In the Hanlin Academy.

Xie Qian was talking to Wang Hao, Zhang Yuanzhen and others about the compilation of books. Originally, this matter should be handled by Li Dongyang in the cabinet, but after Cheng Minzheng entered the cabinet, it stands to reason that the affairs of the Hanlin Academy should be handled by Cheng Minzheng, a senior academic. Sent to finish.

Although there is no express provision, if the cabinet does not assign errands to Cheng Minzheng, it will appear that the cabinet does not respect him enough, and it is also disrespectful to the emperor for appointing Cheng Minzheng as a cabinet minister.

Li Dongyang made an excuse not to come and asked Xie Qian to do it for him. This would appear to be "forced by the situation" and had no intention of targeting Cheng Minzheng.

"Mr. Xie Ge, are you still here? The results of the Shuntianfu Township Examination were released today, and you didn't go back to take a look?"

Xie Qian, who was still sullen, asked about the progress of the compilation of "Compilation of Compilations of Historical Compendiums of All Dynasties" and learned that although Zhang Zhou was not directly involved in this matter, he had made the greatest contribution... This made Xie Qian feel deeply A deep sense of powerlessness.

At this moment, Hanlin editor Liu Chun was at the door and said to Xie Qian with a smile.

Zhang Yuanzhen was sitting near the door. Hearing this, he couldn't help but glared at Liu Chun, meaning why did you come here to join in the fun?

Xie Qian said: "Are you people in Hanyuan so idle now? Are you even so concerned about the Shuntianfu Provincial Examination?"

This is obviously against Liu Chun.

After all, Xie Qian is a cabinet minister, which is equivalent to being a leader in the Hanlin Academy system. If he offends him or makes him unhappy, his days in the Hanlin Academy may be coming to an end.

Liu Chunze didn't seem to care too much and continued to smile: "I heard that the one who solved the problem in high school was your son."


Even Xie Qian has seen big events, and he himself was a top scholar, and he has experienced the storms in the examination room, but after hearing that his son won the first prize, he was still not so calm.

First I thought... my son has won the title of Jieyuan.

What a general!

Is it any wonder that the number one scholar gives birth to a son who is the first scholar? My old Xie family has good roots.

But then I thought that Zhang Zhou was the examiner of this provincial examination, so the matter of his son passing the first grade was debatable. Could it be that Zhang Bingkuan was specifically watching me and deliberately letting my son pass the first grade? And then make me a laughing stock?

Zhang Yuanzhen smiled and smoothed things over: "That is worthy of congratulations. Mr. Xie Ge should go back and take a look. It seems that in the future, he will be the same as Mr. Xie Ge, both of them are top picks."

The value of Shuntianfu Township's Jieyuan is still very high. Of course, no matter how high it is, it is not as high as Yingtianfu's Jieyuan.

The main reason is that Jiangnan is the most prosperous place in the Ming Dynasty, with many students. In addition, the number of supervisors in Nanjing Imperial College over the years has been more than that of Shuntian Prefecture in the capital.

There are also many people who donate corn to serve as supervisors.

Xie Qianben was about to get up. He couldn't help but want to go home and ask. But something suddenly occurred to him. He just raised his butt slightly and then fell back to the chair. He said coldly: "It's just a matter in the children's examination. Why do you need to do this?" Concerned? The court’s business is more important.”

Even though he said this, he still couldn't hide his excitement.

His eldest son has no future, and now his second son is young and vigorous. If he wins the Jie Yuan exam, and if he passes the Jinshi exam next year, then the Xie family will need more Jinshi.

The previous Jinshi in Lao Xie's family was Xie Qian's younger brother Xie Di, who was ranked the same as Zhang Zhou.

Wang Hao noticed that Xie Qian was a little repelled by his son's success in the imperial examination. He probably also understood that it was related to Zhang Zhou's examination. He said: "Mr. Good. From now on, there will be one more pillar in the court, and Mr. Xie Ge will have someone to succeed him."

It seems to be Gong Wei, but actually he wants to say that it is not Zhang Zhou who selected the talent, but the talent that happened to come into Zhang Zhou's hands.

Zhang Yuanzhen smiled and said nothing more, and Liu Chun at the door quickly sent in a few brochures, allowing the people inside to continue discussing academic matters.



The capital was very lively that day.

When Xie Qian came out of the Hanlin Academy, he couldn't help but want to go back to his hometown to have a look. As a result, as soon as he left the Hanlin Academy and arrived at Dongjiangmi Lane, he saw many students rushing around to announce who had won the imperial examination and how many ranks they had won. We congratulate each other, some are envious, and everyone seems to be very enthusiastic about it.

Xie Qian murmured in a low voice: "Is this a Jinshi examination or a Juren examination?"

According to Xie Qian's impression, even if the results of the provincial examination were very lively in the past, it was not too lively. Compared with the results of the provincial examination, there was still a big gap.

Jinshi is everyone's concern, and those who come to take the Jinshi exam are all juren. They are obviously much better financially than those student members and Gongsheng students. They have many servants and their friends. They gather together to ask questions. , and then the momentum will be huge.

But a group of people who haven’t won yet...

"I heard that Jieyuan on this list is the second son of Xie Dashi's family. This is really strange."

Xie Qianben was still sitting in the sedan chair. When he heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

It’s broken!

I'm afraid of whatever comes next. I'm afraid that others will say that my son won Jieyuan because of me. There are really a bunch of bastards here who dare to talk like that!

And I happened to hear it!

"Stop the sedan!"

Xie Qian couldn't help but come down and have a good argument with the man.

Xie Qian is very confident in his eloquence. He probably has the attitude of saying that he can retreat a million troops with just one mouth. I want to let you brats know that I, Mr. Xie, are not easy to mess with, even in this situation. Talking behind your back should also be weighed.

There are many sedans in the capital, most of which are official sedans, and only civil servants of third rank or above can ride in them.

Someone saw the sedan stop, and an old scholar who was not wearing official uniform but looked very dignified got out of it. Although they didn't recognize him, he was still very knowledgeable.

Xie Qian found that before he could take action, the opponent had already admitted defeat, and he was immediately discouraged.

I want to call people back to argue, but it would be too embarrassing to think of using my own identity to debate with a group of students who may not even have any honors.

"You guys go first, I'm here... um, um, you can just go back on your own, there are only a few steps to go!"

Xie Qian first drove away the bearers and everything else.

Then he went to the nearest wine shop and other places by himself. He wanted to hear what the people were talking about this matter.


"Let's go!" Xie Qian's attitude was very firm, "This is the most beautiful place in the capital. Why are you afraid that something will happen to me?"




Xie Qian arrived at a teahouse, and there happened to be a group of people gathered together, all of whom were about twenty years old. They were also discussing the provincial examination, so Xie Qian joined them.


In order to avoid others' suspicion, Xie Qian just pretended that he was just here to drink tea.

But these days, there are no people who come to drink tea alone. The tea house was originally a place to rest and discuss things on the street. It probably has the meaning of a milk tea shop. If you are thirsty, you can come and have a drink... But in fact, this place is more of a place. Social place.

You're a little old man, you didn't bring any friends, why are you here to socialize? Who do you think wants to be your friend?

So much so that when Dr. Tea came to serve tea, he looked at Xie Qian with strange eyes.

Xie Qian didn't care about other people's strange looks. Anyway, he usually got such looks in court, so he got used to it.

I am a pavilion elder, and I am as ignorant as you guys?

“It’s such an honor to be selected as the candidate for the undergraduate program.”

Xie Qian had just picked up the tea bowl and had not even spread the foam on the tea when he heard this sentence.

Then Xie Qian pricked up his ears.

"Yes. It's the provincial examination presided over by Cai Guogong." "If you want to call Mr. Zhang, he is a unique genius. The list has been completed, right?"

"Isn't that right? It's not like taking the Jinshi examination. There are hundreds of people who get the Jinshi at one time. But here, there are hundreds of people. I heard that Mr. Zhang will probably take the exam next year. If you don't win this time, you won't have a chance. Become his disciple."


Xie Qian came here and understood a little bit.

Opposite is the "Alliance of Losers", a group of people who didn't win the emotional exam, sighing here while envying others.

Xie Qian couldn't help but think.

Is Zhang Bingkuan's current reputation among the people really so high? Didn't Binzhi say before that he wanted to suppress this guy's reputation? Could it be that even the dignified Mr. Li Ge failed to suppress Zhang Bingkuan's reputation?

"The last batch is released!"

Xie Qian was still thinking about it when another friend of this group of people came in at the door and told the final news, "It seems that no one is on the list! Those who have won the exam have already gone to Beiyong. I heard that There are many people waiting to become apprentices."

Xie Qian couldn't help but frown.

Apprenticeship? What kind of teacher do you want to learn from?

"Will Mr. Zhang come to Beiyong today?" someone asked.

"No, I heard that Lin Shangshu from the Ministry of Rites will go to Beiyong. He was the previous wine sacrificer in Beiyong. I have a rare opportunity today, so I went to explore the way first."

"That's good. I heard that Mr. Lin, who is offering wine, will be promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Personnel soon!"

"Yes, yes, I've heard this too. Let's go and meet him first. He and Mr. Zhang have a very close relationship."

A group of students immediately checked out and left.

Xie Qian was still a little embarrassed sitting there.

In addition to Zhang Zhou's high reputation among the people, even Lin Han has such a high prestige? besides……

Who said Lin Han wanted to be the Minister of Civil Affairs?

How come I don’t know about such a big thing?

This is called spreading lies!

"Old gentleman, they have all left. Do you think... should I add tea for you, or... would you like to come over and have a look?" Dr. Tea was a poor man. Seeing the huge tea house, only Xie Qian was left alone. , couldn’t help but come over to make fun of me.

Xie Qian said: "I'm not with them. If they can't leave, what does it have to do with me?"

"I guess you are also taking the provincial examination, right? I wonder if you are a senior middle school student?" Dr. Cha said with a smile.

Perhaps in Dr. Cha's view, only those who have participated in this provincial examination care so much about the results of this provincial examination.

And like Xie Qian, it is not uncommon for people to study hard and pass the exam. Moreover, these old guys are very concerned about face and don't want people to know that they are actually exam candidates, so they will pretend.

But what Dr. Tea didn't know was that Xie Qian just came to eavesdrop on other people's comments about his son. His pretense was actually pretending to be a grandson and pretending to be low-key.


Xie Qian seemed very unhappy, and it was also because of the fact that his son won the title of Jieyuan that he felt a sense of depression building up in his heart, so much so that he had a very tough tone towards Dr. Tea, and then slapped a few pennies on the table.

"I've already been on duty, and I just came here to rest. What does a group of civil servants discuss have to do with me?"


Dr. Cha has never seen someone like Xie Qian who declares his family status. Although it sounds like bragging, Xie Qian still has that aura about him.

Then when Xie Qian walked out the door, Dr. Cha didn't even dare to say anything.

After Xie Qian left the door, the shopkeeper of the teahouse came over and asked, "Who is it?"

"He is said to be a minister of the DPRK, but I have never seen an adult like him. Like him..." Dr. Cha was also surprised.

People say that he is a minister of the DPRK and an official in Beijing, so he must not be too young, and Dr. Cha can also see that Xie Qian has a vague aura of nobility.

The shopkeeper said: "There are all kinds of people at the feet of the emperor. You can think of him as one of the adults in the court who comes out for a walk, but what time is this? It's all day and night, how can there be so many idle officials coming out? Besides, ...Have you ever seen any official come out and leave alone?"

"That's true."

Dr. Tea immediately smiled.

There is probably a feeling of being fooled.

"Such crazy people can be seen everywhere. Quickly pack your things. It's almost noon and there will be more people coming. Taking advantage of the large number of people today, go out and run more errands at noon and ask those who came to take the exam and the candidates around Shuntian Mansion. , if anyone wants to hold a banquet, just tell them that there is also a fish banquet here and let them have a taste."

"Yes Yes!"

Teahouses in the capital also need shop assistants to go out and solicit customers when there is no business.

That day was the day when the provincial examination results were released, and many of the successful candidates were definitely looking for a place to entertain guests.

There are not many high-end wine shops in the capital, and it is not easy to book a restaurant when it is full at noon. But the teahouse is different... it is a service place anyway, even if you have a banquet inside, it is okay... as long as you give money .



One family is happy and the other is sad.

Among Xie Qian's sons is Xie Yuan. Except for Xie Qian himself, the whole Xie family is very happy about this.

Especially since Xie Pi was already married, and his wife's family members would help him, and Xie Pi had been an official in the capital for many years, and all his family members had come to the capital, so the Xie family was also very lively. After all, many people would take the opportunity to come over to help. , and by the way, see if there is a chance to meet the current court elder.

People like this... are all rushing to come.

Even officials from Shuntian Prefecture and Daxing County were busy coming to show their courtesy.

As for Li Dongyang's mansion, it seemed very deserted. Although Li Dongyang's eldest son also participated in this provincial examination, it was mainly because... Li Zhaoxian failed.

He would go to Li Dongyang's house, fearing that he would be regarded as looking for trouble, so that everyone who planned to visit Li Dongyang that day would go around.

"Brother, there are rumors outside that the second son of the Xie family has won Xie Yuan."

Li Ju originally came to wait for the good news that his brother had won the imperial examination, and to wait together for the unveiling of his blindness.

But the results were unsatisfactory.

Li Zhaoxian waved his hand and said, "Little sister, go talk to your sister-in-law. I'm... fine here."

Li Zhaoxian tried his best to maintain his emotions.

But thinking that I could not be regarded as Zhang Zhou's student, but Xie Pi, who is a child of the same family as him and also a prison student, is already Jieyuan... That feeling...

Indescribable. (End of chapter)

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