Back to 80, start from gold digging

Chapter 184 Zhao Family Falls

Xiangyang Town and Qiushui Town are two towns that are close to each other. Although they don't meet each other as often as they are in the same town, they are not strangers to each other.There are also many relatives and friends in the townspeople in the two places. They move around and communicate with each other. In terms of closeness, they are not much different.

Xiangyang Town's wasteland was contracted, which was also a big deal. As a leading town, it has always been compared to it.The leaders of Qiushui Town often pay attention to this aspect. As soon as the news comes out, it immediately attracts attention.

This kind of thing is not too secret. You can find out by asking some insiders.

The news spread back to Qiushui Town and it didn't take long for it to spread.

The villagers also heard about it a week later, and there was a lot of discussion, and they said everything.

"The old Zhao family is really rich. They took more than 20 yuan without blinking an eye. That's really cool!"

"I guess they saved up from opening the store in the past two years. They have three stores. That means they save over [-] yuan a month. They have saved it over such a long time."

"But pull it down. You know what? Their two stores are quite profitable, but the gold store they open later has no people at all. It just looks good."

"Oh, really, I really don't know. I thought that shop was always making money, but that shop is the only one in the town. The two-story building is so classy that it looks expensive just by looking at it. "

"It looks good for nothing, and it can't be used as food. I heard that the store has a lot of goods, and the capital is a lot of money. Their family has made some money in the past few years, but most of it has been invested in This is so messed up, how can I have any extra money to do something else?"

"Can this be the case? Then where will their family get the money to buy wasteland in Xiangyang Town? No one in Xiangyang Town can give them such a large sum of money."

"Where did you think that She could do such a thing? Their family did get the money, but the money was not their own, it was money borrowed from the bank."

"What, a loan! Oh, their family is really brave. If they can't repay it, they will be in trouble."

"Isn't it? The risk is so high. Who would have thought that their family would dare to do this?"

"Does the third girl in their family have any good ideas? She's just a little rake who grabs money, and she just makes money at home."

"Yes, that's what happened, otherwise their family wouldn't be able to throw out all this money at once."

"But pull it down. What a good idea. It's just a piece of wasteland, and it's said to be opened up for farming."


The people present were suddenly shocked. They never imagined that they would spend more than 20 yuan just to open up wasteland for farming. Isn't this stupid? What did you think?
"The third girl's ideas are always pretty good. I'm also thinking about whether I should pool some money to invest in individual stocks like He Kuang did and earn some money along the way. I need to think about it."

"Quickly give up your thoughts. If you invest money in this, you won't even lose your pants by then."

"I really didn't expect that these three girls would have such a plan, didn't you?" The people in the village haven't planted enough land, and they found out that Baba went to another town to buy wasteland for planting. What's the point? What do you think?

"If there is no flower that lasts for a hundred days, the sun cannot shine on one person's head. In the past few times, the third girl's idea was quite good, and everyone followed suit and made money. But this time, hey - "Sighed, there was really nothing else to say.

"The third girl is stupid, then Zhao Mingyu and Li Cuizhen will let her do it. Why don't they stop them." That's more than 20, an amount that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime, just throw it into the wasteland. .

"If we can stop it, what about the loan? At the age of the third girl, it's impossible to do it by yourself. If it weren't for the support of these two people, how could it be done?" "This is really a family. Think about it more, why do you believe her so much?"

"It's not because I was pretty good before, I think so this time as well. Of course my girl believes it more than others."

"The third girl is quite capable, but this time she was really a little stupid."

Wasteland can be opened, but not through contracting and paying for it.If you really love to work and want to grow more food, you don't have to do this. There are a lot of unused land. Just find a few pieces and open it. There is no need to spend this unjust money.

The villagers all shook their heads at this incident, feeling that Zhao Wenduo might have "finished his talents" and made such a wrong decision, fearing that he was about to lose money.

These rumors in the village gradually spread to the ears of the Zhao family. It would be false to say that they were angry. After all, the pressure of borrowing a huge sum of money was not easy.But now that you have made your decision, you must support it to the end.

Fortunately, Zhao Wenduo's behavior these days is a bit unconventional. He leaves early and returns late in a mysterious manner. He doesn't know what he is doing. He has found some people to frequently travel between the two towns.

If it were anyone else, it wouldn't be the case, it could be good or bad.

The reason why I say 'good thing' here is because I can see the shadow of the river mine in the person who acted like this. Before I found out, she was also busy here and there, but what? Don't say anything.

That's what it's like to do big things in silence.

There are more and more such discussions, and the Zhao family has once again become the focus of the village. Unlike the previous Hemine, all the praises have turned into regrets, and the reputation of Miss Zhao San has also plummeted. That's it. At this moment, something happened again.

They say that when a person is unlucky, his teeth are filled with cold water.

The Zhao family's loan to buy wasteland was a rumor in the village. Everyone was saying that the old Zhao family had made good money for a few years, but it had gone downhill and was about to lose money. The more than 20 yuan was How can such a big hole be filled if people are sold and can't even pay it back?

It can be said that the Zhao family is now in decline in the eyes of the village. The former glory of being the first household in the village no longer exists, and now it is on the verge of being in debt at any time.

I don’t know where this gust of wind came from. The girls from the Zhao family are not very lucky. They look good on the surface, but they are all fake. They were okay at first, but after a long time, they lost their stuff.

Miss Zhao San was said to be a good money-catcher, but now she has become a colander. All the money she saved over the years will be lost, and she will have to go to jail if she fails.

Miss Zhao Er was pretty, but she looked like she was unlucky.My reputation was ruined before, and I was picked on even when I was talking about marriage.As soon as she became a full-time employee, she was dismissed by the factory, and she was put in the first batch of reductions.

The youngest girl, Zhao Si, would be paralyzed by a needle stick, so let’s talk about how upright she is.

One of these trivial things was maliciously magnified by some people's ulterior motives, and slowly began to spread in the village.

Among the four girls, Zhao Wenying, the only one who is married, does not know whether she is avoiding being slandered because she has become someone else's daughter-in-law and is no longer considered a "girl", or whether she has a trick waiting to be magnified.

As it turns out, it's the latter.The girl from the Zhao family was not lucky enough, and Zhao Wenying became the final one.

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