Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 606 Chapter 608 Entering the crater

Chapter 606 608. Entering the crater

The army rumbled forward.

Even though the number of people reached [-] and the equipment was heavy and solid, the Nilfgaardians still far exceeded the refugee group in terms of movement speed.

It didn't take long for everyone in the refugee group to see the billowing gray smoke rising into the sky behind them.

It was the dust kicked up by the marching army.

In an instant, crazy fear swept through everyone.

"Hurry up! Run towards the hillside!"

This is a crater. The refugee group had already hurried inside when they discovered the pursuers. At this time, they had already entered through the only gap.
The scene here is very different from other mountains and forests. The top of the crater is only about a hundred meters high. There are many dry trees growing on the steep slope, waiting for the next spring.

Where a horse's hooves cannot reach, a man can go up if he works hard.But it takes time.

The first to bite the tail of the refugee group was a mixed force of fifty Nausicaa cavalry squad members and three hundred light infantry.

They hung at a distance at first, and then they drove the refugee group into the crater much faster, like driving away poultry.

The leading cavalry squad officer adjusted his helmet with many pheasant tail feathers stuck in it, and did not let his troops rush in rashly and start a killing spree.

Instead, he lifted his visor and winked to the side.

So a team of ten sentry riders roared out of the queue and rushed straight into the gap in the crater.

Even if he was facing a group of refugees, the officer's training and quality still allowed him to choose to eliminate possible ambush first.

He saw that the refugees were as panicked and confused as lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

At the outermost edge of the refugees, nearly thirty fully armed Sintra soldiers stood out, as well as a dozen cavalry.

Under the command of a man holding a steel scepter, they blocked the outermost edge of the group of refugees.

But for the Nausika cavalry squad, they were almost tired of this posture.

The ten sentry riders picked up the stone crossbows hung on their saddles and each mounted an arrow.

The arrows made by alchemy are very expensive, but the person who deployed them this time was the Duke of Adal. The Duke was always generous to the people who worked under him.

Then ten explosive crossbow arrows flew into the air, exploded with shooting skills, and were covered with countless iron slag fragments.

People's faces were immediately covered in blood, and their skin and flesh were torn and covered in debris.The explosive crossbow is not very powerful when used in this way, but it is a good tool for causing chaos.

Even if the air blast weakens the lethality, there are still unlucky people who are pierced by iron filings in vulnerable parts and die.

There was a scream, then panic spread, leading to more screams.

The sentinels, on the other hand, did not come into contact with the defenders at all, just like nomadic cavalry, shooting arrows and leaving.

Back and forth, the Sentry Riders circled the crater many times. They carefully observed the terrain and places suitable for hiding large groups of people.

Nilfgaard's military qualities are fully demonstrated by them.

Then came the return report.

And after a while, the large army has arrived.

"No ambush? No witcher?"

Darkley asked first.The Sentry Rider first looked at Duke Adal, and then started to report until he waved his hand impatiently.

"We have seen all the places where more than fifty people can hide on this mountain. The terrain of this mountain is not good, but the view is good. As for the demon hunters, we don't know any demon hunters, but there are not many of them among the refugees. man."

So the Duke, who had long been itching to take credit, simply waved his hand: "All troops advance! No matter what ridiculous demon hunter he is, he is still [Hunter]! This is a Nilfgaardian army of 500 people!" Whether it’s the smart guy in the team, the demon hunter who scared the Mudlegs out of fear, or the [Hunter Lord], they are just barbarians from the north after all.

Northerners are always ignorant and superstitious. How can they have any culture or civilization?What other heroes can emerge?
Even if there were, that funny thing would turn into a layer of blood mud under the iron heel of the Nilfgaard Empire!
Duke Adal was very sure of this.

So the army began to enter the crater with rumbling footsteps.

Haxo finally stopped taking care of his sideburns and beard today. He put on a piece of armor.

This armor was the Nilfgaardian armor that was ripped off from the battlefield at dusk yesterday. It was just repainted with blue paint, and a yellow lion was painted on it with poor painting skills.

Haxor stood beside all those who could still bear arms and wear armor.

As he said, he has sent away all the Cintra warriors who were still able to follow.

Behind him were the refugees who were crying and climbing up the mountain in panic after being frightened by several explosive crossbow arrows.

But they were already exhausted, and now terrified, so they didn't climb much higher during this time.

But the people below were still pushing their way up, so the sounds of stampeding, crying, and begging could be heard all the time.

And in front of Haxor, the Nilfgaardians came over with billowing dust and smoke, just like the city of Cintra.

"Merciful Meritelli. O great Meritelli."

Under the slightly comical helmet due to its inappropriate size, Haxor closed his eyes and chanted in a low voice.

"I remember you used to believe in Cliff, father."

Stewart also stood amidst the wails of the refugees, looking calmly at the Nilfgaardians ahead.

"Yes, stern, just, and majestic Cliff. I once longed to be such a person, so I believed in such a god. But today, now, this is not a prayer for myself. No, my son. "

Finally Haxo finished reciting his prayer and opened his eyes.

He no longer covered his mood and thoughts with that smile that made it difficult to see his thoughts. Instead, like his son, he calmly looked at the approaching Nilfgaardians.

"I pray that everyone's souls can rest in peace, and I prayed to Cliff last night. I hope that I can accept the judgment of his thunder in the sky."

Stewart looked at his father's profile and said nothing.

The father and son watched as a big man with exquisite armor came out of Nilfgaard's formation and approached, guarded by several soldiers.

The grandiose and solemn roll call rang out before they even got close.

"The person coming is Duke Adal Aip Darcy, the hereditary Duke of the Nilfgaard Empire."

The roll caller was gushing, and the big man in the middle had an arrogant air even though he was wearing armor.

This used to be his job.

Haxo suddenly burst into laughter at this moment.

"He made a wrong pitch just now. The last sound of 'Adal' should be a long sound in order to rhyme with the title that follows."

Stewart listened carefully to his father's explanation, as if the things he was most impatient to listen to before were now as sweet as poetry.

And when the roll call came to the end.

"Who is standing in front of me? I rely on the Duke's kindness and patience to allow you to name me."

(End of this chapter)

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