Chapter 413 Flight Plan

Meanwhile, Blackwater Division Fort.

Li Xinxin summoned more than a dozen of her subordinates and quickly got on the off-road vehicle and rushed towards Dela City.

If you don't run away after the explosion, you will have no choice but to wait to be bombed!

Li Xinxin decisively took out the remote control button and pressed the control button without hesitation.

The two mountains behind them suddenly exploded and fell into a sea of ​​fire.

The sky filled with flames and dust intertwined, turning the thirteen artillery pieces into twisted scrap metal.

Everyone understands that these gadgets cannot be taken away at all, otherwise they will only become bombing targets of the Lighthouse Air Force stationed in Sichuan.

Although it was a bit wasteful, Li Xinxin made a wise choice.

People are the most important thing.

As long as you are alive, everything is possible.

What's more, these equipment are provided by Noes, and the price is very beautiful.

In order to thank Du Sheng for his help, the other party gave it half for sale and half for free.

And their Blood Rakshasa has also established a stable supply channel with each other, and weapons and equipment are no longer a problem.

On the other side, Du Sheng picked and picked away as much property as possible.

However, there are so many treasures accumulated in the three major warehouses that the space cannot be filled at all.

He could only sift out large pieces of calligraphy and painting, tribute wine, silverware, bronze, ceramics and other items.

Still, a small half remained.

Du Sheng shook his head, not wanting to become a sponsor, so he threw down a few bundles of explosives and destroyed them before leaving.

When we walked outside, what we saw before us was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with bomb craters everywhere and broken walls scattered everywhere.

Du Sheng was accustomed to this and had no unnecessary emotional fluctuations.

He quickly jumped all the way and collected the debris.

White 9, Green 6, Blue 3, Purple 1...

After one trip, I got 19 more coins, so the harvest was pretty good.

But I don’t know if it was because of being blown up, but I only got one "Poison Specialization" skill, which was still blue.

The introduction looks pretty good. In the future, I won’t talk about poisoning specifically, but at least there will be greater improvements in preventing poisons.

This trip only took a few minutes, but Du Sheng did not dare to delay any longer and immediately started to move and appeared at the location of the Spartak armored vehicle.

He originally planned to take this big guy with great military exploits away if he didn't have much money.

But now I have no choice but to put down explosives and destroy it.

After dealing with this, Du Sheng used the move 9 times in a row, and did not stop until he was almost at his limit.

At this time, there were rumbling explosions and collapse sounds a few hundred meters behind.

However, he ignored the inspection and followed the planned retreat route into the woods, running quickly towards the northwest.

Du Sheng ran at full speed faster than a car traveling at 100 kilometers per hour.

In addition, it has sonar echo + spiritual detection, which is enough to speed through the grassy terrain.

After about nine minutes of this, he was already more than ten kilometers away from the fortress and approached another remote town in Babylon.

At this time, a whistling sound suddenly sounded above the head.

Du Sheng crouched down and looked around. It was actually two F15E bombers and an F15C fighter jet flying in from Anbar in the west. The sonic boom created a long cyclone in the air!

If nothing unexpected happens, over there is the Assad Air Force Base of the Lighthouse Country!

In order to avoid becoming a salty fish, Du Sheng immediately changed his appearance and disguised himself as an ordinary local.

He came to the nearby city of Mosul, mixed with a group of night shift workers, and hailed a taxi to Basra on the south side.

There are only three international airports in the Kingdom of Babylon, and Basra International Airport is one of them.

After this attack, the first thing the Lighthouse Country suspected was those resistance organizations and militias.

In particular, the Islamic Resistance Organization and the PMF organization are both supported by the Persian State and have more than 200,000 members. Recently, they have repeatedly attacked the local troops and merchants of the Lighthouse State.

Even in Baghdou, one can often see their suicide attacks.

In addition, Su Ni's intelligence agency, the KGB, must be on the list.

Even the Holy War Organization, Blood Rakshasa, Blood Sakai, etc. were ranked above Du Sheng.

There is no way, there are at least a hundred people in the Blackwater organization branch, and there are so many fire defense weapons. Who would have thought that someone fighting alone would seek death and step on the door...

However, he still planned to divert from Basra to neighboring Saudi to avoid possible pursuit.

Of course, indirectly handling the delivery of the Dream cruise ship is also one of the purposes.

As the taxi left the city center, dozens of armored vehicles and combat vehicles from the Lighthouse State drove fiercely through the streets of Mosul and rushed toward the west.

The locals seem to have become accustomed to this situation.

This is how they became prisoners. They originally thought that life would improve after the world police took over Babylon, but they did not expect that life in hell had just begun.

It would be a rare thing if there was no war.

The love-hate relationship between the resistance organization and the garrison cannot be washed away in twenty years.

Half an hour after getting in the car, Li Xinxin finally restored communication functions.

Although this operation is covert, it is impossible not to worry about it.

The phones they use have been carefully modified by Blood Rakshasa, and they communicate in Cantonese to ensure that they are not monitored by third parties.

When Li Xinxin learned that Du Sheng had escaped safely, she breathed a sigh of relief and said straight to the point:

"In the Blackwater organization's fortress, I captured the CIA's logistics director Gallade and the Blackwater organization branch director."

Du Sheng was slightly surprised:

"He should be more than just handing over, why is he there?"

Li Xinxin explained in detail:

"According to the current interrogation results, Gallade is the head of CIA logistics, but secretly he is the special envoy of the Lighthouse Country sent to the Ermao Country.

He has bribed many high-level officials of the Ermao Kingdom in an attempt to overthrow Su Ni's regime and make the Ermao Kingdom move closer to the Yue Yue. "

Du Sheng recalled what the Ermao Kingdom did after the collapse of Su Ni in his previous life, and shook his head slightly:

"This situation is impossible to prevent, and the consequences are probably unpredictable."

Li Xinxin was silent for a moment and said:

"I guess so. The last time the Soviet Union voted for disintegration, the Ermao country not only voted in favor, but also encouraged other member states to join in. It has obviously reached the opposite side."

Du Sheng chuckled:

"Lighthouse Country has made it clear that Su Ni will be defeated by horses and horses. No matter how Su Ni responds, he can only hold his nose and step on this trap."

He no longer paid attention to this destined matter and changed the subject:

"How is Gared's current condition?"

Li Xinxin and her group were dispersing and pretending to leave. After a moment, they said:

“He was injected with truth serum, but he obviously had professional training and was very strong-willed.

It can be seen that he has a large amount of intelligence information and can only wait until he returns to a safe place to continue the interrogation. "

Du Sheng reminded:

"Not long ago, the CIA obtained the mutated genes of monkeys, and I heard that it also killed a crocodile monster and is conducting secret experiments.

Gallade's status in the CIA is not low, and he may be aware of the relevant situation. "

Li Xinxin responded:

"I will intensify the interrogation and try to get as much information as possible."

At this critical juncture, the two are destined not to get together again, but to wait until next time.


Lighthouse Country, the headquarters of the Blackwater Organization.

Ryan walked towards the meeting hall with a serious expression and held several documents.

The secretary opened the door for him and whispered:

"The two founders came, and they didn't look very good. It's probably something over there in the Middle East."

Ryan nodded heavily and walked in. Several people were already sitting inside.

The bald middle-aged man sitting in the middle motioned for him to sit down and said:

"This matter is very serious, and I need to give an explanation to all parties."

Ryan knew these people were coming and clearly had a sense of accountability.

However, the matter was so big that even though he was no longer responsible for the Middle East, he knew that he could not hide from the delivery of goods.

After all, there is only one failure before there is a second one.

The man with glasses sitting on the right said with a stern face:

"Director Ryan, what do you want to say about the affairs in the Middle East?"

Not long ago, the headquarters received news that Liam could not be contacted, including that there was no news from his assistant or subordinates. Before this, the other party suddenly sent a signal to send troops to support, but the signal was instantly interrupted.

It was obvious that something had happened to Liam in this short period of time.

The information just fed back by the garrison in the Lighthouse Country proves this point.

The Babylonian fortress stronghold was bombarded with artillery and the entire base was destroyed.

Together with the Blackwater Warehouse next door, goods worth over 100 million francs were plundered.

Including directly affiliated tactical teams, mercenary teams, logistics, training personnel, etc., the death toll totaled 123 people.

Almost half of the tasks and operations in Babylon were paralyzed!

This explosive news completely caused the top management to explode.

However, they had no idea what caused it.

If you include the first time the property was robbed, this can no longer be described as a series of setbacks.

Ryan was very aware of the seriousness and summarized and analyzed what happened in the past few days:

"There is evidence that the PMF organization has some connection with Persia. It recently obtained a large number of weapons. It cannot be ruled out that the Persian government did it secretly.

In addition, most of the explosives and residual explosive components left on the base are Soviet-style weapons, and the KGB is not excluded."

Several senior executives were silent after listening.

Was he tricked by the resistance organization and Persia?

According to Ryan, this probability is really very possible.

After all, Persia and the Lighthouse Country are sworn enemies, and no matter how hard they go, they can't go too far.

They felt a headache when they thought about the powder keg of the Resistance Fox, and most of them were the base camps of the Holy War organizations.

In addition, their three major strongholds in the Middle East are almost in pieces, and they can't send anyone even if they want to.

As for the KGB.

If Su Ni also intervenes with the purpose of cutting off CIA funds, and their black water is only affected, it will be even more unjust.

The founder sitting in the middle seat flipped through the documents and said calmly:

“No matter what, no organization or force can ever go unpunished if it offends our Blackwater organization.

You gather people first, and I will send two directors to cooperate. You can also apply for the third-generation soldiers recently developed by the headquarters. Be sure to investigate thoroughly! "

Such an important base was destroyed, and more than a hundred people died. If they ignored it, would the Blackwater organization still have the shame?

What's more, this is the second time that property has been intercepted.

They really think that their Blackwater organization is a cash machine! ?

In any case, the delivery was not completed and the CIA had to give an explanation.

Ryan did not shirk responsibility, but put out another document and said:

"Du Sheng, who I was responsible for arresting before, is a wanted person who may have participated in the first robbery of the red deer. Some evidence currently shows that he is in the Middle East. I suspect that he was involved in the second crime.

The last time the CIA personally sent a team to Su Ni, they failed to capture him. The danger rating is definitely above S-.

As long as he joins forces with local forces, it is possible to destroy the base..."

Several senior executives discussed in low voices, and the founder in the middle muttered:

"Our third-generation genetic warriors may not be able to deal with this kind of person, so we should wait until the base is rebuilt.

In addition, the search efforts in Babylon will be intensified. Important figures from the CIA have died, and compensation + joint liability will be inevitable. "

Ryan sighed inwardly, feeling increasingly powerless.

Du Sheng is getting worse and worse, and there is no solution.

Unless a few mercenaries are sent to Xiangjiang to ambush, there may be a possibility of killing them.

But when I think about the humiliating losses that the CIA suffered in Hong Kong last time, it was still unable to be disclosed to the public, so it can only swallow the bitter pill, and there is no follow-up...

As for looting and compensation, no matter how embarrassing it is, we can only continue to suffer the rich and powerful families in Babylon.

As one of the five largest oil-producing countries in the East, Babylon has many wealthy and invisible tycoons.


The next day, Du Sheng appeared in Sart Port City.

After a month of renovation, the interior of the Dream cruise ship has been completely renovated.

The two cabins on the first deck have also been opened up and merged into a large place integrating entertainment and play.

Today, it will officially return to Hong Kong carrying a batch of special cargo delivered by ASML branch.

And Du Sheng came this time to pay the third amount in installments.

Fortunately, I got a large sum from the Como family of the Yihe Consortium last time, and with the profit from the Dream, even if I don't use what I got last night, it is not difficult to pay 20 million knives.

After making arrangements, Du Sheng also returned by plane.

The first day after returning to Xiangjiang, I spent all my time dealing with the backlog of affairs.

There are more companies, and Hongxing Group branches have to be taken care of. There are many businesses. Even if most matters are handled by dedicated personnel, they still pile up after being away for nearly half a month.

After finishing his official business, Du Sheng summoned He Guang, Chen Peng, Dao Baquan, Yamashita Tadahide and other senior officials of the hall to gather together.

At present, the first and second tier communities in Hong Kong are busy transforming. In addition to the previous pressure from the Governor's Office, the police have launched raids from time to time, and there has been much less friction on the ground.

Du Sheng was also happy and relaxed, leaving all relevant matters to He Guang.

Apart from being a bit astringent, this general manager is pretty good at everything else, and he also knows how to hide his edge and avoid taking credit.

Afterwards, he took time to accompany Little Stutter, Bobo, Mo Jiaqi, Zhang Meirun, A Tong, Zhang Dandan and other girls who came over happily after hearing the news, and distributed the gifts he brought back, before he had time to go to the entrance of Causeway Bay Hall.

"Hey! You've changed a lot."

The young Yamata snake in front of me can no longer be called a baby snake, and its size has expanded again.

A conservative guess is that 90KG and 6 meters long are absolutely indispensable.

Moreover, the body is completely covered with black scales, making it look ferocious. Even the four pairs of wings on its back have completely grown out, and it is just short of a test flight.

It's just that the wings cannot be fully spread inside the steel cage, but the wings can be spread out to a conservative five to six meters.

In terms of combat power, it should be no less than the mid-to-high six-star level.


When the young Yamata snake saw Du Sheng, it was equally happy. It flapped its wings and ran to the steel guardrail, wagging its tail like a pet.

From the looks of it, my IQ has obviously improved a lot.

"Haha, is it too narrow here?"

Du Sheng looked at the steel cage for a few times, shook his head and smiled, using telepathy to communicate a few words, while also putting down the scarab to feed.

The winged snake hissed in response, eating quite happily.

Du Sheng came back this time with improved combat power, and his heart was more sensitive to radio wave information, and he could vaguely understand what the other party meant.

The steel cage cannot be opened, and it has been trapped here for a long time, which makes it a little tired...

"It's really not suitable here. I'll take you to a better place early tonight."

Du Sheng stared at the Winged Snake carefully and said:

"But let's make an agreement first. When you hunt, you try to avoid crowds and don't breathe fire or poison. Do you understand?"

Winged Snake responded excitedly again, and even nodded excitedly.

Holy shit! Will he become a sperm?

Du Sheng had a strange look on his face and had this idea inexplicably.

But thinking about it, it's unlikely. It's most likely that after such a long period of communication, the purple skill "Animal Telepathy" has allowed both parties to find a common point for information transmission.

This is good too. Next time I go out to ‘make extra money’, I don’t have to do it alone.

Even going to nearby places, such as Neon, Nanyang and other places, there is no need to fly.

This is a horse that travels thousands of miles every day. It can't do whatever it wants wherever it goes!

And whether it's a thousand-degree flame or super venom, he will definitely be a super helper in the future.

It's a pity that living creatures cannot be collected into the space, otherwise it will be a great weapon to rob the country and help the poor.

Thinking like this, Du Sheng couldn't wait. At three o'clock in the morning that night, in the dead of night, he quietly left with Winged Snake.

Move to Lamma Island, which is still deserted.

Then, the first human-snake flight plan began.


Someone who fell from the sky several times could only look up at the cheerful black dot above melancholy.

'It seems that we still need to build a snake saddle...'


 [Book||Chong, Daweii, sony527, Book Friends 20175360, Book Friends 20229996, Yun@ling, Book Friends 20182193, Passing by, Little Bad Guy 109, Book Friends 20230929] Thank you for your votes, rewards, and subscription support. ! ~



(End of this chapter)

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