I had already disliked her, so I just took the opportunity to come here.

Dai Lanjiao's big body was so big that her palms could almost catch up with the cattail leaf fan, and she turned on the full power with emotion, which suddenly turned her into a spinning top.

Dong Dali felt like stars were popping up in his eyes, he was wandering around, his body turned around several times, and then he fell down. The elbow that landed so hard hit the clothes hanger of a model standing next to him, knocking him over with it.

There was a "crash" sound, and the iron hook on the model hit the counter, and the entire glass shattered into pieces and fell down.

This shocked everyone, even the one who hit him stood there with his eyes wide open. She just slapped him in anger, and why did she smash the glass in the shop?

It was designated that this bitch surnamed Dong was the one who caused the trouble, otherwise he wouldn't pick a place no matter how hard he fell.

Dong Dali: Thank you for thinking so highly of me.

Wu San'er originally wanted to beg for mercy and ask Dai Lanjiao to let him go this time. Compared with Dong Dali's gentleness and sweetness, he was more afraid of this ferocious beast in the family and really wanted to hit him hard. I had to lie on the kang for half a month.

It's unbelievable that this tough thing can even beat Dong Tiantian. This is not the main thing. The important thing is that it broke all the glass in the store. How can I lose money?

He debated whether to run away in the chaos, or to take responsibility as a man, ask the store owner about compensation, and help Tiantian Dong sister up at the same time.

The turning point came too suddenly. Just when everyone was in a daze and had no time to react, they heard a loud shout from behind them: "Get out of the way—get out of the way—"

With a loud sound, the crowd was pushed around and forced to call people to help them squeeze out of the way.

I saw that very strong man squeezing in front of the counter, stepping on the broken glass on the floor, grabbing the female boss inside and asking urgently: "Show me where the injury is." ?" I was looking for him all the time.

It was only then that the onlookers discovered that the top one of the bundle of pillow towels held by the female boss had a bunch of blood stains on it. The bright red color was most conspicuous on light-colored things.

They had been watching a show just now, and with the sudden shattering of the glass, everyone's eyes fell on the counter with a big hole in it, and the various goods inside that were covered by the broken glass. No one noticed the shopkeeper standing next to him.

Zhao Wenlan was also in a hurry. The store was busy with customers, and both large and small items were sold well. The items on the counter were getting thinner. There were only two pillow towels left, and they were of different colors. When they were all together, they took advantage of Dai Lanjiao, Wu San'er and Dong Dali to argue and make a fuss. The guests temporarily stopped to watch the excitement and stopped to buy goods. They just had time to return to the warehouse.

Who would have thought that as soon as she took out the goods, before she could put them on the table, the bickering would turn into a full-on martial arts show. Seeing Dong Dali being slapped and flying out, a chain reaction started immediately.

When Wan Wenbing shouted and squeezed over outside, she was still stunned. It wasn't until her shoulders were pulled up and down to search for bleeding spots that she felt a little bit.

At this time, Wan Wenbing had already found the wound. A broken piece of broken glass on his left forearm was cut by a piece of broken glass, which was as long as his finger. This is where the blood stains on the pillow came from.

"This, this is bleeding, what should I do, what should I do?" A tall and strong man raised his hands but didn't dare to touch them even though he wanted to. He was running around anxiously, talking over and over again.

Zhao Wenlan even asked the person in front of her to give up. Although her arm still hurt a little, she focused her attention on where it shouldn't be, looking at Wan Wenbing's haggard face after two days of hunger. , frowning: "You have lost weight again!" It's over, the clothes have to be redone again. ah? ! Wan Wenbing was seriously worried and angry. He was hit by her cross, but he still found some thoughts to answer her: "Yes, I have lost weight again."

Originally, he was planning to contact Zhao Wenlan again about his weight, measurements, etc. But now that he encountered such a bad thing, all his plans were disrupted.

But he couldn't care about that anymore. All he could see now was the arm that was still bleeding.

"How to do how to do--"

When Wan Wenbing was running around like a headless fly, saying these three words for the nth time, the people watching the excitement couldn't stand it any longer, and directly said: "If the person is injured, please send him to him immediately." It's a hospital, why should we stay here?" He looked very energetic, but he was still a fool. If he was in such a hurry, why not send him to the hospital? Just mumbling those few words here would be of no use.

"Yes, you have to go to the hospital." The guy who muttered these three words stopped saying it, bent down and picked up Zhao Wenlan.

"Hey, hey - what are you doing?" Zhao Wenlan started to struggle after realizing it. With such an old person looking at him, his hug was really hard to explain.

The two partners nearby also urged me: "If you have something to say, please talk to me, but if you don't want to hug me, please put me down as soon as possible."

It’s not just that his arms were cut a little, and it’s not that his legs were injured and he couldn’t walk, it was really too high to hold him up.

Both of them were thinking about the problem of their arms and legs. No one thought about who this person was. How could he be so familiar with him? Isn't he just making clothes? Including this time, it was four times. Last time I saw him, he was still a stranger.

Zhao Wenlan struggled to free himself several times. This guy really didn't have such a big body in vain, and the strength in his hands was surprisingly strong. Being held by a man she didn't know well in public was beyond her acceptance range, so resisting was inevitable. In order to get out of this predicament, she was really anxious and shot back.

"Ba Chi" was thrown to the base of the ear.

On the neck under the jaw, rounding off the face.

It wasn't that Zhao Wenlan didn't want to hit other places, it was mainly because other places were covered with clothes and there were too many layers of obstruction. She was afraid that her hands were not strong enough and that hitting her would just tickle her, so she simply chose a place where she could directly contact the skin and flesh. It could hurt a little more. It would be best to get him to let go and let her down.

This idea is good, but the effect is hard to say. Why do you say that? The main reason is that Wan Wenbing was really frozen when he was photographed, as if he was on target. But before Zhao Wenlan could be happy for a while, his eyes began to turn red, and tears came at the first sight.

Hey-hey-don't cry.

Zhao Wenlan was stunned. She didn't hit her too hard, but she was still crying in pain.

Little did she know that Wan Wenbing had put herself through a lot of misery these days. He had been hungry for two days, and all the cells and tissues in his body were screaming - "Uh-huh, I need to eat."

Zhao Wenlan was persisting with perseverance, but Zhao Wenlan poured a basin of cold water on his head with this beating, and his heart was very cold. Coupled with the worry about the bleeding injury, depression and shortness of breath, I couldn't control myself, and tears fell down.

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