Traveler Major League

Chapter 260 Giant Shoulders

Chapter 260 Giant Shoulders

In history, the fighting between the peasant army and the Ming army raged like a frenzy in Henan. Bloody battles were fiercely staged around Luoyang. At first, the Ming army chased the peasant army. More than ten years later, in the last years of Chongzhen, Unable to maintain decency.

However, now, under the huge storm set off by Liu Ze, it was only the second year of Chongzhen that the Ming court was no longer able to deal with it calmly. The capital 800 kilometers away was still stable, but Yuan Chonghuan, who was close at hand, was clearly Realizing that it was unrealistic to gather heavy troops to destroy the People's Army in the short term, and even because of the gap in force, his own self-protection was a problem. He even had an idea in his mind that the People's Alliance might really emerge from hundreds of years later. Come.

The arrow was on the string and he had to fire it. He wanted to retreat, but he couldn't retreat without an imperial edict. The popular alliance's memorandum was still on his desk. If he fled without a fight, his head would probably be sent to the capital the next day, or like In history, he was executed by Lingchi, and people rushed to buy his cut meat. Each piece of meat was sold for one coin, and it was sold out quickly. People would curse before eating his meat.

When I came back from my dream at midnight, my whole body was trembling with cold sweat. The five-year Pingliao military order would definitely not be achieved, let alone the current level of the People's Army, which was even more difficult to pass.

According to the battle report from the forward general Man Gui, nearly a thousand cavalry did not enter the sphere of influence of the People's Army at all. They were ambushed by the People's Army less than ten miles out of Gongyi. As a veteran general for many years, he did not even know how many people there were. After ambushing them, they only knew that most of them were infantry, and there were continuous gunshots everywhere. You could vaguely see scattered figures on all sides. Although they were not in an array, they were powerful with artillery and sharp guns, making these even in Liaodong. The elite soldiers who have fought hundreds of battles have become a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"The power of guns and cannons is really astonishing. The long range and high accuracy far exceed our fire guns. Its ability to shoot continuously is unprecedented."

Thousands of cavalrymen were ambushed and three hundred were lost immediately. The civilian army, which seemed to be out of formation, was actually a preset position. The open space in the middle of the position, which looked like a vast plain, was actually blocked by crossfire.

The development of the facts followed the script of the People's Army. The only variable was that Mangui chose to retreat immediately based on his intuition. However, his intuition ended here. His many years of experience in the army became invalid at this time. , when they dispersed and retreated from the open space in the middle, they were blocked by mortars and machine guns. Fortunately, the People's Army did not have many cavalry and could not divide their forces to pursue them.

Taking advantage of the speed of the cavalry, they lost several groups of soldiers to distract the pursuing People's Army cavalry. When they retreated to Gongyi, there were only less than a hundred remaining soldiers. Even Man Gui's own mount was replaced three times, and they were all shot by bullets. He was killed, but fortunately his own soldiers managed to rescue him and he escaped with his life.

My life was restored, but my anger was gone.

It can be said that this battle destroyed the confidence of the Ming army going south. After personally asking about the situation of the battle in Mangui, Yuan Chonghuan no longer thought about annihilating the thieves in one day. Thousands of Liaodong's elite cavalry were almost completely defeated before they could engage the enemy. It was annihilated and the result was zero, so how could we fight?

This is also the reason why Yuan Chonghuan sent his army back to Zhengzhou, which is two hundred miles away. But what he didn't know was that these two hundred miles add up to one hundred kilometers, which is still a bit close to the people's army.

As local conditions gradually became more stable, die-hard loyalists who had experienced the miraculous baptism of traveling back and forth across the world took control of local political power and re-established order. The people's army who had freed up time finally began to take the next step. With an order, the needle pointed at the wheat awn, and the force was launched. After eating Yuan Chonghuan hard, the slogan of liberating the entire Ming Dynasty began to sound, and many units of the First Army had already begun a roundabout pincer offensive.

War has never been a simple comparison of weapons, but one exception is that the generation gap is large enough, and in addition, there is another thing that is also pulled out of the generation gap, and that is the human heart.

When more than 100,000 Ming troops from all directions gathered, the food problem that followed became a huge challenge. These foreign soldiers had almost nothing to do with the local forces. It happened that food had just been harvested in various places, and the military situation was urgent. The consequence of hasty deployment of troops is that there is not enough food and grass. If there is not enough food and grass, food and pay must be levied, which undoubtedly aggravates the complexity of the local situation.

On the one hand, the collection of grain, grass, and money, and on the other hand, in comparison with the policy of permanent exemption from agricultural taxes promoted by the People's Alliance, made the relationship between the Ming army and the local people extremely tense. Although the military discipline of the Ming army in the second year of Chongzhen could still be maintained at this time, it could be maintained again. The moral bottom line for maintaining an army that was in the feudal bureaucracy era was not very high, and those with official connections and influence could be given a bit of treatment. Those rich and wealthy people in the countryside suffered a lot. If they didn't cut their flesh and bleed, they would be Under such fear and hatred of bandits, the People's Alliance opposite them even seemed much more friendly.

As the front lines of contact departments in various places were completely abused by the people's army, even the most loyal and patriotic officials and generals of the Ming Dynasty began to lose confidence in victory. This war model has been incomprehensible to them. If we talk about the battle model of Liaodong Donglu Although they have been losing battles constantly, they can still understand it, and they are not afraid of fighting head-on. There are various reasons for defeat. At this time, the battle with the people's army, the differences in weapons and organizational capabilities, let these veterans The soldiers and generals in the battle formation had only one feeling: they seemed to be fighting with gods. Not to mention the bureaucrats and generals from various places who have been in contact with the Popular Alliance, who are wavering, losing confidence and who have long been willing to surrender. After the phenomenon of banditry passing through the army like a grate, even the landlords and gentry class who are most opposed to the Popular Alliance will also When I began to feel sorry for the food and money that had been forcibly requisitioned.

Everything is different.

If there is hope for victory, the arrogant generals' killing of good men and exploiting merit, and the daily brutal and bloody operations of expropriating food and wages may shock people's hearts and make people hold their noses in recognition, but at this time here, it has aroused the hatred of the locals. Strongly disgusted.

Against this background, the People's Army's vigorous disaster relief work has undoubtedly brought new hope and choices to the poor local farmers. The local working groups of the People's Army have lowered their profile and proactively helped the people, winning the hearts of the vast majority of the people. trust and support, and those who took the initiative to lead the way, send letters, and send information began to appear on a large scale.

When the People's Army liberated Luoyang, the local people were extremely wary of the outside People's Army, but as time went by, they gradually realized that the People's Army was different.

After the arrival of a large number of Ming troops to suppress bandits, the aggrieved common people began to actively provide intelligence to the People's Army to help them attack the Ming army. This behavior effectively weakened the Ming army's internal combat power.

"General, this way, a group of Ming troops have confiscated food from our village and are heading east. I can definitely stop them by leading the way."

This happens more and more, and there are also smart people in the Ming army. In turn, they use knives to deal with the unruly people who are colluding with the bandits, which creates more people who are determined to do so. The grassroots people who originally tended to the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty began to lean towards the People's Alliance. At that time, more and more small units of the Ming Army were surrounded and annihilated. The countryside was no longer safe, and they had no choice but to gather together in a huddle. The originally deployed troops were unconsciously compressed, and the situation became more and more serious.

As the commander of the First Army, Yang Zeming was taught by Liu Ze's words and deeds. Of course, he also knew the importance of people's hearts. Although Liu Ze was just an ordinary civilian in the modern world and had no official military experience, he was a knowledge zone video blogger. , I have read countless masterpieces of the Red Era. I stand on the shoulders of giants and have an extremely profound understanding of the people.

He knew that for ordinary people, they just wanted to live a stable life, get a wife, have children, and enjoy family happiness.

He understood that although ordinary people seemed weak and scattered, they were even humble and easy to control.

But in fact, when hundreds of millions of people unite to resist, as long as there is a backbone and thoughts, their power is infinite. As long as they can get their support, the combat effectiveness of the army will increase exponentially, and any powerful enemy will There is nothing to be afraid of. These are also one of the reasons why the People's Army can suppress the desire of the troops to fight and actively cooperate with the construction of local political power.

Now, when the time is right, the decisive battle will begin.

(End of this chapter)

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