Chapter 400 Traces of the Three-Headed Dog

The group successfully boarded the plane after a 14-hour flight.

The plane arrived in Paris, the capital of France, and the sky was already dark.

"Brother Sheng, what is Paris most famous for?"

Zhang Dandan and Atong couldn't wait to leave the airport and happily discussed their next trip.

Du Sheng was still thinking about how to contact the people in Yiqun to get information, and casually said:

"The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre."

A Tong hugged Du Sheng's arm and corrected with a smile:
  "That's wrong, of course it's Galeries Lafayette!"

Du Sheng shook his head. Men and women had obviously different appreciation concepts.

However, he had traveled to many countries and created many historical events. He didn’t have much idea about the scenery of Paris, so he simply took a taxi and headed straight to Avenue Haussmann.

When the two girls come to Europe, in addition to traveling, the most important thing is of course shopping!

Fashion, bags, watches, treasures, famous wines, etc.

For this trip, they had carefully planned their itinerary half a month ago.

Roughly from Paris to Geneva, then to Lucerne, Milan, Florence, and Rome, it almost replicates the route of France, Switzerland, and Italy.

After getting out of the car, the two girls were still in high spirits, and from time to time they took Du Sheng to look around curiously.

Galeries Lafayette is indeed a landmark building as luxurious as a palace. Under the giant Byzantine-style gilded dome, there are many people coming and going, like attending a medieval party.

Shopping here, if you exclude conceptual factors, is indeed an enjoyment in another sense.

After shopping for more than two hours, Du Sheng was covered with large and small bags, and the two girls finally stopped with satisfaction.

After dinner and returning to the hotel, Zhang Dandan put on the newly purchased Paris fashion, walked around in front of Du Sheng, and chuckled:
  "Brother Sheng, you helped choose this. How is the upper body effect?"

"It fits very well. It's beautiful."

Du Sheng looked at her carefully. Zhang Dandan, wearing an organza skirt, had a hint of romance, a sense of elegance, and even luxury, giving her a unique flavor.

This organza skirt costs more than HK$[-]. It is a masterpiece of popular designer Christopher. It has an overall minimalist style, smooth tailoring, and a neat waist, all of which are full of French romanticism.

The most important thing is that Zhang Dandan, who is usually dignified and elegant, is a little more arrogant at this moment, but the more arrogant he is, the more people are imaginative.

Zhang Dandan noticed Du Sheng's thoughts and couldn't help but blush, and said angrily:
  "Brother Sheng, don't mess around. We'll talk about it later in the evening. We have to go sightseeing at the Iron Tower later."

“There’s no rush for sightseeing, there’s still plenty of time!”

Du Sheng pulled her over and said with a smile:
  "I was dragged around by you for a long time today, and now my back is sore. How can you thank me?"

Zhang Dandan was so angry that in order to go sightseeing as soon as possible, she began to use her fatal series of stunts:

Golden snake wrapped in silk hands!
  How could Du Sheng let them succeed? He just laughed and made a backhand move.

A sofa couldn't bear it at all. It was bulging and creaking when people sat on it.

It can be said that happiness and sightseeing coexist!
  In this way, the three of them had fun and had fun together, taking some time off from their busy schedule.

In these three days, they visited most of the famous attractions in three countries and never left.

The two girls finally got what they wanted and were satisfied.

They knew that Du Sheng was still busy, so they didn't bother with it and got on the return flight that night.

But on this trip back, there were also large and small packages of gifts for others, almost filling a shipping box.

After sending the two girls off, Du Sheng immediately went to Yi Qun's base in Europe.

It's a pity that this group of people have a relatively poor life. They don't even have a decent piece of land, and they are driven by the local blackbirds to the fishing boats to make a living.

However, Hong Xing doesn't have much power here, and he doesn't understand Holan or German, so he can only try his luck with the other party.

Du Sheng followed the address given by Shuiling and came to the freight terminal on the left side of a port in Haolan.

I saw a muscular man with yellow skin and shirtless leaning against the container.

"You are the red stick of Yiqun, Zeng Ling?"

Du Sheng took two steps forward and asked in Cantonese.

"Yes, you are Brother Sheng, the first hall master of Xiangjiang mentioned by Dongxing Longtou, right?"

Although Zeng Ling was a red stick, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Du Sheng.

Their Yiqun branch is getting worse and worse here, and the other party's reputation is growing day by day, and has long been spread from the Yi Gang.

He knew very well that the person in front of him was not simple.

"Where are you sitting? Take me to see him."

"Uncle Kamai is on the boat. He heard that there are people from the Jianghu community coming from the Xiangjiang River. He is very happy and has even made an appointment with some uncles to treat you to dinner."

Zeng Ling said while leading the way:
  "They have been away from their hometown for almost [-] years, so they feel nostalgic."

While talking, he took Du Sheng to an old cargo ship.

The cabins have obviously been transformed into houseboats.

"Uncle Kamai!"

Zeng Ling came to the Zhongzhong boathouse and went in to say hello.

The interior is fairly clean. Although there is some fishy smell, it is fully equipped with sofas and TVs.

"You are Du Sheng, right? You are far away from us."

A middle-aged man in his fifties with a weathered face stood up and smiled gently.

"Uncle Kamai, I've come all the way, so I'm the only one disturbing you."

Du Sheng smiled slightly, offered gifts of cigarettes and wine, and said a few polite words.

Seeing him looking at the surrounding environment, Kamai smiled calmly and said:

"We old guys can't fight anymore, and there is no fresh blood to add. All the territory we have gained before has been taken away. Now the Mafia is the only one."

However, there is relief from the Zhengfu here, and you will receive money every month to live and die, so there is no need to fight for life or death. "

Du Sheng nodded, and after some pleasantries, he put down a stack of money:

"I would like to know about the fire incident that occurred at Esili Volcano half a month ago."

The Eisili volcano is sixty kilometers southwest of here, near the edge of Prussia.

When he was traveling through it before, he took the time to look at it in the early morning, but he didn't gain much.

Kamal glanced at Du Sheng thoughtfully, as if he had guessed his intention, but he didn't hide it:
  “The fire that burned for more than ten kilometers that night was said to have been caused by a giant mastiff that could breathe fire.

But it is different from the Eagle Country Mastiff. People who have witnessed it say that it has three heads on its neck, its body is as big as a small truck, and its body is covered with thick scales.

The mouth is full of fangs and seems to be smoking.

In the past two months, it appeared three times in total, and every time it appeared, there was a fire hazard."

Du Sheng gained something after listening and left thoughtfully.

According to Kamai's description, this almost matches the appearance of the evil three-headed dog.

If the opponent appears three times, it is most likely that the food around the crater where he was hiding before is exhausted, and he has to come out to hunt.

But its surface temperature cannot be suppressed at all. Not only does it cause wildfires, but it also leaves burning footprints wherever it steps.

This also caused a certain amount of panic in the local area.

After all, there is a well-known legend related to dogs in Europe:

The mythical three-headed dog of hell squatting at the gate of hell!
  It not only tortures people's souls, but also spreads plagues and feeds on corpses.

Many Europeans are believers of various religions. They believe in legends about the appearance of gods and monsters. They speculate whether this situation is about to bring disaster from the sky, and they all panic and ask the local government for help.

This incident even alarmed the Holan royal family and sent a royal army to encircle and suppress it.

The three-headed dog appeared half a month ago and was bombarded by artillery fire from all directions.

But the result shocked everyone.

The three-headed dog not only withstood the onslaught of M113 armored vehicles and M109 self-propelled artillery, but also ejected a ball of fire to destroy the Apache helicopter gunship [-] meters above.

Then, in the baptism of countless gunfire, bombs and artillery, it spewed flames and detonated mountain fires, fought through the surroundings, rushed into the volcanic belt on the Prussian side, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Holan is also considered one of Europe's top military powers, but this time it was like a complete slap in the face.

Although the royal family tried every means to suppress the news, there was a serious leakage in Europe. Various versions had been spread for a long time, and even Camai had heard a lot.

"Maar volcano, Dama town area!"

Du Sheng wrote down this information. The next day, Berlin, Brandenburg Airport.

After coming out of the terminal, Du Sheng took a taxi and headed straight to the city center.

Last night, he unexpectedly received a text message from Li Xinxin and learned that this girl actually followed the mission and came to Berlin.

Now that they have met, the two sides just meet and exchange information.

The Berlin Wall, one of the iconic buildings of Prussia.

Because it was pushed last year, it represented the end of the Cold War between the two factions of Prussia, the East and West, and they officially merged into one to become a regional power.

Li Xinxin, dressed like a tourist, held the suitcase with her left hand and glanced over there.

A large number of rallies gathered in the square next to the ruins of the Berlin Wall.

These people were all members of the DDR organization (pro-Soviet). They held various anti-isolationist slogans to protest against the cold treatment of the East Prussian people by the government, and demanded that the government increase its policy orientation and strengthen its identity.

Recently, the Peace Congress was held in Berlin, and pro-Soviet people in Prussia and throughout Europe were particularly active.

Li Xinxin saw other anti-isolationists protesting in Lyon, France yesterday.

According to Blood Rakshasa's intelligence, there are several forces behind these people.

The Qiusha Group she was tracking seemed to be involved.

That old immigrant man named Dals wants to do some work for Prussia again?
  For example, re-division and autonomy between the two factions.
  If the other party is inclined towards Su Ni, their KGB can try to contact them.

Just as she was thinking this, Li Xinxin habitually used the rearview mirror and glass of the car on the roadside to look behind her, and another group of white people with darker skin colors changed in the distance.

Although there are many gypsies among tourists here, Li Xinxin still pays attention.

To err on the side of caution, take the fork on the left and walk toward the Memorial Park.

On top of a building two hundred meters away, there was a sky restaurant opened by Turks.

Two men were standing on the office balcony, looking through binoculars at the ruins of Berlin.

One of them, a man in his thirties with piercing eyes who looked Asian at first, was called Bashtu, and he came from the Holy War Organization of the Turkic Kingdom.

The person next to him has dark skin and thick hair, and calls himself Dragon Lice.

Sitting behind him was a woman with a hot figure and slightly revealing clothing.

Her name is Blood Rose, and she comes from a subversive organization in Europe.

Blood Rose shook the red wine in her hand and said:

"Bashtu, do you know Tengger? He has been trained in your Holy War organization and has always been reliable in collecting intelligence."

The Turkic Holy War organization is world-famous. They have established bases abroad, trained terrorists, and constantly sent people to sneak into other countries to plan, direct, and carry out terrorist and sabotage activities.

Bashtu naturally remembered Tengger. After all, they had participated in agent training together, and later they jointly planned the regime subversion strategy of the Ermao Kingdom.

But later Tengger became a mercenary and became the close guard of Viscount Card of Holand.

Blood Rose seems to be a high-class socialite, but she has some unclear relationship with Viscount Card.

The other party came to discuss cooperation this time, most likely because he wanted to stop the KGB's mission plan.

Blood Rose continued:

“Since we want to cooperate, let me first express my sincerity.

Tengger has infiltrated the KGB, and based on the exact information he has, the person assigned by Kovsky to track you is this woman. "

Kovsky was the head of the KGB's European branch.

Bashtu put down the telescope, called one of his subordinates, and gave the order:

"Follow her!"

Last week, their holy war organization tried to stage a false attack in Ermao Country to kill a high-ranking farmer. As a result, the KGB discovered it in advance and the entire branch base was uprooted.

The remaining few of them fled to Europe, and the other party still pursued them.

Blood Rose continued:

"The 'Wolf-Beard Gene' captured and studied by your base was most likely taken away by the KGB during the last destruction, and this woman was one of the participants."

Bashtu turned to look at the stern man beside him:

"Dragon louse, let them be prepared and strike when the opportunity arises!"

He turned to look at Blood Rose:

"You won't volunteer to help, will you?"

Blood Rose smiled and said:

"I have already said that we will help you retrieve the wolf's beard gene. We just want to use the characteristics of the wolf's beard gene to activate a genetic research related to the wolf totem by the Blood Sacred Society!

This is a win-win situation for both parties, and your organization has agreed. "

Bashtu didn't say anything. Cooperating with the Blood Sacred Society was an arrangement made by the Dongsheng Sect, a subordinate of his organization.

After giving the order, Dragon Lice said:

"We should go."

Blood Rose pointed to the left side of the park:
  "Go over there, there will be weapon support."

The three of them left the sky restaurant and walked out of the building together.

Turning to the left side of the Memorial Park, Li Xinxin passed by a clothing store, and with the help of the glass reflection, she saw the figure flashing behind her.

I was in a good mood today. After all, the man rushed to Berlin, but he was affected by a group of hounds.

Which organization does this group of people belong to?

Li Xinxin took out her mobile phone and dialed:

"Are you here yet?"

"Next to the tunnel."

"I'm outside the west side of the tunnel and I've got some guys following me."

"I'll be right there."

Li Xinxin put away her mobile phone and continued walking towards the edge of the tunnel.

Approaching the side of the tunnel, a jeep who was admiring the scenery of the park suddenly threw away his shirt and swung out his right hand!

Three butterfly knives spun and shot towards him.

In addition, the dark-skinned man who was resting on the stone pavilion suddenly turned around, took out his gun and shot repeatedly.

Attacked from both front and back, most people can't react at all.

However, Li Xinxin was no longer like yesterday. She jumped towards the stone pavilion and flicked her left hand hidden in her sleeve.

A coin flew out like a bullet, knocking away a butterfly knife that was shot. At the same time, he pushed the suitcase to block the two bullets, and there was already a pistol in his hand.

The swarthy man had just finished shooting a bunch of bullets and found that the opponent's suitcase was actually bulletproof. He was about to curse and change the magazine. Li Xinxin had already jumped forward, kicked out her long legs wearing leather boots, and at the same time raised the gun and shot at the jeep.

  Amidst the crackling sound, it seemed like something exploded!
  Li Xinxin has eaten venison and Yamata snake meat, and her strength has been strengthened a lot. The force of a whip kick is more than 500 pounds.

The dark man fell to the ground holding his crotch, unable to even scream.

As for the jeep, he was shot in the head before he could take aim.

The surrounding tourists retreated in fear, and some bold ones were still watching the excitement from a distance.

Several more people surrounded him from both sides of the tunnel.

For a time, there was constant gunfire and thick smoke billowing.

Li Xinxin, who was hiding in the corner of the vehicle, saw the other party throwing smoke bombs continuously. Worried that they were poisonous, she quickly blocked her breath and dodge!
  But she wasn't worried about her own safety, because these attackers couldn't run away!

Behind them, a figure passed quickly like a cheetah.

Bang bang bang!
  The remaining Turks were still throwing smoke bombs in an attempt to outflank and block their sight!

But these are meaningless to Du Sheng.

As he ran, his firing action did not stop at all, and he pulled the trigger repeatedly.

At such a close distance, it is impossible for the bullet to miss.

"There are still people on the other side, leave first!"

Before leaving, Du Sheng waved his hand to collect the debris and also dragged a Turkic man who was knocked unconscious into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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