Chapter 102 99. The Shadow of Childhood

"500 million?" Makoto Kyushu was taken aback and asked quickly:
"Why do you owe so much debt?!"

Although Jiuzhoucheng really wanted to help this friend, he had to figure out why the other party owed money first.

If the other party owes money due to unavoidable reasons—such as a serious illness of a relative or being defrauded—Jiuzhou Cheng will help within his ability even if he can’t afford the money.

But if the other party is infected with such incurable "hobbies" as pornography, gambling, and drugs, then she deserves it purely, and the best thing Jiuzhou Cheng can do is to call the police immediately.

"I've said it, it has nothing to do with you, right?" Suzumiya Kai shook his head, and began to pull his hair anxiously:
"I shouldn't have told you from the beginning, this kind of thing is beyond Xiao Chunchuan's ability."

"Don't say anything beyond my scope." Jiuzhou Cheng stared at her: "Tell me the reason for the debt first, what if I have the ability to help you?"

Hearing this, Suzumiya Kaoru sighed faintly, and said in a low voice:

"Hey, why do you men like to talk to yourself?"

"As long as a woman acts like you like a little bit, you will surround her like bees and do things that you think are good for her without taking her feelings into consideration."

"Chunchuan, you are too. You must look down on me as a bartender in your heart, right? It's just because my face suits your appetite, I dress up very well, and I can act like a confidant big sister. I'm inferior to you, so you think it's very honorable to be friends with me?"

When saying these words, Suzumiya Kai's tone gradually became cold and resentful, like a nagging woman, her tone and words were very irritable, not at all like the optimistic and cheerful big sister in ordinary times.

In other words, the usual "big sister" image is more like her business status, a disguise she fabricated in order to be popular at work and socially.

"." Jiuzhou Cheng frowned, knowing that he could no longer communicate normally.

"Well, say whatever you want." Jiuzhou Cheng shook his head, turned and left the door:
"I have class tomorrow, so I'll go back first. You will drink less alcohol in the future, it will hurt your health."

"It's so long-winded, I told you to stop pretending to care about me." Suzumiya Kai muttered to his back.

Soon, there was a sound of closing the entrance door, and Jiuzhou Cheng must have left.

Suzumiya Kai lowered his eyes, staring at the messy floor in disappointment.

"You meddling brat. Concentrate on getting into your prestigious university, and don't worry about a bartender like me."

She sighed, picked up the note written by Jiuzhou Cheng, tore it up, and her breathing became heavy.

As early as a month before meeting Kyushu Makoto, Suzumiya Kai had lost all hope.

她从小就住在一个可悲的家庭里:父亲是个爱赌马的酒鬼,动辄就对母女两人进行拳脚打骂;母亲又是那种性子柔弱的传统女性,就算被揍得满脸红肿淤Qing would only hold her daughter and cry, and when asked about it the next day, she would lie and say that she accidentally fell down, and she was helping her husband with good words.

This environment gave her a rebellious heart.Since she was in high school, she has been hanging out with bad students who are in the middle of nowhere, and finally dropped out of school as a matter of course.

So she simply severed ties with her family and went to Tokyo alone. She worked as a waiter or a cafe maid, and finally she was spotted by a public relations club in Kamurocho and became a public relations hostess.

Until more than three months ago, she received a call:
[Your gambling father owes us a lot of money, and now it's 500 million with interest! 】

"It's none of my business! You go find him!" Suzumiya Kai naturally said back without hesitation:
"Just sink him into Tokyo Bay, don't all gangsters like to do this?"

But then, the other party's response made her shudder:
【To tell you the truth, your father did run away, we can't catch him at all, but your mother still lives in the same place~】

【If you don't help to pay back the money, we will have to find your mother, and then】

"Damn it, you bastards! What do you want to do to her?!" Hearing this, Suzumiya was so anxious that he wanted to drop his phone.

Admittedly, she had a bad impression of her parents.A violent man, a coward, she can't sympathize with these two people.

She remembered that when she was in middle school, she also scolded her mother as a "coward" several times out of anger.Every time my mother listened to it, she just turned her body aggrieved and said nothing.

But when she really heard that her mother was in danger, she felt heartbroken again.

In the past, every time my father beat someone, my mother would protect her in her arms; even though my father took away all the money in the house, my mother would still take out a few dirty coins from nowhere and quietly help her. to buy discounted bento
Suzumiya Kai immediately made a video call to confirm the situation with her mother.

She saw that her mother was even more emaciated than before, and that the poor family was even more devastated. Most of the property had been sold to pay off gambling debts.

Mother still has the look and tone of a "coward".She said that several groups of debt collectors did come to the house, and they looked like gangsters. They scared her every time, and said that they would sell her organs to pay off the debt.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and Suzumiya couldn't bear it, so he signed a usury debt contract with those "underground money houses" and promised to help his father repay the debt.

But her own savings are only about 100 million yen, which she has saved a little over the past two years-she is already one of the few female PRs who has the awareness of saving money, and her colleagues basically spend as much as they earn Moonlight Clan.

She originally dreamed of saving enough money to leave Kamurocho and live a normal life when she couldn't work anymore.

But with this "500 million" usury mountain, her future has become extremely slim.

Maybe before she earns enough money, she will be forced to leave the industry due to physical reasons or other changes.

At that time, what else can she do?Watching helplessly as people from the underground bank harassed and removed her organs?

She thought her life would go on in such a muddle until she met that boy two months ago.

She happened to be harassed that day by a drunk guest who wanted to make a "further deal" with her.

The bald and smelly drunk also boasted that he was a member of parliament, as long as Suzumiya Kaoru listened to him, she would be able to make her the lover of the member of parliament and enjoy the glory and wealth in the future.

"If you submit to him, you will have money in the future, and your mother will be safe."

It was obvious that the other party was probably bragging, but she somehow started to fantasize about it.

The crazy thoughts seemed to tear her brain apart, leaving her wondering what to do.

She even felt that suicide would be a good ending.

At this moment, a young man suddenly broke into her life, knocked down the bastard drunk with a punch, and shattered her unrealistic fantasies at the same time.

When Suzumiya Kai worked in the service industry, she met all kinds of people.

They either release their malice and desires nakedly; or hide their desires in a false way, acting as hypocrites.

Only this boy, she had never seen before.

The boy has kindness from the heart, not as pure and flawless as an angel; but like a coal stove lamp, which will be burned if it is not used properly, but as long as it is treated well, it will bring light and warmth.

In other words, the greatest desire of a teenager is to become kind.

"There is such an interesting person as Xiao Chunchuan in this world. It would be great if he could live a little longer."

The teenager was like a depressant that made her give up the idea of ​​self-destruction, so she decided to continue working hard to make money and pay off her debts.

Such days continued until last week, and she had helped her father pay back 100 million yuan.The underground bank called her again:
【Your father knelt down again and begged us to lend him 100 million, and this money has to be recorded in the account.For the sake of your poor mother, will you help pay it back? 】

"What do you mean borrowing another 100 million..." Suzumiya Karu suffered a thunderbolt, and the phone fell to the ground with a "clack".

At this moment, she finally understood.She has fallen into the scheme of this "underground money house", and they want to squeeze her without limit.

If she gritted her teeth and accepted this debt, the underground bank would definitely lend her father more "100 million", or even 300 million, 500 million, 1000 million
This is simply a bottomless pit!

But if she doesn't admit the debt, what if those people really do something to her mother?Isn't the debt she paid before all meaningless?
Call the police?The police in this country are a bunch of idiots who "treat homicide as suicide in order to reduce the crime rate".I'm afraid it's useless to call the police. Instead, it will anger the people in the underground bank.

She had no choice but to get drunk, squatted in despair at the gate of "Kyushu Yibanxing", and was finally sent home by Kyushu Cheng.

In the room, Suzumiya Kai covered his face with his hands, and wept brokenly, as if doing so would free him:

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo does this is. mommy will be killed if this goes on"

"Father, you bastard... woo woo woo... If you owe gambling debts, take responsibility for me, don't let mom suffer!"

"Help, anyone can help me. I can't hold on any longer."

"Ding Dong—" After crying for an unknown amount of time, the doorbell outside the entrance rang.

"Eh?" Suzumiya Kai raised his head in surprise.

It's already early in the morning, who would come to visit at this time?Could it be a debt collector of NHK?

"I'm sorry, Ms.

Outside the door is Xiao Chunchuan's shout:
"I left something at your house, please let me come in and get it!"

(End of this chapter)

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