Tokyo people don't talk about Wude

Chapter 129 126 The Untold Secret of Tongtian High School

Chapter 129 126. Tongtian High School's Unknown Secret

After reading the mission report, Qing Palace Eliza leaned back in her chair and sighed softly:
"The assailant who comes and goes without a trace, only randomly appears in the school in the evening, and it is difficult to investigate~"

"Since it is in the school, the big truck is not very useful." Kyushu Makoto also pondered:

"I knew that I should think carefully before accepting the task."

"Don't worry, if you encounter an enemy, I will try my best to lead it to an open area and give you a chance." Eliza smiled softly:

"Besides, don't you have new weapons?"

Hearing this, Kyushu Makoto took out an arm-length black sword box from the side of the seat.

This sword box was made by him from Yinyangliao. It feels like wood and steel. It is said that it is made of special material, which can seal spirit species in it and prevent the spread of spirit energy. The price is not cheap. .

The sword case was designed to be opened from one side, and it could store five to six weapons, but now there is only one broken knife inside.

Jiuzhou Cheng opened one side of the sword box, and the broken knife "Yuan Yiyong" fell out with a "crash".

"My lord, do you want to fight?!" The broken knife vibrated in the sword box, making a buzzing sound.

"You might come in handy, so get ready." Kyushu said flatly.

"Obey!" Yuan Yiyong became excited immediately: "It is a great honor to fight for the Lord!"

Due to the sudden occurrence of the case, the Demon Hunting Division of the Public Security Bureau is unable to provide detailed information about [Scissors Woman], including the type of monster and the conditions for her appearance.

The two decided to go to the hospital to see the victim first, and try to get useful information.

The victims of Tongtian High School lived in the same hospital as Suzumiya Kaoru. Makoto Kyushu walked to the front desk with ease and showed his work ID.

Under the warm hospitality of the nurse, the two went to the wards of the victims and questioned them one by one.

"The girl who attacked me had white skin all over her body and a stiff expression. It was terrifying."

"When I was struggling, I grabbed her arm, and there was no temperature at all. I was afraid when I thought about it. Could it be that I encountered a zombie?"

"I saw blood on her neck and clothes... By the way, there is a deep wound on her neck, I don't know if it was made up!"

The three victims were emotionally unstable, and even believed that they were attacked by some kind of ghost-like horror.

Of course, the two spiritual masters insisted that it was just a "murderer dressed as a female ghost", and advised them to believe in science and not to be suspicious all day long.

When they came to the fourth ward, a juvenile with a pot head and wearing round glasses was sitting on the bed with bandages on his palms and chest.

He was the most seriously injured among the four victims. Since he had just received first aid, he looked very haggard, with almost no blood on his face.

After some questioning, the Jarhead boy gave similar testimony, claiming that he met a girl like "Ga Coconut" in the empty teaching building and ran over to attack him in a distorted posture.

He said that it took him all his life to escape and ask for help. If he hadn't happened to bump into a physical education teacher who was returning to school to pick up things, he might have died at school.

After analyzing the testimonies of the four people, although Makoto Kyushu has not fully figured out the true identity of the spirit species, at least one thing can be confirmed:
The strength of this monster is not strong, otherwise ordinary male high school students would not be able to escape from it.

However, if we continue to let the situation develop, it is inevitable that there may still be deaths.

"I have understood the situation, thank you for your cooperation." Jiuzhou Cheng nodded slightly, ready to leave the ward.

"Wait a minute, you two!" The pot-headed boy stopped them and asked worriedly, "Are there really ghosts in this world?"

"Don't think too much~" Eliza crossed her arms and straightened her back: "The murderer probably has a habit of dressing himself up as a female ghost. Just leave the case to the police."

" all seem to be high school students?" The juvenile with the jar head asked tactfully, "Why do you let high school students investigate this kind of murder?"

"Oh, we have already graduated from high school, we just look younger." Makoto Kyushu simply lied directly, so as not to say too much:

"This hospital is very safe, you can rest at ease first and don't have to think about it."

The pothead boy still insisted: "Actually, I think the murderer has something to do with a girl who died in our school before. She must have turned into a ghost to take revenge!"

Eliza immediately became interested, and leaned forward: "What happened to this school before? What do you know?"

"I heard from a close senior that there was a murder case in our high school two years ago." The juvenile with the jar head stretched out his hand to push the round glasses frame, and said slowly:

"A second-grade boy invited another girl of the same grade to an abandoned classroom after school, killed her with a sharp weapon, and then surrendered to the police."

"I heard that the two were childhood sweethearts since they were young. People around them say they have a good relationship, so everyone can't figure out the boy's motive."

Jiuzhou Cheng asked: "Then what happened? How about that boy?"

"He was locked up in the juvenile detention center." The pot-headed boy lowered his eyelids and continued:
"It is said that the motive of the boy's murder is still a mystery, and he is unwilling to say anything."

"In this case, we have to go to the school to verify it." Eliza held the phone and kept clicking on the screen with her fingers.

"It's useless! The school has suppressed this matter, and even the media sold it out!" The jarhead boy quickly shook his hand:

"The senior was in such a good mood when he sang karaoke with us, he accidentally slipped the tongue."

"Is that so?" Eliza put away her phone, not surprised: "No wonder I couldn't find any reports about this case on the Internet, and a useful report was deleted after I finally found it."

"I'm sure, it's definitely that girl's vengeful spirit who came to take revenge on this school!" The juvenile with the pot head was in a hurry and said excitedly, "She's a supernatural creature, a ghost!"

"But from what you said, maybe it's the victim's friends or relatives who are causing trouble?" Jiuzhou Cheng smiled and analyzed in a relaxed tone:

"Perhaps she is obsessed with this matter and deliberately pretends to be the girl who was murdered to retaliate against the society?"

"." The jarhead boy was silent, as if he really started to seriously think about this possibility.

"In short, this matter will be handled by professionals." Jiuzhou Cheng patted the shoulder of the pot-headed boy:

"Thank you for the information you provided. If there are any secrets in the case, we will try our best to find out."

"Hmm... thank you." The juvenile with the jar head lowered his head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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