Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 610 Chapter 612 Reckless

Chapter 610 612. Reckless
Haxo's words hit Duke Adal's pain point exactly.

He thrust the end of the steel scepter into Haxor's scarred mouth again and stirred.

The noble Duke even looked down on the people of Nilfgaard who were not from the Golden Tower City. However, he, who claimed to have an extraordinary family background, brought a force that was enough to run rampant outside of large-scale battles, and was defeated by a group of maggots. Refugees are in trouble.

Although it is not a loss at all in terms of actual strength, this matter will undoubtedly become a joke among the nobles for a while.

It's also his shame!

"Looking at your fearless look, it seems that the target I want is not in your team. You have sent the demon hunter and the little girl away a long time ago, right?"

Adal suddenly lost interest in asking Haxo any more.

"What a great sentiment, Yankee. But don't worry, you won't be able to help them for long, because the power I can mobilize is far beyond your imagination!"

"I-I'll wait and see."

Haxo's mouth was so bloody that he still laughed.

"Yes, but you can't see it."

Adal waved his hand to the infantry behind him: "As I said just now, roast him alive for me."

Suddenly, just outside the fire field formed by the crater, something like a black dot flew in from a distance.

Although this crater is not large, its internal diameter is approximately one kilometer in diameter.

But the black dot that was thrown high from the gap was about to hit the innermost position!
Darkley, who was directing the sergeants to cooperate with the warlock's spells to suppress the fire, first noticed this abnormal black spot in the sky full of firelight and soot.

His neck followed the path of the black dot and finally landed where the Duke was.

Suddenly, there was an explosion!
A cloud of reflective metal debris floated out. The cloud was obviously still more than ten meters away from the warlock who was casting the spell, but the warlock who was gathering dark clouds seemed to suddenly have acute gastritis.

The blood vessels in his head became thick and red, followed by uncontrollable vomiting and convulsions.

The spells simply failed as the warlock's state became abnormal, and the dark clouds above his head that were originally very soothing were quickly dissipating.

Block the magic gold bomb!
Darkley immediately realized what it was, thanks to his in-depth research on his goals after receiving the emperor's appointment.

And then, Darkley realized from behind the alchemy bomb who would be using it.

"Demon hunter!" He shouted as if he had woken up from a dream, and shouted towards the Duke, "This is the demon hunter's magic-blocking gold bomb!"

The word was even more deafening than the bomb!
Duke Adal turned his head suddenly, and Haxo, who was already half-conscious, also raised his head twitchingly.

The corners of the Duke's mouth first opened in surprise, and then widened.

Ah, the witcher. The witcher!
Although this word was just a mission goal for him before today, a gift to please the emperor.

But after Haxo's series of humiliating operations, this word began to have a different meaning in Duke Adal's heart.


A low laughter, like the snoring of a beast, burst out from Adal's throat.

"You came to the door yourself, right!?"

Adal looked at Haxo with cruel and trembling eyes.

What do you think you can get in exchange for your sacrifice?
Do you think what you do is meaningful?

As a result, the great sun disk is still protecting me!
That idiot didn't even run away!How dare that idiot not run away!
Adal took three steps and two steps at a time, stepped forward and pulled Haxo's head up, looked into his blurred eyes and shouted loudly. "Witcher!!!"

"Assemble the entire army! That's the goal! Recover Pitara far away, don't worry about the bullshit mountain fire! When he recovers, I will let him drain himself and clear a way for us! Now."

"The whole army is on!"

He shouted sternly: "Watch, Haxor of Cintra, watch how I achieve my goal! Capture the witcher first, and then the little girl!"

Afterwards, all the Nilfgaardian soldiers obeyed the Duke's orders.

Under the coordination of Darkley, most of the soldiers responsible for putting out the fire put down their work and picked up their weapons again.

In this crater with a radius of nearly one kilometer, thousands of soldiers began to guard the surrounding areas.

They had heard about the outstanding single combat capabilities of the witchers, but as time went by in their military careers, they became more convinced of the violence of the army.

Nothing is more violent than an organized army.

The army is the most outstanding creation of mankind on the road to destruction.

Until in the ruins burning mead and the remains of the carriage, a huge figure walked directly over the flames of the ruins and entered the mountain col surrounded by wildfires.

Wildfires are spreading downward, and the ground on which humans can stand is shrinking rapidly.

Gray smoke is rising in the sky and temperatures are climbing from the depths of winter.

"Look here, witcher!"

On the collar of Adal's armor, a pin was shining, amplifying and distant his voice.

He stood on a high platform built up by the vehicle frames in the team and shouted to Lan En.

"Hero!" He shouted like an aria on a theater stage, fierce and excited.

Haxo and Stewart were each supported by two soldiers and knelt in front of him, while he stood behind Haxo holding a steel scepter.

"Another hero! It's really strange that there can still be heroes among the savages in the north! Why are you back again? What do you think you can do? Save him? Save his son? Or save more people?"

Adal looked at the witcher. He didn't know if the transformed vision in the witcher's legend could see his eyes, but he still looked at the witcher in the distance.

"Want to save people? Then you have to get through it!"

Lan En's face was stern, and his chest was rising and falling with his breathing.

Huge anger and sadness surged into his heart the moment he saw Huckthorne and Stewart.

But his anger was still suppressed in his body
Suddenly, "Hey!"

That huge body turned into an afterimage almost instantly!
Heading towards the dense formation of Nilfgaardians!

But unexpectedly, the Legion's formation didn't seem to want to stop him.So much so that Lan En, who was like a speeding truck, didn't hit anyone.

"Reckless man." Darkley, who was standing under the Adar carriage, sneered, and then ordered the people around him.

"When he is deep in the formation, we will do what we planned earlier."

"No problem." Psychic Joanna passed the commander's order to other people scattered on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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