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Chapter 204 Entering the store to show off

"There are thousands of reasons to be bad, and the evil thoughts that come up are endless. There is nothing you can't think of, and there is nothing they can't do." Zhao Wenduo narrated slowly: "I forgot which book I read, it said that in ancient times, there were The family members are kind-hearted, and the hired workers will give away their money every time they are hurt, which is highly praised by the neighbors. There is a man with evil thoughts who has evil thoughts and finds an orphan from other places. He pretends to be a brother. The man came to work at his wife's house. After working for a month, he took advantage of the man's unpreparedness and deliberately caused an accident while working, killing the man's life. The man felt sorry for himself, so he gave the brother some silver, and the fake brother took the money. Leave.”

"Then this person is really vicious. In order to defraud some money, he actually resorted to such tricks." Fu Tingkun listened to her story and analyzed it carefully. He didn't think too much and just thought she had learned something from the story. Enlightenment.

Zhao Wenduo saw that he didn't really understand, so he went to the coal mine and said, "Such people can be found everywhere, and they are extremely difficult to guard against, especially those who do business. It was designed at that time.”

Fu Tingkun paused thoughtfully, then thought of something, and said: "Don't tell me, after listening to your words, I really thought of one thing. The coal mine is a high-risk place, and it is most prone to accidents. If Like the story you told, if someone really has bad intentions and deliberately kills someone in order to pay compensation, it would be really troublesome." Nowadays, it is different from the ancient times. If there is an accident, everyone will have to pay serious attention. The more profitable and involved the punishment is, the easier it is to give birth to people with evil intentions. "

Seeing that he finally understood and expanded the content himself, Zhao Wenduo breathed a sigh of relief.She didn't know what to say next. Fortunately, he had a strong understanding and knew how to draw inferences from one example to make things clear, which saved him a lot of drool.

Zhao Wenduo nodded: "There is no limit to how bad a person can be. You have to be mentally prepared in this regard to be prepared for something to happen."

At this time, Fu Tingkun finally heard it: "Are you trying to remind me? Are you worried that there will be an unexpected incident and I won't be able to react in time and will be plotted again?" The little girl had a lot on his mind, but why did he feel that It's quite heartwarming.

Zhao Wenduo pursed his lips and smiled: "It's always better to be careful. It's safer than being stupid and not wanting anything."

"You mean to say that I'm stupid and don't have as many ideas as you, right?" He admitted that he was just an individual. He was young, but he always had some weird ideas, and sometimes he did have more ideas than adults like them.

Zhao Wenduo smiled and said nothing. Are you stupid or not? You haven't figured it out in your mind. If it weren't for the fact that she contributed dozens of blue tickets every month, she wouldn't bother to waste more time.

Fu Tingkun couldn't help but be in a good mood when he saw her suppressing a smile. He nodded: "I have remembered everything you said. Don't worry, I will be more careful and try not to be deceived."

At this time, he did not know that the malicious and harmful incident mentioned by Zhao Wenduo actually happened in some mines not long after, and it was far worse than what she described.

Of course, it has never happened in the mines here, which is a blessing.

On the third day after the two chatted together, Xue and Fu mines mined the first car of coal.Following, more coal is on its way.

The focus of the Zhao family's business has returned to the center of the town, and Zhao Wenduo's gold shop has once again become the object of attention.

Since its opening, except for some profits in the first month, the gold store, which has been losing money almost all the time, is about to undergo a major turning point.

Here I have to talk about this relevant figure, classmate Xue Yufeng. She and Zhao Wenduo can be said to have a complicated relationship, neither good nor bad.

At first, the two of them simply refused to deal with each other. Xue Yufeng regarded Zhao Wenduo as an imaginary enemy. When they met, they would pinch each other. They even resorted to small means such as blocking the road after school. Although the results were not ideal, they did not teach him a lesson. She was given a lesson instead, but her fighting spirit was still not extinguished.Until she experienced the pain of being blocked in the road, Zhao Wenduo, who had always been disliked by others, became her rescuer. This forced her to change her attitude. After all, she reached out to help. People, it’s not good to be tit-for-tat anymore.

The relationship that could have been eased became tense again because of Zhao Wenduo's behavior of withdrawing the car.

Just like that, the relationship between the two of them was constantly changing during elementary school.

By the time he got to middle school, Zhao Wenduo's first-place result remained unchanged, but Xue Yufeng, who was the second oldest in ten thousand years, became the fifth, sixth, and sometimes the tenth or twelfth. There were more students competing for her. The second dick position could no longer be maintained.

In the most recent exam, the scores of the two were more than 30 points apart, which was a direct blow to dimensionality reduction.

Xue Yufeng and classmate Xue were really angry, but she couldn't vent her anger yet. Who told her that she didn't do well in the exam?

It was at this time that a distant cousin of the Xue family was getting married and wanted to buy two pieces of jewelry. I planned to ask Xue Yufeng, who had been the director of the supply and marketing cooperative, to accompany me to choose together.

Xue Yufeng, who knew this, had an idea in a flash and took the initiative to take on the job.

On Saturday afternoons, Zhao Wenduo would go to the store for two hours to take stock of goods, look around the store, and make jewelry at this time every week.The store has been open for so long, even if you learn a little from the master a day, you have learned a lot of styles.

People who study hard are never too bad. The gold jewelry master Lang Boyer also said that Zhao Wenduo is very smart and stable, and he is quite suitable for this industry. After only a few months of learning, he What we can do is impressive.

Some seventeen or eighteen pieces of jewelry in the store are made by Zhao Wenduo. They are very good in terms of workmanship and style. In the words of Wolf Boy, this little girl is really good at this business. It is true. Somewhat talented.

Xue Yufeng accompanied her cousin into the gold shop, and the gold necklace that caught her eye was the work of the little goldsmith Zhao Wenduo.It's just that neither of them knows that when they come to buy something, they just have to pay for it, and they don't care who makes it.

"Isn't Zhao Wenduo in the store? Ask her to come out to receive her. We are big customers." Xue Yufeng accompanied her cousin, looking at the gold necklace, and said to the salesperson at the counter.

When the salesperson heard this, he didn't know how to respond, so he went to see his store manager.

Ding Ling replied, remembering An Xin, I will handle it.Then he smiled and said to Xue Yufeng: "Little sister, she knows our little boss, she must be a classmate, right? But what a coincidence, the little boss went out to purchase goods and hasn't come back yet." With this tone, he was stunned as soon as he heard this. If she's not a good person, don't come here to cause trouble. Then she can't be allowed to see the little boss.

"Don't fool me. She is in the store at this moment. Do you think I don't know about it?"

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