain.

"Stay away from that person! Kill those refugees! Even if those refugees don't use formation, they are no match for you! Scatter! Charge towards them!"

In fact, regardless of whether Darkley has given the order to 'abandon the front' or not, the organization of the Nilfgaardian army has almost been destroyed.

After receiving the order from the upper-level commander, the Nilfgaardian soldiers immediately dispersed!

Lan En immediately realized something was wrong from the moment Darkley issued the order.

Because this order directly hits his flaw - he can't take care of very far, and he can't take care of many people!
Lan En, who was rushing through the crowd, immediately wanted to kill Darkley before he finished his order.

But now it was chaos, surrounded by the roars, wailings, and the friction and collision of steel from the Nilfgaardians, and it was impossible to distinguish anything.

So what happened next was just like Lan En's estimation.

The Nilfgaardians, whose courage was broken by him and could not even maintain their basic formation and discipline, began to flee in all directions.

A small number of people who had been in close contact with him were almost scared to death, so they ran without any end.

While tearing off his armor to lose weight, he fled in an inexplicable direction.

But most people still subconsciously obeyed the officer's orders.

They dispersed in the direction of the refugee group.

Stuart's cavalry troops had defeated the enemy's cavalry troops by virtue of their numerical superiority.After seeing this situation, his expression immediately changed.

Waving his long sword on horseback, he shouted to the knights around him: "Return for help! Go back and protect the refugees!"

But in the final analysis, facing a group of rebels, it is too late to do anything.

Because they are too scattered.

If it's any one, any regular army of Cintra!Even the kind whose courage was defeated by the Nilfgaardians on the battlefield.

With their organization intact and the people on the other side almost fleeing in all directions, they were not afraid of these Nilfgaardians at all.

Nilfgaard's army is unstoppable, but this does not mean that every single person in their army can be compared to ten.

But now, what stood opposite the Nilfgaardian rebels was not any army. It was just a group of armed refugees.

Geralt forcefully grabbed a refugee who was stumbling backwards and controlled him on the front line.

"Don't be afraid! This is a group of defeated troops! Losers! We have strength in numbers!"

Bai Lang never expected that he would actually say such harsh words in his life, just like the words the gangster would say before a fight.

But there was no way, this was the first thing he came up with, something that could boost the morale of the refugees.

But even so, the refugees still lacked the courage.

When the Nilfgaardian rebels rushed over, the refugees in the front row held shields in front of them, but they retreated and fell as soon as they rushed.

Holding a shield sounds simple, but it also requires skill.

Those who hold a shield to fight must be brave, and their entire center of gravity must be rushed forward and pushed forward!

Only in this way can we have enough resistance to maintain our own position.

But what about these refugees?
Before the Nilfgaardian army could rush over, they had already raised their shields to their chests and couldn't help but shrink back.

Not to mention a push, even a push from someone, they would fall backwards!
As a result, the refugee front was in danger under the impact of a group of rebel soldiers.

The screams of the refugees sounded again after the arrow rain.

Gede, who was next to him, had already drawn out the bear Valyrian steel sword from his back and began to rush into the chaotic crowd.

He got emotional.

Geralt realized this immediately.

Because it is too inefficient to find the Nilfgaardians in the chaotic crowd and then fight and kill them!

What should be done most now is not this.

And at this moment, in the middle of the refugee group, a powerful voice, like a roll call in a palace, sounded.

"Now! Everyone! All refugees, homeless people of Sintra! Charge!"

That was Hackthal's voice.

The voice was impassioned, not at all like his usual smiling self.

"Take advantage of the chaos! Break through the blockade! Rush towards the border!"

The crowd moved.

They were on the verge of collapse and fleeing.However, in their irrational retreat, they would most likely run away towards the original path behind them.

Because familiar roads bring a sense of security.

But now Haxo's shouting barely gave them some sense.

Show them a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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