Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 751 Chapter 733 Broken Angle

Chapter 751 733. Broken Angle

Kirin's lightning strike should be enough to kill other creatures.

But the golden lion seems to have some degree of lightning resistance.

Although he suffered a little more pain and the wounds were a little more brutal, he was still vigorous and capable of punching.

There must be some reason why the pain from the wound caused this 'War Mad' to go crazy, but his own hard conditions must also be indispensable.

The lightning wound on his back, which was as big as a basin and could almost see his ribs from behind, not only prevented the golden lion from sinking into depression.

On the contrary, it makes it even crazier!


Roaring wildly and moving without slowing down or hesitating, the golden lion held down Qilin's neck and head with its big black hands before Qilin could pull his body out of the rock wall.

Although the Golden Lion is also a smaller type of large monster, compared with the Kirin, one hand is still larger than its head.

At this time, the experience gap between the golden lion, which had experienced hundreds of battles, and the unicorn, which had not experienced many storms, was highlighted.

"The golden lion deliberately knocked the unicorn away from the rock wall."

Lan En whispered in surprise.

The grand leader next to him also understood the Golden Lion's intention, suddenly realized and nodded excitedly.

Kirin's body is so hard that even attacks that can knock it away cannot actually cause any substantial damage to it.

Because 'being beaten away' itself is a way to relieve stress.

The golden lion also realized this, and then he found a way to let Qilin eat all his punch power.

——Push the unicorn against the wall and smash it!

The Kirin's body structure is similar to that of a horse, and its movements are a bit like the elf deer, a small animal that is widely distributed in this world.

However, this kind of body structure is very powerless against enemies on its side if it cannot turn around freely.

And now, the golden lion happened to be pressing Qilin sideways on the rock wall!

"Ow hoo hoo!"

The excited golden lion roared like an ape.

Qilin, who had always remained calm and noble, seemed to finally understand that the situation was out of control, and began to make a cry like a war horse's neighing, and struggled hard.

The muscle mobilization was already in place, and immediately, the already bulging black muscles of the golden lion expanded even more horribly!

The arms that were originally huge and thick are now even stronger!

"Bang bang bang!"

The ferocious fist kept hitting Qilin's head!

The coral reef, which has accumulated for tens of thousands of years, has become like a mountain rock wall, trembling under the fist of the golden lion.

Shell fossils, coral reef fragments, deposited sand and dust, etc. that were thrown out from the rock wall were scattered in all directions.

And this is just the 'second-hand' strength that the golden lion transferred to the mountain wall after beating the unicorn!

Originally, although Qilin was smashed into the rock wall, it was not deep.

But with the fierce attack of the golden lion, the two of them almost smashed a cave into the mountain wall!

At this time, the golden lion's fist no longer concealed its real target with messy attacks.

Now all its fists are hitting the blue horn on Qilin's head!

The Kirin horn, which had a crystal-like texture, was fine at first under the violent impact.

But as huge black fists fell like raindrops, cracks gradually appeared at the root of the crystal horn. The Golden Lion's violent fists were not very skillful or precise, so many times, the fists aimed at the Qilin's horns would be caused by the Qilin's momentary tilt of the head, or by the Golden Lion himself becoming abnormal.

And the fist that should have hit the side of the Qilin's Cang Horn instead hit the tip of the Qilin's Cang Horn.

The extremely sharp horns can easily pierce the golden lion's dark fur and muscles.

Whenever this happens, a bloody crack will be ripped out of the golden lion's fist.

But this did not affect the violent monster still roaring excitedly, and then punched it again!

"The legend is actually true?!"

The grand leader murmured to himself next to Lan En, with irrepressible shock and excitement in his tone.

The battle between the ancient dragon and the non-ancient dragon in front of them entered an unexpected stage in an instant.

The ancient dragons that Lan En had come into contact with before were all of a type with overwhelming power. He had never seen a suppressed ancient dragon before.

But it has to be said that the pure violence and destructive desire displayed by this monster named [Golden Lion] has made Lan En unconsciously raise its harmfulness to the same level as the ancient dragon. .

"What legend?"

Lan En stared at the dark monster showing its unparalleled dominance and wildness with his eyes, and asked the leader.

The experienced hunter, at this time, seemed to be distracted by the sight of the golden lion fighting and was addicted to it, while he was talking.

"You asked me before, 'Why is this guy called [Golden Lion]', right?"

The Grand Leader was silent for a moment, and then spoke to Lan En in a tone that was almost like singing a legendary story.

"The dark, violent beast surpasses human wisdom. When facing it in person, its furious and leaping figure will make people think that the creature in front of them is in a different physical space from us. The fierce and dazzling light will People push into the darkness of night.”

"But that's just a state where it doesn't use its full strength!"

"The power buried deep in the body is still and silent. When the dark posture disappears, the full golden wings will appear, and the beast will transform into a lion!"

"That kind of bravery dwarfs the previous violent beasts, and can even make people feel humble in the black form. The golden lion that appears to end the battle will also be feared by the ancient dragon."

From the Grand Leader's tone, Lan En could hear some expectations. The expectation that 'the legendary story will come alive in front of me, and I will witness it all'.

"This is a widely circulated ancient document about the Golden Lion. Take a good look at it, Lan En. What happens next will open your eyes!"

"Haha! I just told you that you are so lucky!"

This overflowing sense of expectation even made the leader couldn't help laughing.

In the distant battle, the golden lion finally achieved his goal.

The pale blue horn was broken in its last punch!

There was a "click".

It seems that the power contained in the Qilin Cang Horn was leaked due to the break.

The moment the thunderclouds in the sky broke apart, they struck an unprecedentedly strong thunder!

It was hard to tell whether this was the sound of the Qilin's horns breaking or the sound of thunder falling.

Or maybe there is no difference between Qilin Cangjiao and Thunder.

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(End of this chapter)

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