The world's most invincible

Chapter 175 Closing

Chapter 175 Closing
Li Goyi quietly watched the battle between the King of Long Night in the sky, the old wine urn, and the young girl Yun Mushi.

He is the only witness to this battle.

He is surrounded by thousands of small worlds of Hongmeng, and in his hand is a [Confucian World] where Confucianism and Law reach the sky. In the small [Confucian World], the people of the cold country live normally, and the barbarian countries in the four directions are also the same as before.

Only the Dao law of [Confucianism World] and the supernatural power revealed in the battle in the air are mutually pulling and blending together.

A moment passes by in the world, but a century has passed in the world of Confucianism.

The battle in the air has not yet been decided. Dozens of winters and summers have passed in [Confucianism World]. Khan also unified several other major nomadic peoples in the surrounding area and became a generation of heroes.

The vast land of the extreme north, the invincible hero under his sight, turned his eyes to the prosperous country in the south, and then led 10,000+ iron cavalry to ride southward on the north wind.

An "earthquake" also occurred in the cold country. Ten days ago, the old emperor who had been in power for decades passed away. host.

The young new emperor of the cold country also noticed the front of the soldiers from the nomadic land in the north. The two forces that had lived peacefully for many years were finally going to fight each other before the arrival of the first snow.

Because of this change, Li Goyi forgot about the battle in the air for a moment, and with his blue shirt fluttering, he directly entered this small world.

He first came to a small town connected to the waterway outside the city of Hanzhou, and wanted to see how the people of the Han country at the post station and the pier viewed the national war with the northern barbarians.

The cavalry from the north buckled off in a dark night.

At noon on the second day, the battle report was sent back to Hanzhou City, the capital, in an expedited [-] miles, and it didn't take long for it to reach this small town outside the capital.

Li Xiangyi, who has become a doctor in the rivers and lakes, can clearly feel the changes in the town due to this war.

The first large-scale southward movement of the nomadic people, and the cold country where Confucianism and Taoism established the world, launched a large-scale offensive and confrontation from the very beginning, and the clouds of war enveloped the two countries.

Li went to stay in the small town for about ten days, then went to Hanzhou City, and then looked at the princes, generals, aristocratic families, scholars, and common people in the capital of the world. In front of him, what kind of reactions are there.

The war is endless.

From this point of view, Li Goyi lived in Hanzhou City for a year.

During this period, he occasionally went out and traveled throughout the Cold Country, watching the whole country turn around due to the war, watching farmers in the south planting rice, fishermen in the east going to sea, businessmen in the west buying goods, and children in the north near the battlefield. Under the leadership of my husband and wife, I study diligently.

After all, this battle was a battle of great talent and great strategy. The Great Khan of the North, who had countless cavalry under his command, won the battle, and surrounded the young emperor who was leading the expedition in person by the Tianxue Lake.

The enemy besieged the lake, the king was trapped, and there was no way out. Many people with lofty ideals committed suicide and tried to break through the siege. They reported letters for help when they returned home. There were also dozens of young Confucian scholars who wanted to use their courage and Confucianism to sneak into the enemy's camp at night. , Assassinate the enemy chieftain.

However, there were also some close ministers around the emperor who secretly communicated with the barbarian generals to sell the song for glory.

Among them, there are even great ministers and great masters who are regarded as the pillars of the cold country by scholars and the government.

All kinds of big plays are staged in the night.

When the elite troops of the barbarians, under the guidance of the Minister of Surrender, broke through all obstacles and fought in front of the imperial chariot, countless hot-blooded men and loyal veterans fought bravely to kill the enemy, but they all fell under the enemy's scimitars and iron hoofs.

After the young emperor personally killed several barbarian soldiers with a knife, under the persuasion of the treasonous minister and the enemy general, he passed the throne to his less brave brothers in front of everyone.

Then he chose to commit suicide by throwing himself into the lake.

The remaining soldiers of the cold country either threw themselves into the lake to follow the monarch, or put down their weapons and surrendered, or desperately broke through the siege, and sent the news back to the capital.

With the whole country in mourning, several ministers who took care of their lives came together to welcome the new emperor's accession to the throne.

Then the new emperor appointed a new minister of the Ministry of War to serve as the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses. He led [-] new troops to the north to resist the enemy, and at the same time sent a prime minister to negotiate peace.

In this battle between the two countries, the new Minister of the Ministry of War finally led the army to stop the barbarian army from a dangerous pass, and after half a year could not advance an inch, the peace talks started.

The hero of the northern prairie finally withdrew his troops after gaining huge benefits, and the cold country was able to welcome back the dragon body of the first emperor, but he has succumbed to the pressure of the iron hoof of the north for decades since then.

Time flies, years fly by, and hundreds of years pass by in a blink of an eye.

The cold country has experienced more than a dozen kings, and the former enemy of the grassland has also been liquidated 20 years after the great war. The country of iron cavalry established by the warlord Khan of the Prairie was completely destroyed.

However, 200 years after the death of the Ming Lord of Zhongxing, there is no cold country where foreign enemies are peeping, but the people's livelihood is withered and disasters are rampant, so that in dozens of states and counties across the country, there are many peasant uprisings. Scholars from all directions have no skills to save the world, and they don't know where the world will go.


Li Xiangyi changed his identity, from a doctor in the rivers and lakes, to a scholar, to a pawn, a beggar monk, and he has always stayed in this world, haunting various places in the cold country, watching the prosperity and decline of this country.

After the great chaos, finally under the leadership of a new hero, a new peace was ushered in, and after the establishment of a new dynasty, everything seemed to enter the next cycle, and Li Goyi withdrew from this world.

He returned to the unnamed underground palace and took a look, but was a little surprised.

I saw the battle in the air, and I don't know when it will end, and the supernatural power of [Drawing the Ground as a Prison] has also been withdrawn, and there is a beautiful figure in white clothes standing in front of him.

It is the girl Yun Duixi.

Not far from the girl's cloud at dusk, an old wine urn with dirty clothes was sitting, and the old man was drinking.

The Vientiane Renewal Seal floated in front of him, and the only one missing from the scene was the King of Night, who was dressed in black robes.

"Miss Yun, did you win?" Li Xiangyi asked.

The girl Yun Mushi looked at him quietly, and when she heard this, she nodded slightly, with a smile on her face.

"The Emperor of the Long Night is dead?"

The girl Yun Mushi nodded again, her big clear and bright eyes were still looking at Li Goui motionlessly.

"What's wrong, is there something on me?"

The young girl Yun Mushi shook her head, and finally said: "No. I'm just curious, in this situation, you can still realize the Tao. Mr. Li is worthy of being a Confucian scholar, comparable to an extraordinary person."

Li Xiangyi said in astonishment: "I just realized the Tao? Why don't I know?"

He just sat and watched the situation in the [Confucian World] for hundreds of years, and he did have some insights, but he never thought that he had entered the realm of enlightenment.

The young girl Yun Mu smiled lightly and said: "Although the young master was not here just now, there was an aura of grandeur that was constantly lingering, and there were thousands of phantoms of books, which flew out of the mysterious small world by themselves, and turned into thousands of Hongmeng small worlds. The demeanor of waiting for enlightenment is rare in the world, and it is admirable."

Li Xiangyi looked at the old wine urn next to him.

Old Wine Urn's face was pale and his body was weak. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot of injuries in the previous battle.

Seeing Li Goyi looking over, he took a sip of his wine and said with a smile, "Boy, Mu'er didn't lie to you, you did enter the realm of enlightenment just now, but your small world full of grandeur and the principles of Confucianism and Taoism is too strange , you just don’t know.”

"But it is this unintentional act of enlightenment that proves that your talent is extraordinary, and your strange and mysterious little world is even more extraordinary."

"Can you tell us a little bit about the foundation of your small world?"

"Of course, old man, I also know that this move is too presumptuous and violates a taboo in the practice world. If you don't want to say it, I won't force it."

Li Xiangyi thought about the special identities of the two people in front of him, one was the master of the Goddess Empress, and the other was simply another Goddess Empress.

So he replied: "This is the [World of Confucianism] I realized on my own. I want to use this method to prove that there are gaps in the purpose and theory of my Confucianism. This is... the path that God Master helped me out of."

On the bright moon in the blue sky, Li Goyi once talked with the young girl Yun Mushi about the current Donghua Mountain God Master Yun Mushi, and she already knew the existence of another "her".

At the same time, Li Goyi suspects that everything in the Evernight City is under the control of the Goddess Empress, or that she deliberately arranged it.

So there is nothing to hide.

Hearing his words, the young girl Yun Mushi was obviously surprised.

The last time we talked, the scholar in green shirt in front of me had only heard about her in this world, and had no connection with her.

How long has passed, and he and she have come so close that even the supernatural powers can witness it?

The old wine urn had once resonated and blended with the remnant soul left in the outside world, and he also knew how far Yun Mushi had grown.

Therefore, he also knew who the Goddess Empress Li Xiangyi was talking about.

When he heard Li Goui's words, he smiled knowingly, and then his eyes turned back and forth between the scholar in blue and the young disciple.

"Boy, you are a very good Daoist, and you are also very good!"

Li Goyi just praised the old wine urn in the battle with the King of Long Night when he showed the small world of thousands of Hongmeng and [Confucianism World].

This time, his tone made Li Changye feel strange.

"Old man, do you have anything to say?"

The old wine urn shook his head, but the smile on his face was even stronger.

He could clearly see that there was a secret red thread wrapped around Li Goui and his apprentice. He didn't know how this red thread came from, but he was very happy to see this scene.

As a master, he is naturally very happy if his apprentice can get married.

Especially seeing that this kid's talent and supernatural powers are very extraordinary. Although his level is low now, his future is limitless, so he is happy to have another sip of wine.

Just take a sip, but the jug is already empty, which is quite a pity.

Seeing that his jug was empty, Li Xiangyi immediately took out a jar of peach blossom wine from the storage bag, and said, "Old man, this wine is for you."

"It's not good to be rewarded for nothing!"

The old wine urn said so, but his hands were not polite. Before Li Xiangyi brought it over, he directly used the technique of [fetching objects from space] and took the peach blossom wine.

After sniffing lightly, he uncorked the wine and drank it happily.

This is the future son-in-law's filial piety, not drinking for nothing.

Seeing his appearance, Li Goyi finally knew how he got the name of this old wine urn.

The young girl Yun Mushi also smiled when she saw Master's impatience.

Then he thanked Li Xiangyi: "Thank you, my lord!"

Li Chaoyi waved his hand: "The Lord of the Long Night kidnapped me here. If Miss Yun and the old man hadn't appeared, I don't know what kind of situation I would have been in. It's my turn to thank you."

The young girl Yun Muxi shook her head and said: "I should thank the young master. I think the young master already knows about the old grudge between me and King Changye. If the young master hadn't lent me the Vientiane Renewal Seal, even if I join forces with the master today, it would be difficult to bring him back." Defeat, liquidate everything that has ever been."

Talking about King Changye, Li Xiangyi was a little disappointed. He never thought that such a powerful King Changye would disappear once he came out of the [Confucian World] after enlightenment.

It feels unreal.

The girl Yun Muxie guessed his thoughts to some extent and said: "This Evernight City is the foundation of the Evernight King's avenue. While this city is still there, he has not completely perished."

Li Xiangyi frowned slightly.

The young girl Yun Mushi smiled again: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, everything has been arranged in the best possible way. The big show in the Great Night City has come to an end, and only the last fireworks are left."

Li Xiangyi thought of what the swordsman in the black-patterned flying fish robe had told him, and asked, "These fireworks are the fire that burns the night?"

The young girl Yun Mushi was a little surprised, she didn't seem to expect Li Goyi to know this, but she still nodded.

At the same time, she looked at Li Gou with a little deep meaning, and before Li Gou realized it, she turned her head to look at the drinking master.

He said in his mouth: "Young Master Li, I have to borrow your Vientiane Renewal Seal later."

Naturally, Li Goyi would not refuse. He thought of another matter and asked, "Miss Yun, our entry into the Evernight City this time was arranged by the Goddess Empress."

"After going out, you will see the Goddess Empress."

"What's going on with you and her? Can you meet each other?"

This is a question that has been lingering in Li Goyi's mind ever since the girl in white appeared again.

The young girl Yun Mu was slightly stunned, and quickly replied in a clear voice: "What should I say to her, I am her, and she is me, but because of the remaining dao charm on the blue sky and bright moon, we are separated by 3000 years."

"As for whether we can see each's not a question yet."

Li Xiangyi didn't understand: "How to say?"

The girl Yun Mushi replied: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Li again. I couldn't leave the time when I wiped Daoyun. Thanks to the Vientiane Renewal Seal, I was able to come to this world."

"I didn't intentionally hide from you before, and lived in this ancient seal. It's just that before that, I didn't know whether this move would be successful, so please don't be offended."

Li Xiangyi shook his head: "Of course it's not strange, but I'm still a little curious, how will the girl and the God Master get along with each other?"

Yun Muzi smiled lightly and said, "Young master will know it then."

(End of this chapter)

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