Traveler Major League

Chapter 227 Mutation

Chapter 227 Mutation
The noisy construction sounds echoed in the small universe but there was no echo. Although Liu Ze had been to this small universe with extremely limited space many times, he still had a dreamy feeling every time he came. He raised his head and looked at the construction site below the hillside house in the middle. The workers working there looked up at the noon sun. The field that was originally full of wheat had turned into a huge sunken pit.

The halo of light from the sun spreads out in circles, reaching the farthest edge of the scene.

"Commander, please come this way." A strange middle-aged man waited respectfully at the entrance for Liu Ze to come to his senses and then said: "The alliance leader is waiting for you in the room."

Liu Ze nodded and looked at the face of the informant. He was a very upright, cold, and capable person. This was the first impression he gave people.

Under the guidance of this man, Liu Zeyi passed through the side of the crowd, still as polite as when he came before, and stood in front of the wooden house to greet him. The experience during this period left an indescribable taste on Liu Zeyi's face.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the change in the eyes is more accurate. Under the identical face, the temperament of the two people is becoming more and more different.

"Long time no see. Is everything going well?" Liu Zeyi's voice was gentle. He opened the door and entered the living room. Then the two of them sat across from each other on the dining table. The heat from the pot of tea and two cups on the table dissipated and formed a scent of tea. .

During this period of time, Liu Ze and Liu Zeyi were busy in Spring and Autumn and the Third World respectively, and they met only a few times.

"It's not smooth, but these are minor problems." Liu Ze picked up a cup of tea and drank it in one gulp. "They are all the old problems of shortage of weapons, supplies, and food, but there is a new situation, which is why I came to you. .”

"What's new?"

"It's a matter of time flow rate." Liu Ze stared closely into Liu Zeyi's eyes. He saw the slightly dilated pupils in surprise, "You don't know?"

"I went back to the Ming Dynasty one day ago in order to use high-altitude detection balloons and drones to map the terrain and explore the military configuration of the Ming Dynasty. Then when I came back today, I found that during the 28 hours I left, Three hours have passed on the Spring and Autumn side, which is completely different from before when it was so slow that it was close to a pause."

"Wait a moment." Liu Zeyi took out his cell phone and pressed it for a long time. His brows were still furrowed. "It said that there is no explanation for this situation in its database."

"Time should have started to flow faster when I passed by this time, because the side of Xi'an is the same as when I left. And the ratio of time now, I have tested it, it is about 9:1 ratio, I don't know what will happen It won't speed up, but I'm afraid it will change in the future." Liu Ze was a little worried, "So, you need to work harder to transport supplies, now we are short of everything."

"I'll try my best, a big batch of goods is coming."

Liu Zeyi's expansion in the third world is extremely rapid, but from the outside it appears to be in a scattered state, and its loose structure makes people confused.

As the security departments of major international countries began to cooperate with each other, it seemed that there were many crises, but in fact, as other worlds confirmed it, Liu Zeyi had the opportunity to walk in the cracks.

Liu Zeyi's confidence lies in its penetration into the entire network and the entrance to the passage connecting the world.

This contact point is a blue old-fashioned container ship built in the 80s in the open sea. It is traveling at a low speed of 122.78029 knots in the area of ​​longitude: 21.17334, latitude: 5. This is a huge ship that can carry 4129 standard containers when fully loaded. .

It is like a floating island of steel on this deep black high seas, huge and heavy. Liu Zeyi came here mainly for this entire ship of arms and manufacturing equipment. After all, the domestic regulations are getting stricter and stricter. After investigation, let alone finished weapons, special manufacturing machinery related to firearms and ammunition is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.

"Hello, welcome." A burly Anglo-Saxon man with a beard stretched out his hand and spoke fluent Chinese with just a slight accent, "I am Ibrahima Berry."

Liu Zeyi stepped off the helicopter amid a roar, resisting the slightly chilly sea breeze, and tightly held the right hand of the person who came forward to greet him: "I am the contact person of your North American branch, you can call me Old K." The name "Old K" is just a vest that Liu Zeyi put on himself, and according to Liu Zeyi's monitoring on the Internet, it is basically certain that Ibrahima Berry is a spy who wants to break into the "Traverser Alliance".

Another greeter spoke English, and Ibrahima Berry acted as a translator. "This is the head of our North American branch, Mr. Ilya Akram. He said that our people have already Everyone is here and waiting for you in the living room, please come this way."

Liu Zeyi nodded and followed these people off the tarmac. Among the current members of the global "Travelers Alliance", there are only a few members with questionable identities like Ibrahima Berry, but Quite a few, this is also a strategy, in order to lower the vigilance of various countries, and take advantage of them in disguise.

Under normal circumstances, pretending not to know anything will not cause any harm to the alliance anyway.

If they want to cause any adverse consequences to the alliance, Liu Zeyi will make them disappear as soon as possible to minimize the loss.Sometimes, Liu Zeyi will deliberately arrange more difficult tasks for them. If the task fails, Liu Zeyi can find an excuse to punish them; if they have no choice but to use the forces or channels behind them, if they complete it, it will be tantamount to punishing them. Alliance work.

Such good agents must be cultivated. If there is any trouble in the future, Liu Zeyi will continue to use them as a matter of course, but behind the scenes they will all be labeled, labels that can be removed at any time.

This time, Ibrahima Berry was deceived into pretending to be reused, and then through his channels, the ship safely reached the high seas.

As several people entered the cabin, cheers and applause broke out. It was obviously a renovated large dining hall. The overall height was not high, but it was wide enough. More than half of the space was densely packed with conjoined dining halls. There were tables and chairs, and the other half of the space was just an array of benches. At this time, it was already packed with people, more than 500 people.

Ilya Akram gently pushed Liu Zeyi and said softly: "Mr. K, we have been looking forward to this moment for a long time. Please say something. We all want to know when we can personally verify the existence of other worlds?"

Seeing Liu Zeyi's gaze, Ibrahima Berry quickly translated.

Liu Zeyi walked up to the high platform against the wall at one end of the canteen and looked at the crowd below who was getting quieter and asked: "How many meters long is this ship?"

"294.13 meters, width 32.31 meters, draft 12.04 meters, net weight 7.8 tons. Sir! I am the captain of this ship."

"Well, Mr. Captain, please inform us to stop the ship."

The captain turned to look at Ilya Akram, and when he saw him nodding in agreement, he replied: "The ship is very slow now, it only takes 3-4 minutes."

"Then let's begin."

Three minutes later, the captain's intercom came: Captain, the ship has been stopped, but there is still speed to follow the trend of the ocean. Do you need to release the anchor chain?
After Liu Zeyi heard the interpreter confirming that the ship had stopped, he lightly pressed the slate with his left hand in his pocket and said softly: "Comrades, the time to witness the miracle has come."

There was a dazzling change of light and shadow, and a strange sound came from the hull, which seemed to be the clicking sound of uneven metal stress. From the air, it could be seen that the giant freighter had fallen into the pit at this time. The hull was not completely in contact with the pit. The shape of the excavation matched the shape of the excavation, and the deck formed an angle of 10 degrees with the horizontal plane. This sudden change caused everyone in the canteen inside the ship to exclaim and rush to the exit.

A large number of excavators that had been prepared on both sides of the pit began to backfill the gap between the hull and the pit. In addition, many soldiers with live ammunition carried narrow wooden ladders to the side of the ship and climbed up. Soon, they were like a swarm of ants. This ship is full of prey.

Liu Zeyi also came out of the cabin at this time and said to the passengers around him who were amazed at the great changes: "Welcome to the new world."

(End of this chapter)

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