Chapter 119 The People
When the first batch of molten iron was continuously produced, Wei Jiahui held up the cast sickle head, touched the burrs on it and smiled happily. Even if he was stung, he felt comfortable. This was not because he had a tendency to be masochistic. , but as a blacksmith, as an insider who has been engaged in this industry for generations in Yijun County, he was so excited that he touched this precious steel material and was incoherent.

In his opinion, it is extremely extravagant to use this kind of good steel produced continuously to make sickles and hoes, even if it is used to make standard steel knives, it is enough.

There are rumbling sounds everywhere in the casting room, like a piece of beautiful music, lingering in Wei Jiahui's ears. While listening to this sound, he looked around all the corners of the casting room. The workers are working in an orderly manner. Carrying out their own work, those who light the fire, those who forge the iron, and those who do odd jobs, everyone is like him, serious and responsible, and never sloppy, because today is a big day.

It was very hot in the casting room, but Wei Jiahui felt his heart was even hotter.

A worker wearing a red cap scarf is working hard to forge the iron. This is processing the iron fixture. Now everything is made from scratch, from one to two upgrades and improvements. Iron flowers are splashing around him. Looking at the iron flower, Wei Jiahui felt as if he was back in his youth, when he was just learning to forge and forge iron, and his little hands were often flushed, but the white bearded master was still strict, and he had to forge for six hours a day , You can't sleep and eat if you don't fight enough.

Wei Jiahui has a stubborn temper. He has endured a lot of hardships without shedding a single tear, let alone complaining to his parents. His parents are old-fashioned. When he grows up, his parents' health will not be as good as before. If he If he doesn't study hard, his future family business will be ruined. The most important thing is that he really loves forging. Whenever the iron flowers are splashing, Wei Jiahui feels the happiest.

His white-bearded master is his father's younger brother. He is also getting old, and gradually he can't do it anymore. Fortunately, he has taught Wei Jiahui all his skills before that, so that he who is on the sick bed Dad went on the road in peace.

Whenever Wei Jiahui was excited when he struck iron, his master would sit obliquely on the threshold of the forging shop, stroke his white beard, and squint his eyes at Wei Jiahui, hoping that someone would pass by the door at this time. Anyone who buys vegetables or does errands on the street has to be stopped by his master with a smile, and braggingly said: "Old man, I am old and I can't do it anymore, but my disciple Wei Jiahui is hardworking and can endure hardships. It will become a big weapon in the future!"

Most people would smile and say a few words. In the blacksmith shop outside the small county town of Yijun County, those without skills can’t stand at all. The old man himself is the kind of person with skills, but at this time he cares more about his apprentices. On weekdays, he doesn't care about others hurting him and scolding him, but he can't say anything about his precious apprentice Wei Jiahui, especially if Wei Jiahui can't be successful in the future, can't do great things, and can't inherit this shop.

If he heard such words, the old man's smiling face would collapse immediately. He gritted his molars fiercely, as if he wanted to eat people. Laughing and talking for a long time.

Wei Jiahui inside the house was still tinkling irons, everything outside the house seemed to have nothing to do with him.

It’s just that when I went to the street to buy vegetables and heard the neighbor’s aunt talk about these things, I thought it was a little funny, but also a little inexplicable, as if something happy surrounded him.

Wei Jiahui has been precocious since he was a child. When others were still babbling and reading the Three Character Classic, he was already making clay molds for casting. When others were digging out bird eggs with bare buttocks, he had already decided to follow his master's buttocks to watch iron The sparks splashed, he has a firm goal and can endure hardships. He is a child who can become a great weapon in the eyes of adults, but because he is full of energy in learning and forging, he lacks the ability to perceive happiness as an ordinary person.

Getting along with Master Whitebeard is the beginning of Wei Jiahui's real happiness.

Later, the white-bearded master died, his parents died, and Wei Jiahui was also crowned. After the funeral of the master and his parents, Wei Jiahui felt that he should be independent. It was time to close the shop and go out to have a look outside Although he has also learned to read, write, and count, Wei Jiahui knows that these are not his destination.

Only by carrying forward the blacksmithing shop handed down by his father and master can his soul be happy and satisfied.

"These agricultural tools will be shared by every family in the future, as our welfare!" Hearing Liu Ze's declaration, all the department leaders and ordinary workers who came to watch the ceremony in the iron and steel workshop cheered. The important thing is not the agricultural tools, but the is the land.

Because Liu Ze promised them that they would come back after fighting back to Daming, and this would be their safe haven in the future. As long as they accumulated enough strength to go back and defeat the officers and soldiers, they would bring their families here to enjoy the blessings together.

In the past few months, everyone has been extremely envious of the climate and land here. Even if it is wasteland, as long as it is reclaimed, it will be good land. There are no enemies or disasters. As long as you have the strength, you can reclaim it, and each person has fifty acres. base field.

That is to say, every soldier of the people's army will get at least [-] acres of land. If they fight or do meritorious service, they will get more land in proportion. This policy is aimed at all people and red-haired barbarians who came from the end of Ming Dynasty activists.

Thinking of this, Boss Zhang, who is the tactical instructor of the new barracks, is full of energy. He has no interest in ideals and programs, but he yearns for this fairy-like stable life. He doesn't care if Liu Ze is a fairy or not. No matter whether he can call back Daming or not, he turned his head to look at his nephew Zhang Gou'er, and secretly cursed this little slicker, too slick.

Boss Zhang said in his heart: If only I had a biological son like this nephew, it would be great, be more cunning, I can live!
He wants to settle down, find a woman with a big butt, no matter if it's a woman from Daming or those stinky red-haired women, give birth to a few babies happily, plant the land, and tease the baby when it rains, he just I am willing to die.

He secretly made up his mind that he must follow the big cabinet Liu Ze to the end, no matter where he goes, he will win, this is related to his lifelong dream.

The wharf that goes up a hundred miles along the river is the closest place to the mining area.

Eagle pushed a wheelbarrow full of iron ore, shook the ends of his red hair that had been shortened, and struggled along the road that was only opened in recent months. This straight road leads directly to the wharf of the river. , due to the uninterrupted rolling, two parallel ruts have been formed on both sides of the road. According to the traffic rule of keeping to the right, there is an endless flow of motorcades on both sides.

Gritting his teeth, Ying felt the flat and hardened ruts of the wheelbarrow in his hand. It was easier than pushing in other places. He clearly remembered the process of being captured by those white men and sent him to a labor camp. He saw his mother being shot by arrows. He was shot to death and threw himself into the fire. The pungent burnt smell still lingers in his heart.

He didn't quite understand the words of those white people who claimed to be Han Chinese. The strange language made him extremely disgusted. As a warrior, he had been to many tribes, and he had never heard of the fact that he was willing to distribute land and iron goods to the captives. , Ironware is extremely expensive, which can only be owned by village leaders, and can be exchanged with other tribes for food, salt and women's valuables.

With a clatter, the ore on the wheelbarrow was pushed along the long embankment of the pier to the waiting boat, and the ore fell, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

"The fourth car!" A soldier of the People's Army stretched out his hand and handed over a wooden sign. This is the record number plate that records the work of each red-haired man.

"Thank you...thank you" Ying replied in half-baked Chinese, nodded and took the number plate with both hands. He just turned around and pushed the wheelbarrow to the resting place. His face immediately turned cold and he rubbed his sore arms. , He has already finished today's work, and in the afternoon he still needs to take the naturalization class that he hates the most, learning the language pinyin and the details of the program of the public meeting.

The eagle sat down on the grass, his eyes cast aside the patrolling soldiers of the People's Army, he wanted revenge, he wanted to kill the leader of these people, the man named Commander, he wanted to avenge his mother, this is his only relatives, because he does not know who his father is.

"It's a pity that there is no chance."

As a member of the labor camp, Ying was assigned to a reform-through-labour group of ten people. The group consisted of people from other tribes who did not know each other. Half of the group of ten were drawn out and hanged. Since then, no one dared to run away, and they all kept a close watch on each other.

Although the one who escaped was not caught, he should not be able to survive. In this barbaric world, a person cannot survive, and everyone is the same. This is the lesson of blood that everyone knows.

"Here, eat." The leader of the ten-person group handed over two cakes. He just went to collect the food. Every person who worked hard could get two half-jin wheat cakes and a portion of salty bread. broth.

The eagle regained its harmless smile, and said in their red-haired savage language: "Thank you."

The team leader was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands and said: "Speak Chinese, otherwise..." He made a gesture of whipping, and if it was reported that the two of them talked in the original indigenous language, everyone would be whipped.

The whip is 1.2 meters long and [-] centimeter thick rattan. Every time before the execution, the whip must be soaked in salt water overnight to make it fully absorb water and strengthen its toughness. Immediately, the skin will be bruised, and the pain will be painful to the heart. The most important thing is that it will leave sequelae. For two or three months after the beating, you can only lie on your stomach and cannot sit. Lifelong scars, although not fatal, greatly affect daily life and work.

The team leader sat down beside the eagle and said: "Eat the cakes and broth, serve them yourself, work hard, and when you're done, we, the field, iron hoe, give it away for free."

Listening to the large pancake drawn by the group leader, Ying took a bite of the wheat pancake and swallowed it as hard as biting on the commander. The taste was indeed more delicious than the ones eaten in the village before, but he still couldn’t solve his problem. Hate, these nasty white people ruined his village and killed his mother.

The team leader was still muttering endlessly, and Ying secretly cursed that this soft bone completely fell to those white people.

"The People's Army has liberated us, so we don't have to live a hard life anymore!" The team leader sipped the broth, his eyes narrowed comfortably.

Hearing this sentence, Ying couldn't suppress his anger at all, and suddenly pushed the group leader on all fours, spilling the broth in his hand, and the native said quickly: "You are a soft bone, and you have taken refuge in those white people. !Did you forget that they destroyed our home?"

This action alarmed the other people in the group, and they were all shocked when they heard Ying blatantly violated the prohibition and said these rebellious words.

"Call me!" The team leader stood up with a groan, and regardless of the heat of the broth on his body, he looked around and found that no one else had noticed their transportation team hiding in the corner of the wheelbarrow, and he was relieved, viciously pointing at the eagle and cursing in native language.

When the team members heard the order, they rushed up without hesitation, and gave Ying a good hammer with all their hands and feet, and immediately beat him to roll over in the mud, but Ying kept swearing. Said: "We should kill those white people, they ruined our home, Druid will bless us! You traitors!"

"We are now the commander's believers. The Druids are false gods and have been killed by thunder and punishment. The commander is the real god. We must live a good life!"

"Eating and living are much better now than before, you unfamiliar wolf!"

"We will follow the commander to liberate all mankind and let everyone live a good life! After death, we must follow the commander to go to heaven to enjoy happiness!"

There were fists and kicks and fists and kicks, until the eagle stopped making a sound, and everyone gave up, and their disgusted eyes fell on the eagle like a knife.

"Cough cough." After two coughs, the eagle in the dust put his hands on the ground and tried several times to stand up, but he still failed. He didn't give up and just kept struggling there.

As the rest time ended, the team leader led the team members laughing presumptuously, yelling and going to the naturalization camp classroom, preparing for the naturalization class in the afternoon, and the figures gradually faded away.

A right hand was stretched out in front of the eagle, and at the same time a voice sounded.

"Brother, I also hate those white people, but we can't avenge ourselves like this now. We have to hide ourselves, just like a lone wolf facing its prey. Only by hunting in a completely different way from wolves can we survive. Find an opportunity and kill with one blow!"

His eyes regained their sharpness, Eagle grabbed the powerful right hand, raised his head to look at the slightly mediocre face under the red hair, and nodded vigorously.

"what's your name?"

"My name is Bernard." The man stared at the eagle and spat out his name forcefully.

Eagle borrowed his strength and finally stood up. He repeated: "You are new to our group, Bernard."

You were the one who beat me the hardest just now!Made!

(End of this chapter)

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