Traveler Major League

Chapter 165 Siege

Chapter 165 Siege
When the moon is high and the wind is dark, when killing and setting fire.

Wang Li personally took a rifle company and went to the tunnel pointed by Wang Xiuchu, "You are so sad, why have you ever eaten it in your life?" Seeing Wang Xiuchu walking and holding a piece of steamed bun, he couldn't help cursing.

"I want to be a stuffed ghost, take one last bite." Wang Xiuchu stuffed the last bun into his mouth. He led the way this time with the determination to die. His family members were all dead, and he also lost the desire to live. .

"Qiao Shizi, who will avenge your family after you die? These officers and soldiers burned, killed and looted, and they died as soon as they died, but there are still others in other places. You have to go and wipe them all out before you can take revenge."

The comfort and enlightenment of hatred can sometimes stimulate the desire to survive, Wang Xiuchu murmured: "I can't die, I have to kill all the officers and soldiers."

After sneaking all the way to this point, after avoiding several batches of sentinels from the officers and soldiers, the more than 100 people breathed a sigh of relief. The planned plan was that once Wang Li and the officers and soldiers exchanged fire, no matter whether they sneaked into the town or not, everyone on the periphery would launch an attack.

There is a rifle company on the outskirts, which cooperates with many militiamen to blockade the town. In order to prevent the officers and soldiers from roaming, they only dare to stand by a few miles away, and there are even larger militia teams transferred from various villages and towns on the outskirts. , the goal is to prevent a single officer from escaping.

"Battalion Commander, it's right here." Wang Xiuchu pointed to the haystack by the river, and lifted the upper layer, revealing the dark hole below.

"You lead the way." Wang Li patted Wang Xiuchu's shoulder and said softly.

The whole company filed in, and they all entered the town in a short time. Hearing that the surroundings were abnormally quiet, Wang Li felt a little uneasy, but this was not the time to think about it, "A group followed me to control the intersection of the street, and dare to come out. The officers and soldiers pressed back into the houses, the second platoon seized the gate of the town, the third platoon searched every household, and took action."

Opening the gate of the courtyard, before the team started, they were spotted by the officers and soldiers on night watch, "The bandits have come in! The bandits..."

With a few gunshots, the shouting stopped abruptly, but the gunshots were more penetrating than the shouts of the officers and soldiers, and the whole town completely boiled.

The ever-shrinking encirclement outside the town no longer hides after hearing the gunshots. The militia team stretched out a huge net along all the terrain that is easy to pass through, and lined up a human wall. Countless torches were also fired. Looking up, it looks like a sky full of stars, and the center of the target is Jiuxian Town.

"Kill the official army, kill the official army!"

Although the distance is still far away, the roars from all around can still be heard, which is very obvious in this silent night. All militia companies are also holding red flags with team numbers written on them, followed by a rifleman walking in the front .

The militiamen can't bear to fight, especially when encountering the cavalry of the official army. Therefore, Wang Li divided the rifle company with more than [-] people in the periphery into five combat teams, and the squad leader, deputy squad leader and others led the militiamen from all directions. The direction of progress is used as a guarantee of combat effectiveness.

The first to rush was the Wang Youyuan cavalry team running along the main road. Their purpose was to seize the horses of the official army. According to Wang Xiuchu before, a considerable part of the horses of the official army were concentrated outside the town.

Papapapa, Wang Youyuan took the lead with his gun and shot at the fine cavalry of the officers and soldiers running around on the road. The accuracy on the horseback was affected, but the few officers and soldiers did not dare to approach at all.

With a distance of several miles, it only took a few minutes for the cavalry to run at full speed, and the officers and soldiers in the town hadn't even reacted yet.

Looking at the empty destination, Wang Youyuan scolded: "Sure enough, there are no horses. They must be in the town. Spread out in units of squads. Surround the town and don't let one go. These are our good horses!"

The war horses and livestock of the officers and soldiers were indeed placed in the town and occupied many houses, leaving feces and fodder everywhere. It was a mess. It was safe to be safe, and now it became an obstacle for the officers and soldiers to gather.

The short sound of the trumpet sounded, which was the signal for the assembly of the officers and soldiers. The soldiers who were resting after eating early were suddenly awakened. The first reaction to the sound of gunfire and explosion was not to put on resistance, but to have only one thought: being attacked by surprise, hurry up run.

Most of the large number of officers and soldiers only wore unlined clothes, and they rushed to the street without even taking all their weapons. After a burst of gunfire, the dead and wounded soldiers were pressed back into the room. There is no difference, they are both shot and killed.

The officers and soldiers scattered in the civilian houses were killed and wounded everywhere by the people's army sweeping along the street with explosives.

The phenomenon of kneeling and surrendering followed in large numbers.

The officers and soldiers who were at the gate of the town no longer wanted to resist at this time, but opened the gate tacitly, thinking of leading their horses and running away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the gate was opened, there was even more panic. Star-like torches came from a distance, crackling, and they were shot by Wang Youyuan's cavalry, so the officers and soldiers did not dare to rush out.

"Go through the back door." Someone shouted, and the guards got on their horses and ran to the back like a crowd, just in time to meet the second row who came to snatch the door, and another round of salvo was fired, the muzzle flames were stronger than any horns. To be effective, the group of officers and soldiers who were killed and injured completely collapsed, and they abandoned their horses and hid in the houses on both sides.

The chaos outside woke He Huchen up suddenly. He was a veteran frontier soldier after all, and he didn't care about the armor and the little lady on the bed. He lifted the quilt, took out a waist knife, kicked open the door and rushed out, just in time to bump into Zhang Zhicheng.

"My lord, hurry up, the old thief has come in, and it's everywhere outside, too many to count." Zhang Zhicheng's face was covered with sweat, half anxious and half scared.

"Don't panic, quickly send an order to assemble and rush out."

As he said that, He Huchen stepped on his horse and turned over the wall, and took a few steps to reach the highest point of the roof. At this moment, he finally realized Zhang Zhicheng's fear. There were gunshots and explosions inside and outside the town, and mountains were farther away. There was a roar like a tsunami, and the crowd was too far away to see the surge of people, but the number of torches could not be faked.

"This is the main force of the thieves, get on your horses, let's go, leave the others alone, and run away from here." He Huchen jumped off the wall in a few steps, got on the horse, roared, and walked away.

Followed the street and arrived at the gate of the town only to find that it had already been occupied. The riflemen who had been waiting for a long time followed the flames. He Huchen fell off his horse with a groan. Even at this time, the rest of the guards still wanted to snatch back their chief general. Taking advantage of the gap between firing and reloading, they used their horsepower to hide and drag He Huchen back, but they failed to run more than ten meters, and ushered in the first round. The second row of guns was knocked down to the ground.

When the militiamen outside the town also surrounded them, the officers and soldiers who were suppressed in the various houses finally lost their will to fight and surrendered one after another. They were escorted out in groups with their hands raised. This battle only killed and wounded the officers and soldiers. To a hundred people, nearly six hundred soldiers were captured, and there were more than eight hundred horses, and there were no weapons, armor, food, or grass.

So far, the largest mobile force of the official army has been wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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