Tokyo people don't talk about Wude

Chapter 122 119 Demon Sword

Chapter 122 119. Demon Sword
Kyushu tightly gripped the handle of the knife, and ruthlessly chiseled the blade towards the concrete floor - as long as it hit a few more times, the remaining half of the blade would break.

"Stop! Are you crazy?" Duan Dao trembled crazily, trying to get out of Kyushu Makoto's palm:

"You kid who doesn't know good and bad, why don't you trade with me?!"

A few bursts of sharp sword energy suddenly burst out from the broken knife, scraping a few bloodstains on Jiuzhou Cheng's palm and forearm, as if he was in the final dying struggle.

Regardless of the pain of the wound, Kyushu continued to smash the blade to the ground.

"Why should I make such an absurd deal with you?" Makoto Kyushu stared at Duan Dao cursingly, with a deep and crazy killing intent in his eyes:
"Kill all the women? What are you kidding! Because your master is obsessed with women, you have to hate all the women in the world?"

"Women are all demons, they should be killed!" Duan Dao retorted without hesitation:
"You are a man, why do you want to speak for the witch?!"

"Fart! What men and women? Everyone is human!" Jiuzhou Cheng stared angrily, and scolded sharply:
"The reason why your master has fallen is because he is not strong-willed and can't stand the temptation! Even if he doesn't meet a woman, he may be addicted to gambling. Tobacco is his own fault, but you want to spread your resentment to the whole world on a woman? Ridiculous!"

Under Kyushu Makoto's violent destruction, the blade has obviously begun to bend and deform.

"You say I'm absurd?" The voice of Broken Knife gradually died out:
"Could it be that I did something wrong?! I'm not wrong, but you are ridiculous!"

Jiuzhou Cheng snorted coldly: "Then you can die, you can't go to prison anyway."


The rusty blade collided with the ground again, the black air on the broken blade was too dim to see clearly, and the consciousness of Fusangshen was about to disappear.

"Don't kill me." Broken knife begged intermittently.

"But a monster like you, how do you change it?" Makoto Kyushu clenched the handle of the knife, looking disgusted:

"Since you are defeated by me and you don't listen to persuasion, then obediently die!"

"Please...don't kill me..." The cyan magic circle on the handle of the broken knife quickly disappeared.Instead, a bright red magic circle emerged:

"I want to become the famous sword of the world's number one samurai. I don't want to just disappear like this."

"Whatever you say, in the next life." Jiuzhou Cheng didn't intend to show mercy.

"Wait a minute!" Qing Palace Eliza quickly stepped forward and grabbed his wrist.

"What's wrong?" Kyushu frowned puzzled.

"Didn't you see the color of the magic circle change?" Eliza raised her eyebrows and reminded:
"This is the domination contract, it is willing to be your slave."

"Ah?" Makoto Jiuzhou stopped and looked at the broken knife in his hand.

"Don't kill me. I am willing to obey your orders." Duan Dao made a begging sound through slight vibration, like obsession:
"I don't want to die yet, I want to be the famous sword of the famous samurai"

"Heh~" Jiuzhou Cheng showed disdainful eyes:
"You are begging for mercy now. It seems that you are just a selfish guy. I thought you could have a bit of warrior integrity."

Kyushu turned his face to look at Elisa: "Do you think I should agree to the contract? After signing the contract, will it try to betray the water?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Duan Dao trembled excitedly: "Don't you understand the meaning? I am willing to be your slave!"

"It is correct. If it is a domination contract, the master can give orders to the slaves unconditionally. Once the slaves violate the orders, they will be backlashed." Qing Palace Eliza nodded and said:
"And if the master dies, the slave will also die, but not vice versa."

"That is to say, the domination contract is absolutely beneficial to the owner?" Kyushu Makoto reconfirmed.

"If it were me, I would directly contract this Fusangshen, and if it is troublesome in the future, I will order it to die." Qing Palace Eliza said in a very flat tone on purpose:

"It's very rare for a spirit species to take the initiative to sign a domination contract. I'm a little upset that you can encounter it for the first time on a mission."

Kyushu Makoto stared at the small red magic circle flashing on the hilt, and put his palm on it after thinking for a moment.

The moment the red magic circle touched the palm, Jiuzhou Cheng's brain trembled slightly at the same time.

He lowered his head again to look at the broken knife in his hand, and suddenly had a feeling of "this knife is a part of my body".

Out of curiosity, Jiuzhou Cheng said, "Turn me around in the air?"

The broken knife came out of his hand suddenly, jumped around and landed on his hand again.

"You don't need to say it, just give the order in your heart." Qing Palace Eliza raised her chin lightly.

Jiuzhou Cheng tried to issue a few orders in his heart that were not too much, and Duan Dao was strictly implemented.

"As requested by the lord, I will no longer hunt and kill demon girls." The broken knife vibrated slightly, and his tone became humble: "From today onwards, I will be the sword of the lord, and I only hope that the lord will be famous in the world one day."

Makoto Kyushu is used to the big change in the attitude of this monster—many Wano people are bullying the weak and afraid of the hard, respecting the strong and bullying the weak, and fists may be easier to convince them than reason.

"But you are a broken knife, what can you do?" Kyushu asked puzzled.

"You've made a fool of yourself to the lord." The broken knife vibrated slightly, and a thick black air gradually emitted from the blade.

After a while, the blade of the broken knife was already covered by a pure black unknown substance.The black substance quickly condensed to form a complete pitch-black blade.

Kyushu Cheng tried to slash the knife on the nearby bushes, but the black blade cut through the leaves and branches without hindrance, splitting them in half, and there was still a trace of corrosion in the neat cut.

At the same time, he could also feel a familiar energy emanating from the blade when he slashed, causing the surrounding air to twist and tremble—it should be spiritual power.

"It's very sharp, it's a good knife." Makoto Jiuzhou commented: "What ability do you have? Can you transform into a human form like before?"

"I'm very sorry, I can't do it." Duan Dao vibrated in frustration: "My human form has been destroyed by the lord, and now I can only maintain the original form."

"Forget it, it's okay to use you as a weapon." Jiuzhou Cheng was not depressed, and asked again:
"What should I call you?"

"I don't have a name." Duan Dao whispered softly: "Please give me a name, my lord."

"Then use your original owner's name." Jiuzhou Cheng didn't intend to get entangled in this issue: "Just call you "Yuan Yiyong". "

"As you wish."

"You belong to me now, but never forget your crime of killing people." Jiuzhou Cheng said solemnly again:

"From now on, the meaning of your existence is to help me defeat monsters that hurt humans and protect people's safety. You will never pay back this sin in your life."

"What the lord taught is that I should keep it in my heart."

Half an hour later, the Demon Hunting Division of the Public Security Bureau sent people to seal off the scene, and contacted the two spiritual masters to arrange the aftermath.

After learning that the chief culprit of the case [Shouji Knife] had signed a control contract with Kyushu Makoto, the Demon Hunting Division didn't say much, but asked him to go to Yinyang Liao tomorrow to register his "familiar" for the record.

"Let's get busy here today, it's time to go home." Qinggong Eliza looked at the time on her phone, it was almost twelve o'clock at midnight.

"I'm so busy every day, I have to go to school tomorrow, don't you need to sleep except for the spiritual teacher?" Jiuzhou Cheng yawned, remembering the embarrassing incident of falling asleep in class today.

"Isn't someone wasting their time selling trucks for 'nine or even ten percent odds'? "Qing Palace Eliza raised her arms and stretched her waist:
"But for the sake of the success of the plan, I don't care about it~"

She got into her sports car, and before she left, she said: "Tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet at Yinyangliao to close the commission."

"No problem." Kyushu Cheng also set foot on his big truck.

Two lights pierced the road in the middle of the night, and two cars left the crime scene one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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