Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 834 816 Phidias

Chapter 834 816. Phidias

Facts have proved that while Lann was adventuring in various different worlds, Kassandra's life was also quite legendary.

Now, not only is the Cult of Kosmos deeply entrenched in the Greek region, but there is also the Ancient Order, which sounds like it has taken control of the Persian Empire.

The Persian Empire was not on the same level as the Greek region. It was the first empire in human history to span the three continental plates of Asia, Europe, and Africa.

In this budding era of human civilization, we cannot say it is the 'strongest', but it can be said to be the 'biggest' without a doubt.

The Isu, and the artifacts they left behind, have left too many variables in this world that makes Lan En feel specious.

"But it seems like the place you went to is really new."

Kassandra tapped her thumb behind her and looked at Lan.

"A cat in armor with two swords?"

"Just now I saw on the corpses of those two dogs, there were indeed traces of swords on their backs. Can they really use swords?"

Cassandra's words made the flannel ball that followed timidly raise a little paw.

The sound of the cat's clipping made Cassandra's eyes widen and she turned her head, looking at the flannel ball in surprise.

"That meow is not a cat, it's Elu the cat."

"Don't stare so hard, it's a little shy. There will be more strange things to see in the future."

The witcher shook his head.

This was the first time she heard a cat talking.

"Then I think it's better to stay in Athens."

Lan En raised his eyes and thought for a moment, that old captain who was passionate, loyal, generous, but very pious to the gods. He probably could really do this.

"It introduced itself just now." Lan En walked over, took the flannel ball from Cassandra's hand, and placed it on the ground again.

Speaking of returning to the city of Athens, Lan En and Cassandra's expressions became solemn again.

Lan En said to Cassandra while looking at the dim smoke and ashes in the sky.

The flannel ball's short legs fluttered in mid-air, but it could not help Cassandra's arms. He could only ask Lan En for help with his big watery eyes.

Cassandra put her hands on her hips and kept looking at it curiously.

"The cat spoke!? Lan En, is this some kind of mythical beast? A magical beast? What's its name?"

"It looks like the days to come will be exciting, I like this!"

The infatuated atmosphere and joy of meeting again just now even overshadowed the current poor environment in Athens.

"I have something to ask for your help when I come here this time. Remember the [Life Cross] we got last time? I need your help to make it work."

"That's right." Cassandra still put her hands on her strong waist, but her eyes turned from the kitten to Lan En.

But now the topic has been brought back.

"If you take this kitten to the ship now, Barnabas might just put an altar on the altar for you."

Kassandra walked over to the ball of flannel and lifted it up to her face with both hands under her arms.

"Flannel Ball is a member of a race called Elu Cat. He is a smart cat person. Now he is similar to my attendant. I teach it skills, and it will follow me to help. It is a friend, not a pet."

"I don't want the surrounding environment to be so unstable when we use the Isu artifact."

"We can go find Pericles." Cassandra nodded. "Now that the city of Athens has become like this, he is the consul, so he should know the ins and outs."

But Lan En rejected this idea very simply.

"He should know what's going on best, but I don't want to go to a person at the center of the whirlpool right now."

Lan En pointedly raised his chin towards the sluggish and absent-minded patient on the roadside. It must be reiterated that the ancient Greek era was the early stage of human civilization. People here believed that everything was arranged by the gods.

They have no idea how the disease spreads, and most have no experience at all. Because people who have experienced the plague have basically no chance of surviving.

They don't even have the concept of 'isolation'.

After the plague began, it was far more likely that the rulers would gather patients and ordinary people together in front of the temple to pray than they would manage them separately.

In the eyes of today's people, it is not that the plague will spread, causing the number of sick people to increase, but that the gods have issued large-scale punishments, affecting many people.

In this case, the excited Athenians would naturally go to the person in charge.

Who else could it be?

Of course it was Pericles, the 'Father of Democracy' who built the Parthenon.

It is conceivable that Pericles' official residence is probably crowded now.

Lan En is a demon hunter, and ordinary diseases that have not been specially treated are completely ineffective against him.

And judging by the energetic appearance of those urban wild dogs, it is obvious that this disease does not have the ability to spread across species, so there is no need for Flannel Ball and Icarus to worry.

But what about Cassandra? Lann wasn't sure if her Isu blood made her immune to all diseases.

In unknown situations, it's best to play it safe.

"We need to find someone who has a certain status but will not be noticed by the crowd at this time to understand the situation."

Lan En murmured in thought.

Cassandra waited with a smile. Lan En's expression made her feel like she had gone back to a year and a half ago, when the two of them faced and solved difficulties together.

And soon, Lan En came to the conclusion.

"Phidias. Let's go find him."

A well-known sculptor and artist may be quite noticeable in normal times. But in the face of such a catastrophe, the influence is obviously more than one level smaller.

But at the same time, Lane also knew from previous contacts that Phidias had a good personal relationship with Pericles and was even a member of his staff.

Such people are definitely better informed than the general public and know the whole story.

"Phidias? Let me look for it"

After Kassandra heard Lan En's decision, her eyes were blank, and at the same time, Icarus, who had been flying in the sky, let out a cry.

Her vision connected to the eagle's body.

After a while, Icarus found his target in the dim sky.

Cassandra's absent-minded gaze regained focus.

"He's in his studio right now."

Phidias's studio requires a lot of fine marble raw materials, which are shipped to Athens by sea, so his studio is not far from the port of Piraeus.

"Then let's go find him."

Lan En said simply, while running towards the residential wall next to the street.

His breathing was adjusted, and his strong muscles and bones allowed him to directly touch the roof and eaves of this two-story house without even stepping on the wall.

Then he turned over.

He didn't want to wander around in the alley now, it would be a waste of time.

Although it was a joy to reunite with Cassandra just after arriving in Athens, Lan En also did not forget one thing——

Phob is still in Athens too!

(End of this chapter)

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