Chapter 110 Stepping into the Cradle of Right Track

If we talk about how to prevent diseases, the most effective pre-plan is to do a good job in the sanitation work of the camp, and among all the sanitation work, the disposal of excrement in the military camp is one of the most important things.

Especially in places where thousands of people gather, the scale of excrement will soon reach the ton level. If it is scattered randomly, the entire base will be surrounded by mountains of dung.

Imagine that when you go to training, you smell the smell, when you eat at noon or at night, you smell the smell, when you walk on the road, you smell the smell, and you even smell it accidentally. I will step on my foot, and the smell can't be washed off.

Although it is possible to invent perfume and high heels like the Europeans did back then, believe me, no normal person wants to live that kind of life.

The most basic principle to be followed in the treatment of excrement is that excrement should not pollute the water source and should not be discarded indiscriminately. Although it is said that the manure is fertilized, the fertilized field here is not randomly placed in the field. Once too much manure is accumulated, it also means excessive fertilization. It will cause an imbalance of soil nutrient structure, and the most direct result is the deterioration of soil properties, acidification, and finally large-scale necrosis of crops, which is commonly known as burnt crops.

Therefore, at the beginning of the construction of the camp, the first step is to build toilets, and stipulate that everyone must defecate in the toilets, and are not allowed to defecate anywhere.

The simplest so-called toilet is a squatting pit, which is divided into two parts, the front and the rear. The front part is a squatting pit, which is set up according to the number of people at a ratio of ten to one. The toilet wall is made of wooden boards sandwiched with soil, and the rammed soil is mixed with leaves and weeds. Reinforced with lime, it has a wooden canopy to protect it from rain and to protect the privacy of those who use the toilet.

Set up a large cesspit behind the squatting pit. All the areas in contact with feces are sprinkled with quicklime in advance, and then bricks are used to level it to prevent groundwater from being polluted.

"The above is the solution to the toilet problem. Do you have any questions?" Liu Ze sat on the first seat and spread the hard cover notebook on the table. The two rows below are long tables. Everyone sat on both sides, and the benches against the wall were full of Liu Ze's exclusive assistant students, surrounding the participants in the middle.

Hearing Liu Ze's concluding statement, everyone responded clearly. Those student assistants all had bright eyes and took out their notebooks to write and draw on it. I understand, let's discuss a few words together in a low voice.

All the military officers and student assistants have one of these hardcover notebooks. They were specially produced and distributed to everyone when Liu Ze conquered Yijun County, because Liu Ze has always believed that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, and everything can only be remembered by writing it down. Stronger.

"I didn't expect that there are so many twists and turns in this toilet. My eyes are also opened." Zhang Pu closed his notebook, looked at the people around him and said with a smile.

"That's right, I've learned enough to make my head grow." Sitting behind Liu Ze, Wang Shanbao also echoed. He has never been very good at learning knowledge, and even he himself thinks that doing these things is worse than fighting on the battlefield. It was a pleasure to come.

But Liu Ze attaches great importance to learning knowledge, and he firmly believes that the knowledge he possesses can change their future.

Liu Ze glanced at Wang Shanbao, cleared his throat, and continued, "It's not just the toilets, it's the whole health system. We're not a small number now. If we don't make a good overall plan, we will definitely be in trouble in the future."

"Wan'er, the medical team you belong to has a heavy task. In this territory, if there is an epidemic, we will not be able to bear it."

Liu Ze looked at Lu Wan'er who was sitting below, and said worriedly.He remembered that in the Ming Dynasty, many people would die every time an epidemic broke out, and the lives of ordinary people were even more miserable. It was difficult for ordinary people to eat enough, and the epidemic made things worse.

Liu Ze knew their pain and didn't want such a tragedy to happen again.

Lu Wan'er heard this intimate address, but she didn't feel disgusted like before. Instead, she nodded with a smile and responded, "Don't worry, Brother Liu, I will remember it."

"Your hospital ranks at the forefront of the construction team, and it must be no worse than yours." Liu Ze mentioned home, seeing Lu Waner's expression dim, he quickly changed the subject, shaking his head and said, "Everyone's drinking water is not enough. The water must be boiled, this point has been repeatedly emphasized, and the leaders of each group must implement it.”

"Brother Cheng, you and your two apprentices are our propagandists, and you are not allowed to do other work. You just walk around in the team and preach the ways I gave you."

"You must not drink unboiled water, as it is easy to get sick. You should take a bath frequently and maintain good personal hygiene. Once you have a headache or fever, go to our hospital for isolation and treatment to prevent infection."

"Oh, Commander, we know that the publicity must be in place." Cheng Mo stood up and replied with a smile on his face. Cheng Mo has always done a good job in these publicity work, and he is also happy to do it.

"Not only our own people, but also those red-haired barbarians have to follow our rules. Wang Housheng, your company is in charge of those young and strong red-haired barbarians, and they must be compulsively aligned with us. Their backward and barbaric Life habits must be resolutely stopped, and if there is resistance, resolutely suppress it, I have approved the death quota for you, so you can do it boldly."

"Yes!" Wang Li stood up quickly and responded at attention. Wang Li's name is Housheng, and he was also the first batch of hungry people to join the group. He grew up in a military household since he was a child. , very conspicuous, Lao Kong's evaluation of him is honest and honest but cruel, not like ordinary people, he is extremely brave in battle like a madman, he was promoted to the commander of the fourth company, that's why Liu Ze dared to entrust the task of controlling the use of red-haired barbarian captives give him.

Finally, Liu Ze stood up and made a concluding speech: "From now on, our base will be the core area, and no red-haired barbarians will be allowed to enter. A naturalization camp will be set up in the distance, and all newly captured ones will be taken care of."

Speaking of this, Liu Ze paused, reorganized his language and continued: "All the newly liberated red-haired barbarians will have to go through this naturalization camp for sanitation, cleaning and disinfection, and the clothes they wear will be incinerated. , those female red-haired man will not need to do heavy work in the future."

"Didn't our people find flax in pieces? Let them deal with it. According to our method, we can just make linen, and we will start our textile industry in the future, but it's a pity that there is no cotton." Liu Ze patted the table, One sentence determines the use and work of Hongmaoman in the future.

"Let's leave this work to Wang Guizhi. She is better at weaving in our team." Liu Ze turned to Wang Shanbao who was behind him and said, "Talk to your sister after the meeting. She is now in charge of the cooking class. Leave it to others first, and let her choose a reliable one."

After Liu Ze finished speaking, he turned around and stood up and looked out the window. The bastions in the setting sun exuded strange colors, and the layout full of mathematical geometry in the dusk was extremely spectacular. The trenches were so dark that they could no longer be seen clearly, but Liu Ze Knowing that sharpened wooden thorns were placed inside, the torches on the triangular slope began to be lit one by one, and the tall and straight figures of the soldiers were drawn into long shadows by the light.

This is the new home, the cradle of everything.

(End of this chapter)

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