Traveler Major League

Chapter 177 Race against time

Chapter 177 Race against time

On March [-]th, the evil god should avoid the moon, break the big consumption, hit the white tiger with four hits, nine voids, nine hurdles, and nine scorches.

After the army on the other side of the Bahe River was bombarded and collapsed, the cavalry battalion and infantry battalion who crossed the river first began a non-stop pursuit. The target was directed at Xi'an twenty miles away. Wang Youyuan and Yang Zeming personally lead the team, and they have cooperated with each other many times before, so the familiarity and tacit understanding between them are enough.

Instead of marching in a unified formation, the cavalry battalion just crossed the river and passed a platoon, and assembled a platoon of troops to charge towards Xi'an City, completely ignoring the loss of horses, and attacked at the highest speed in unison, just to seize the opportunity and set off first The cavalry of the army all carried rifle explosives, and the rifle battalion behind them was also in the same situation. They abandoned all unimportant loads and moved forward quickly.

A quarter of an hour later, the retreating cavalry commanded by Zheng Chongjian had arrived at the outer wall of the east gate of Xi'an. The inside of the deep trench is full of spiked wooden poles. Although the defense here is not as strong as that of Xi'an, there are still some things that should be there. There are even Franc machine guns on the watchtower.

After rushing through several layers of repelling horses, Zheng Chongjian raised his knife high and shouted to the surrounding defenders: "Close the Guomen quickly, the bandits are coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "crack" gunshot from behind. The cavalry platoon that set off first almost chased the tails of the rout cavalry to the gate. They thought that the cavalry in the back who did not wear the flag and wore the same cotton armor of the official army were also their own.

The cavalry of the people's army who arrived first had only [-] people left, but they started a suicidal attack on the hundreds of people guarding the city defense. The first one was Wang Youyuan. Ma Li threw two "swish" into the Guomen Cave. The gate that hadn't been fully closed shook back and forth a few times under the power of the explosion, and it squeaked a few times. There was almost no damage. But the soldiers who were closing the door let out a scream, and all fell into the gunpowder smoke. Seeing this, the remaining soldiers scattered and fled in all directions, even losing their weapons in fright.

Hearing this roar, the horses of Zheng Chongjian's entourage who hadn't fully left the cave were startled, and they couldn't stop jumping and running wildly, and they didn't recognize the owner, as if they were crazy.

Zheng Chongjian, who only reacted at this time, was startled, and he couldn't hold the rein in his hand, but he knew that the more critical the moment, the more calm he had to be. Finally he stopped the frightened horse, he half bent on the horse's back, heaved a sigh of relief, and the cold sweat dripped down his head in an instant.

"No one is allowed to retreat, and those who retreat will die!" Zheng Chongjian turned his horse's head, drew his knife and shouted at the scattered defenders, "Close the Guomen!" Because he was afraid that the horse would be frightened, Zheng Chongjian kept holding his breath, and he While giving the order, he also freed one hand to pat the horse to comfort him.

Zheng Chongjian knew that if the door was robbed by thieves, then he would be the culprit, and he must do his best to block it, but he seriously underestimated the sharpness of the People's Army's weapons.

At this time, the Fran cannons above the city gate also started shelling, but there was no threat to the cavalry of the people's army who had already rushed under the city gate. The soldier shouted: "Raise it up and aim at the bottom, anyone who disobeys the order will die!"

The four soldiers raised the door to Dalian Zhu. The small cannon of several tens of kilograms had just been loaded and aimed at the bottom. They watched the cavalry rushing over and threw a few packages at random. The officers and soldiers upstairs watched helplessly. Seeing the sparking five-jin dynamite pack flying towards him, he hadn't reacted yet.

With a few bangs of "boom", there were no more resisters on the city gate tower, and the fragments of limbs and wood debris that had been blown up were scattered everywhere, and all the soldiers near the Guomen collapsed. Zheng Chongjian, who was behind the doorway, commanded the remaining generals to go against the rout and yell for others to go back to resist.

Just these dozen or so people braved the gunpowder smoke before reaching the gate, and two more explosive packs were thrown in. Before the explosion, all the well-behaved officers and soldiers went to Changle Gate without looking back. Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Zheng Chongjian didn't say much, gritted his teeth, kicked the horse's belly with his feet, and fled for his life amidst the neighing of the horse.

There was a squeak of toothache, and several People's Army soldiers who were smoking gunpowder pushed Guomen completely open, and then Wang Youyuan led the rest of the cavalry to chase Zheng Chongjian and others.

"The front is the Changle Gate, and we will be able to take the Changle Gate!" Wang Youyuan shouted excitedly pointing to the front, leaving only three or four people guarding here, and the rest continued to chase.

But this time Wang Youyuan was not so lucky, because of the movement at Guomen, the Changle Gate had been closed long ago, and even Zheng Chongjian was unable to enter in time, but Zheng Chongjian was clever, and seeing the situation was wrong, he went directly along the city wall to the other side Slipped away, and mixed into the alley in a blink of an eye.

The civilians in the city wall who were still on the street at this time also scattered because of this sudden situation. They just fled to the houses on both sides, and did not stop Wang Youyuan and others on the main road.

The officers and soldiers above the Changle Gate shouted: "Go to the two sides, go to the two sides." This is because Wang Youyuan and the others are regarded as the officers and soldiers routed. Loading ammunition nervously.

"Thief your mother." Wang Youyuan cursed, kicking the horse's belly hard, grasping the hemp rope with his right hand, and pulling the fuse with his left hand, and then the horse quickly threw the explosive package to the top of the city ten meters high. The few people who followed followed suit, and a dozen or so packages were thrown up in unison. This sudden situation woke up the defenders instantly.

"The ones below are thieves, shoot!" Someone shouted in response.

The blunderbussmen and archers who had been prepared above focused their fire on the dozens of unobstructed cavalry below, followed by a muffled sound of horses, and the cavalry behind who hadn't thrown out the explosive package suddenly burst into flames. Nearly half of them fell down, and those who were lucky enough to survive fled to the houses on both sides. Just flatten it.

But the rise of the people's army was too fast, and it came too hastily. No one was able to make up their minds to do so. The market real estate in the outer country is not all the property of the common people, not to mention the largest Qin Palace, as well as security guards. The palace, Yongxing Palace, Yongshou Palace, General Zhenguo's Palace and other big and small people's brains are not something that can be done in just a few days.

So this was embarrassing, a series of explosions completely silenced the officers and soldiers above the city gate. At this time, Wang Youyuan and others who fled to both sides returned to the city gate.

Someone wound up a rope, and the grapple on it was shining brightly against the sun. After winding several times, more than a dozen ropes flew up to the wall stack. Wang Youyuan grabbed a rope and went up first, and those without ropes followed suit Dismounted and raised guns for fire support, but the officers and soldiers on the gate tower were all bombed, dead and wounded, and the officers and soldiers far away on both sides had not yet reacted. The others had already gone up, although there were only a dozen of them, but the power and rate of fire of the rifle immediately crushed the soldiers on both sides.

The people who were originally sent to carry earth, rocks and wood on the city wall were startled by the explosions and gunshots. They fled one after another, which intensified the chaos on the city wall. Some people even jumped directly from the city wall to the top of the house and the road because of fear. On the ground, the bones were broken and the tendons were broken, screaming again and again.

The soldiers of the people's army who went to the top of the city were not idle, they threw the explosives down the wall, and the officers and soldiers gathered in the urn city behind the city gate turned their backs.

"Let's stay here, the reinforcements are coming soon!" Wang Youyuan stabbed the wounded officers and soldiers on the city gate tower to death one by one with a bayonet, and said to the less than 20 men left, they came desperately this time. People flinched, and the results of the battle were equally huge. Taking advantage of this short respite, several soldiers under the city gate tied the horses and the ammunition on the dead to the city gate one after another.

As soon as the preparations were completed, the officers and soldiers on the walls on both sides began to counterattack. The first to fire were the musketeers and archers, and the soldiers hiding in the gatehouse also counterattacked with their rifles. There are fortifications to rely on, so there are few casualties.

Seeing this situation, the officers and soldiers no longer had any scruples, and turned the various small cannons on both sides to start shooting. Bullets rained down from both sides, and a cloud of wood residue and smoke burst out from the smashed city gate.

The shrapnel made a piercing whining sound, like a broom flying by, and the shrapnel caused by the masonry on the battlements was even more lethal. Those who had no time to dodge were beaten into a sieve.

Suddenly the sound of the guns stopped, and the infantry on the walls on both sides started to attack at the same time with shields and guns.

Wang Youyuan touched the wound on his left arm that was bleeding profusely. He didn't feel it at all at first, but he felt so wet that he couldn't use his strength. He turned his head and realized that he was injured. He leaned against the wall and took out a piece of sackcloth to tie the wound tightly. In the blood, he caught a glimpse of the officers and soldiers coming up, and hurriedly shouted to the back: "Throw the explosive bag!"

At this time, there were only a few people left in Ying Hesheng, and the explosives were thrown into the dense crowd of officers and soldiers. Everyone who was shocked fled in all directions. round shot.

Wang Shanbao and others in the Nursing Home and various temples on the northwest side of Xi'an City also heard the explosion at this time, and they were suddenly startled. They looked at each other with Boss Dong, and they all understood that it was the troops of the People's Army.

"Brother, what should we do?" Boss Dong asked anxiously, frowning.

"Greeting to our people, do it!" Wang Shanbao looked at Boss Dong with a slightly hesitant expression, knowing that it was too risky to do it at this time, there were officers, soldiers and civilians everywhere, and it was daytime, but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, he didn't want to miss it, So he scolded: "Gua, our 10,000+ army, can't we take down this little Xi'an? Pass it on, and after the event is completed, each person will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver. Those who want Zhu Rong's vase and snowflake salt are fine, just change hands." More than ten times the profit, this is a great thing, after passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

Hearing this, Boss Dong gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Fight it all, people will be dead and birds will be in the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years. I will notify you right now."

There are basically no good people among these hundreds of people. They are either broken soldiers or strong men who rob houses. But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all elites with a few brushes. This time Wang Shanbao took such a big risk to lead the team here because of this. The reason is that there must be brave men under heavy rewards.

Wang Shanbao took out a strip-shaped explosive bag from his waist, and touched the tightly bound linen cloth. The inner layer was a layer of iron fragments, like snake scales. He still remembered that Liu Ze refused him to personally The situation in Xi'an.

"Shanbao, you and I are as close as brothers. You have to know that if a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, how can the son of a thousand gold take risks by himself?" Liu Ze patted Wang Shanbao's shoulder and said earnestly.

At that time, Wang Shanbao replied: "I am the person in charge, how can I let my subordinates go to this dangerous place and hide behind myself? How can I convince the public in the future? Even the commander led me to do it himself at the beginning. , I can still remember the random killing in Zhaojiazhuang. In order to stop the rioters from plundering and killing, you took me to stop it in the village, and almost got chopped up by those thieves who didn't recognize their relatives. Although they said nothing Said, but we all say you are a good person in private, and we all admire you from the bottom of our hearts, so we slowly gather people's hearts and follow you steadily, so I must go to this big operation."

Seeing that Liu Ze still disagreed, Wang Shanbao said again what Liu Ze said in the training class for cadres: When you encounter problems, follow me, not me!

Only then did Liu Ze reluctantly agree, but left a sentence, that is, he must save his life.

Wang Shanbao recalled this, and said silently: "Commander, we people are good people, how can we be afraid of death, if we don't lead by example, I have listened to you so many lessons for nothing? I can't pass the psychological test."

At this time, Boss Dong went around and gathered all the scattered people around, and then Wang Shanbao spoke in a low voice: "We must first disturb the victims near here. We are starving to death with a bowl of porridge every day." , let's make a fuss with this, after snatching the weapons, the teams should not be obsessed with fighting, but focus on setting fires to cause chaos! When the time comes to attract officers and troops here, then the East Gate will be able to reduce the pressure, which is a great achievement! It's still the same sentence , if you succeed, you will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver, and if you die, you can also give it to your family. Do you want to do it?"


"Fuck it!"

Seeing the red ears of the subordinates below, and not knowing whether he was nervous or greedy for the reward, Wang Shanbao said softly: "Let's go!"

"Damn, the imperial court only gives us a bowl of porridge every day. If the soup is clear and watery, we will starve to death sooner or later."

"Folks, ask the imperial court to judge!" "If you don't give it to us, we will grab it! What are we afraid of with so many people, the law does not blame the public!"

"Let's go together!"

At this time, Min Zhuang, who was guarding all around, did not dare to really kill people, and they pushed and shoved with the refugees one after another. Soon, under the instigation of Wang Shanbao and others, the clamor turned into a riot, and someone shouted: "Officials and soldiers!" Killed, run away!"

It caused chaos in several places around here, and there was the sound of explosion of explosives, which even stirred up the concentrated resettlement site into a pot of boiling water, and soon the fire broke out, and there were ignited houses everywhere. Taking advantage of the wind, the fire quickly spread to several official warehouses such as the nearby Yongfeng warehouse, where the government stored grain, and the refugees completely lost control, and all fell into the chaos of grabbing food. .

And half an hour ago, the people's army had urgently built two pontoon bridges on the Bahe River by using existing ships. We started to pass through the gate of Guoqiang, the east gate of Xi'an.

(End of this chapter)

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