Chapter 127 Caravan

After another round of exchanges, the people in the tribe still refused to show their sincerity. The instructor lost his patience completely, pulled the red-haired boy who was still chattering in the red-haired barbaric language, and gave an ultimatum: "You tell them, the last time Answer, would you like to use someone to exchange? Except for the elderly, children, adult men and women are all required."

The red-haired boy asked and replied excitedly: "They said they could only give two children and two women, let's fight! We can liberate them and let them be human!" Deep down in his heart, he also wanted them to become become theirs.

After hearing this, the instructor turned around and walked towards the caravan, cursing angrily as he walked: "Yi Di, like beasts, fear power but not morality. Company Commander Chao, Company Commander Zhao, we have to destroy them."

"What? The conversation has collapsed?" Chao Zhongchen waved his horsewhip and smiled. He just watched for a long time. The red-haired barbarians in this tribe are not obedient masters, so he had expected that the conversation might collapse.

"Then let's fight. These barbarians are really stupid. They don't even want to be human." The company commander of the caravan said this. Slowly started literacy, especially after traveling to this place, he was educated by Lao Kong for a long time. What Lao Kong talked about was "Bi Di Yi, who has a human face but a beast's heart, and a strong one invades bandits. If you are weak, you will be humble, and if you don't serve kindness and righteousness, you should use the ears of prestige."

So he also learned this sentence.

In the eyes of Lao Kong, these redheads are not human at all. Only by teaching them etiquette and characters, integrating into the public association, and learning the program of the public association, can they gradually be called "human" creatures, so attack these uncooperative Although the tribe will kill, it also gives the remaining red-haired barbarians who surrendered and their descendants a chance to become human beings, which is enlightenment and a great good deed.

This kind of theory is mixed with the liberation theory of the People's Association, and a major result is that the naturalized red-haired barbarians who have accepted these theories are full of fighting will.Although there are some who resist this kind of thinking, they have all become the labor force of various factories and mines, doing the hardest, most tiring and dangerous work, and those who can go out and hold weapons are all activists among the naturalized red-haired barbarians. It is also a screening process.

After a few brief discussions, the company commander of the caravan turned around and ordered: "The people's army is in charge, and the naturalized fighters line up!"

The speed was very fast, and those naturalized red-haired barbarians lined up one after another, forming a group of five, all holding a shield in their left hand and a knife in their right hand. They had no other arms, only this light infantry shape. In order to prevent the spread of military technology, they learned are relatively simple.

This is different from the original members of the People's Association. There were more than 600 people in the People's Army, but now there are only more than 400 core troops left. Technicians in factories and other departments were trained, but even the most progressive red-haired man was only used as ordinary labor and soldiers, without any theoretical knowledge imparted.

"In order to liberate them, to make them human, attack, and those who resist will die!"

As the order was issued, the three People's Army cavalry stepped out first, and took out a square explosive bag from the horse's side backpack. This explosive bag was an improved version, adding more metal fragments and a hemp rope. It can be thrown farther by pulling the hemp rope on horseback.

The three cavalrymen pressed the speed of the horse, their legs were clamped, their feet were stepped on the stirrups, their buttocks were off the saddle, and they stabbed the horse lightly with their spurs. The speed was getting faster and faster. Flying through a perfect parabola quickly in the air, at this time the cavalrymen who had thrown the explosive packs drew a semicircle one after another, passing by the outside of the tribe's wooden wall.

"Boom boom boom", after three loud bangs, the company commander raised the empty waist knife and slashed down, "Attack!"

More than 100 naturalized red-haired barbarians shouted: "Liberate, liberate!" and rushed up. With a distance of only 50 meters, these people rushed to the tribe that was still filled with gunpowder smoke in a very short time. There is chaos in the tribe.

The red-haired man of the tribe has heard before that these black-haired white people have supernatural powers, and can destroy a small tribe in an instant, but hearing it is never as shocking as seeing it. After a few loud noises, seeing Looking at the bombed-out houses and the few unlucky guys who were bloody and bloody, the red-haired savages in the tribe were terrified, and they all froze in place with pale faces.

At this time, several clever ghosts knelt down and made some strange gestures, muttering, not knowing what they were talking about.

After the translation by the young red-haired man, the soldiers behind the formation knew that they were praying for Druid's protection!

The people's army raised their weapons and laughed. They didn't expect these red-haired barbarians to be so ignorant. They are dying and still doing something like this. It's time to pack them up and send them to the naturalization camp for reformation.

"Kneel down and surrender!" A naturalized red-haired barbarian shouted at a spear-wielding tribal warrior. He was the only red-haired man in sight who dared to resist.

Seeing that he didn't respond, he seemed to be frightened stupid. The naturalized red-haired man stabbed him in the head. Because of his strength, the blade edged across his neck, and the whole big head immediately fell on the ground with a "click". On the ground, because the speed was too fast, the eyes on the head were not closed.

"If you don't surrender, then I will liberate you." The naturalized red-haired man was also a little frightened, and looked at the steel knife in his right hand in disbelief. This was the first time he had killed someone so neatly. Artifact, he thought to himself.

Another naturalized red-haired man in his group scolded: "Idiot, the only way to live is to be liberated. We need to let them be human! Have you forgotten what you learned in the naturalization camp?"

During this delay, the naturalized people from other groups all overtook them one after another and continued to rush forward, shouting the native language among them: "Kneel down and surrender without killing."

Standing on his horse, Chao Zhongchen saw that the overall situation had been settled, so he resumed his sitting posture, and said to the instructor and the company commander, "This is not a war, it's like hunting. It's really boring."

He originally thought that today's red-haired man tribe would be different, at least he could go out and kill them himself, but he didn't expect to overestimate them. He didn't know when he would meet a smarter red-haired man, Chao Zhongchen thought .

"Haha, every time I use the dynamite bag, those savages become idiots, let us kill them, or don't we use the dynamite bag next time?" The company commander laughed.

When the instructor heard their jokes, he said angrily, "It's not a child's play to reduce casualties."

Since dynamite packs can scare them, and they are tried and tested, then fools don't use them.

"I know, I know, just kidding, just kidding."

In less than half an hour, the battle was completely over. The people's army had zero casualties, and the red-haired barbarian tribe had only killed or injured more than ten people, and the rest were all captured.

"Clean up, cut some trees and let them carry them in groups of five to prevent them from escaping and sharpen their temperament. Let's continue to the next tribe for trade."

(End of this chapter)

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