The First Gongsheng of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 614 The highest realm of accidental collision

Time passed by minute by minute.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, who had been shivering in the cold wind all the way, no longer felt cold at this time. Instead, they felt a surge of blood, because they knew that before them was an opportunity for them to make achievements, which they had never encountered before. of. have to work hard.

"General, the sky... seems to be getting dark." The lieutenants next to him all held their breath and concentrated. When they saw the sky getting darker little by little, Cui Yuan stood motionless.

Those who didn't know thought Cui Yuan was frozen.

Cui Yuan then moved the telescope aside, exhaled a breath of thick water vapor, and said: "That's it for today, I... sigh!"

At this time, Cui Yuan also began to feel uneasy, and then he seemed to be talking to himself, "It would be good if I knew the truth."

Obviously, Cui Yuan felt that he couldn't handle such a big scene.

But in the eyes of outsiders, he is an awesome person, and it seems that he is the only one who is so unsure of himself.



The sky finally darkened. Because the weather was not very good that day, the light reflected on the snow was not that great after nightfall.

However, Cui Yuan still didn't dare to openly let the soldiers push the artillery up.

"Go around from that way, do you see? The second team goes from that way...and that way..."

Cui Yuan didn't know much about directions. Even if he pointed with his hands, he didn't care whether the generals below understood them. Maybe he was the only one who understood better.

While talking, the soldiers were already in action.

Still wrapping his body and cannon body in white cloth, Cui Yuan suddenly remembered something when the soldiers began to transport the artillery. He called a general named He Song over and said, "Are there any horses that can charge up?"

He Song said: "Uncle, our horses are basically used to tow cannons. I'm afraid they won't be able to get up."

"Then run with both legs! Take a fire gun, a long fire gun that can be fired with one hook...a flint gun, right? It only takes two or three hundred people. After rushing up, just fire it from a distance. "

"But sir, our artillery will fire bombs at their camp, wouldn't our people..."

"Let you stay a little further apart, instead of going directly. This is a cry from the east to the west! Otherwise, they will definitely focus all their attention here. After the fighting starts, if they come towards our artillery array, then our Isn’t it possible that the artillery will be damaged?”


He Song didn't fully understand Cui Yuan's meaning.

I originally thought that Cui Yuan was a capable person, but just seeing Cui Yuan's confusion on the spot, and even the way he had to arrange tactics on the fly, made people feel uneasy.

Then He Song went to order a group of people, a total of 200 people, who were all picked from the cannon transport team, and they all had firecrackers in their hands.

"Each person brings two." Cui Yuandao, "Have you brought them all?"


"Then come over evenly and charge from the south... That's the south, right?"

"may be……"

Because it was on the grassland, and the surrounding environment was basically the same, it was impossible to identify the direction in detail after arriving temporarily, so that both Cui Yuan and the soldiers below were basically confused.

Anyway, I only know that the Tatars are in the valley, and what I see in front of me... As for the direction, it doesn't seem to matter.


When Cui Yuan ordered, his voice was a little weak. At this time, he probably felt that he was just a prince-in-law, not like a commander commanding soldiers on the front line.

Even the generals below will feel a little weak.

But because this meeting is full of passion, they are all rushing to kill with fierceness at this time, not only for fame and fortune, but also for a kind of military honor. Anyway, they are the two hundred death squads... There are firecrackers, so it stands to reason that if thousands of people come over, they will have no problem parrying them.

But if the Tatars kill thousands of people, no matter how much ammunition they have, they will still be waiting to die.

Everyone seems to know that they are fighting for their lives, that they are exchanging their lives for fame and wealth, and they also understand that there is no way out... because this place is thousands of miles away from the border of the Ming Dynasty. In such a harsh environment, the only way to survive is through each other. Only with support can one go back. The result of being a deserter may be worse than dying a grand death on the battlefield.




Flares pierced the night sky.

This is Cui Yuan sending a signal to Zhu Feng in the distance, letting Zhu Feng know their direction, and also letting Zhu Feng know that the war here has begun.

The flares looked so dazzling in the night sky that even the herdsmen spending the winter on the grasslands couldn't help but look up. Because there were basically no firearms or fireworks on the grasslands, they were surprised and curious about the scene in front of them.

But then the early warning horn sounded in the area where they gathered. This was their method of notifying the enemy.

The Tatars already have a large number of soldiers and horses to guard against the enemy's invasion. At such times, they can quickly respond with maneuvers. However, in such a harsh environment, there is a certain risk for them to ride forward on horseback. , in this kind of weather, the mobility of the Tatar cavalry was probably weakened to the greatest extent.

"Bang bang bang..."

Two hundred suicide squads had already rushed to a place about two miles away from the camp. They fired their firecrackers and used sound to attract the attention of the Tatars.

Some flares would even be fired into the air to let the Tatars see that they were in this direction.

The Tatars were not stupid. Of course they knew what was going on, but in the place where they thought they were safe, they didn't know who was coming. When they found that there were only sporadic people rushing toward their camp, they naturally I don't think this is a big danger.

But those among them who were actually qualified to mobilize troops, or rather knowledgeable generals, still found that this group of people was different from ordinary grassland tribesmen.

Because this group of people...actually used firearms.

That means that their hiding place has been discovered by the Ming army. Since the Ming Dynasty dared to send troops to invade, it means that the Ming Dynasty cannot only have this few troops. There must be people ambush from the Ming Dynasty around them. Even pessimistically, they may Having fallen into the ambush circle of the Ming army, it is not impossible for Uncle Xin Xin or even Cai Guogong to suddenly appear.


The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty wanted to use their prestige to intimidate the other side, but in fact the effect was minimal.

The north wind was howling, and they were still downwind, so the sound could not travel far at all. The sound was probably only used to boost their own morale.

The members of the Ming Dynasty's 200 Death Squadrons did not have horses, so they ran away on the snow-covered grass in their boots. Because of their emotional tension and physical discomfort, it seemed that every step they ran would use up all their strength, let alone running two miles. Even if you only run a hundred steps, it is enough to make you out of breath.

Even so, the Tatars seemed to have no intention of sending troops to hinder them.

The Tatars at this time...

We are making an orderly retreat. Obviously, the Tatar tribe has also made some emergency plans. It does not mean that if your Ming army invades, we will be slaughtered by others. With the current ability of the little Tatar prince Batu Meng to run the army, like When Wang Yue was able to lead his troops to successfully attack Weininghai, the Tatars would not allow it to happen again.

But even then Wang Yue only beheaded more than 400 people and captured less than 200 people alive during his surprise attack on Weininghai. The number of Tatars in the camp that can be seen at the moment is over ten thousand, not to mention those who may not be visible from the rear. As for the cattle and sheep... they have blocked the entire valley.



"Uncle, they seem to have run away."

Cui Yuan did not personally rush to the front line this time.

He is also afraid of death.

At this time, he was still hiding relatively far back, using his telescope to observe the enemy's situation as much as possible. When he saw that the Tatar camp began to extinguish the bonfires, and the torches began to move sideways, he knew that his strategy seemed to be to obtain achieved a certain effect.

"It's not the artillery array facing us, but it's close."

Cui Yuanyi waved his hand and said, "Are you rushing forward?"

"not yet……"

Cui Yuan immediately pointed the telescope at the almost crawling Ming Dynasty artillery team. They were originally transporting artillery in the snow, so they could not be discovered by the Tatars, and they had to be wrapped in white cloth. Under such cumbersome conditions, they could move quickly. Weird.

"The Tatars are about to run away, why haven't they arrived yet?"

Cui Yuan was a little anxious.

He seemed to wish he could run up and help push, but the problem was that he couldn't do much now.

The Tatars also moved very quickly. When they discovered that the Ming soldiers were only rushing forward on two legs, they also mobilized some cavalry to clear the way. This was to prevent the Ming soldiers from ambush on the retreat... But In fact, there was no... The Ming's artillery array was on the flanks, not behind the Tatars.

The Tatars wanted to drive away the cattle and sheep, but it was obviously too late, and it was those animals that were used as a barrier to hinder the attack of the Ming soldiers.

The young and strong men seemed to be the fastest to escape at this time, but the old, weak, women and children were still making final arrangements. The entire camp was in chaos visible to the naked eye.

Cui Yuan was also puzzled and muttered: "I just sent two hundred people and scared them away...?"

The general on the side said: "General, what they are afraid of is our firearms. If they really had the courage to fight with us, they would have fought long ago, and they would not have to find a place to hide."

"It makes sense." Cui Yuan suddenly seemed relieved. When the Beifeng War was about to begin, he smiled and said with a rare smile, "Okay, in the future, it may be possible to walk sideways on the grassland with a few hundred people. There is hope for the revitalization of the Ming Dynasty."

The general said: "Our Ming Dynasty already has a good reputation, why do we need to revitalize it?"

"It's not like reviving... Have you ever felt so comfortable fighting against the Tatars? Alas... I still can't make it in time..."

Cui Yuan discovered that although the artillery array was almost approaching the Tatar camp, the main Tatar force had obviously begun to withdraw from the camp. They seemed to be running faster than the speed of their artillery.

"It's too late, give the order to fire!" Although Cui Yuan knew that it was not the best time to fire, he was basically within the range of the artillery. If he didn't fire, it wouldn't even have the effect of shaking the sound.

Cui Yuan didn't seem to be so demanding about making contributions to this war. The title of Jingshan Bo was enough for him.

He was just worried about what Zhu Feng said would happen, that is, if he did not attack the enemy, he would be accused of slacking off in fighting, and the title he had received would be taken away by others... So even if he knew now that it was a cannon fire, he would still fire it. .

Immediately, the blue flares ordered to fire were also shot into the sky...



"Boom boom boom..."

Artillery fires.


Cui Yuan was startled when he heard the sound of artillery. He had never thought that artillery would have such a loud reverberation in a valley like this. Moreover, the previous sound of artillery had obviously gone far away and could come back again... ...Under the blessing of the echo, it seemed as if the ground beneath my feet was shaking, and my body would tremble along with it.

Immediately, more artillery began to fire.

The white cloth used for camouflage was finally lifted, and the artillery was fired. It didn't matter whether it could hit or not, just follow the military order and fire it first.

The Tatars originally thought that the Ming Dynasty was using some strange formation, and they sent out hundreds of people to set off firecrackers... They were discovered before they reached their gathering place... Fortunately, they had time to retreat.

But when you hear the sound of artillery...

This was a huge shock to the Tatars, especially the ordinary Tatar herdsmen.

No matter how loud the sound of the gunpowder is, it is just like that, but the artillery is fired from a distance, and after it lands, it explodes. The secondary explosion of the yellow gunpowder will form a large amount of smoke and dust, and there will also be fire. ...If this were during the day, it might just be like that, but it happened to be when it was dark.

Every time a shot hits the ground, the effect is spectacular.

The Tatars no longer care about packing their belongings, they run as fast as they can. Some even don't even care about the horses and just run away. They know that if they ride horses, they are likely to fall off their horses in such an icy and snowy environment. , if you get hurt at any time, you won’t be able to run away, it’s better to have two legs.

The entire Tatar camp was in chaos.

Men ran the fastest, while the old, weak, women and children were dragged behind.

Then there was a scene that made Cui Yuandu find it incredible...

Cui Yuan observed carefully with a telescope.

Obviously the cannonballs only fell sporadically into the Tatar camp, and they were still on the edge, but the Tatars seemed to be bereft dogs, as if every cannonball fell on their heads, so that the Tatars People get into trouble first.

The Tatar cavalry, who were still maintaining order and preparing to move to the rear, now joined the hasty retreat.

Then the Tatars clearly had a large number of cavalry as shields, but after the artillery was fired, the Tatars didn't even care about the tribesmen and relatives behind them. It seemed that everyone only cared about escaping for their lives.

"How could this be?"

Cui Yuan couldn't understand either.

Obviously we can no longer catch up, so we can only hope that Zhu Feng can come ahead and ambush... This seems to be quite difficult, because Zhu Feng left later than them, and he may not go faster than them on the road.

In this war, we may only expect to arrest a few women and children, seize some livestock and property, and kill a few heads... This is the best situation.

Who knew that when the artillery fired, the situation would completely go wrong.

The Tatars seemed to have no idea why the Ming Dynasty's artillery was erected in front of their house.

"General, maybe the Tatars thought... we were magic soldiers descending from the sky, and they didn't even notice that I came out. How did they know where we were?"

The general next to him also became excited.

Cui Yuanyi patted the armor on his body and said: "That makes sense! We know our situation, but they don't know! This artillery... is so powerful! The Tatars were probably blasted by the artillery... The Divine Power Cannon is indeed the Divine Power Incomparable." (End of Chapter)

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