Back to 80, start from gold digging

Chapter 265 Purchasing Raw Materials

Manager Zhao's troubles were temporarily solved with the arrival of Hou Song, and the production and marketing of jade jewelry also started. He has no experience in stone cutting and processing, but when it comes to business and sales, that is his specialty. These years of working in the store are not for nothing. He knows which products of "Xiduojin" are popular and which prices sell well.

As soon as these jade bracelets, necklaces, and jade jewelry were made, all kinds of publicity began a month in advance. It was not unusual for models to display models. Newspapers, periodicals, and billboards were all showing off their colors, and they were stunned. It was achieved that within fifty meters there must be pictures and pictures of the "Kita Gold" jade series, and all the discussions in the streets were changed to jade-related topics.

As you can imagine, ‘Kitakin’ has once again caused a stir. The new series of gold-inlaid jade pendants, rings, and earrings have become the hottest items for several months, adding gold bricks and jade tiles to the store's sales.

If something sells well, the corresponding raw materials will be consumed very quickly. The first batch of 50,000 yuan of materials brought back was not used for more than a month. Seeing that the memory was decreasing day by day, Assistant Ding had to remind: Please ask for instructions quickly, there are not many stones left.

Manager Zhao also struggled out of the joy and excitement of the surge in sales and quickly contacted his small boss. He knew the raw materials from X town, but the little boss didn't explain the specific route. It was difficult to control the price of this stuff, and he couldn't tell whether there was more or less. So much so that even though he is the general manager now, it is inconvenient for him to make decisions privately.

It stands to reason that the business in this store is booming. How could the boss have thought of such an important issue as the need to replenish supplies? But Zhao Wenduo just forgot about this matter, or in other words, he piled the buckets into the warehouse that day, and after completing the two-hour task, all these things in the store were forgotten.

According to her idea, with Manager Zhao and Ding Te assisting them, they can handle anything. They are also old managers who have been working for several years, and they have more experience in doing this professionally than she does. . If not, the preparations for the newly opened branches would not all be left to them.

After these two years of observation and testing, Zhao Wenduo is quite relieved about these two people.

Based on this trust, she just acted as a happy hands-off shopkeeper, giving general guidance and not asking about the rest. The previous relationship model was indeed like this. Zhao Wenduo could not go to the store for several months, and Manager Zhao managed the stores and operated normally.

But they all forgot that the goods this time were different, and the general manager couldn't be in charge. It was still a major matter that had to be decided by the boss. It is not impossible to get tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of jade materials, and it is not impossible for a manager without instructions to do it.

Zhao Wenduo had just finished brushing a set of papers in his dormitory when he received the call from Manager Zhao. The uncle in the reception room used his special tone that was a bit leaky and had a bit of a local accent. He rushed up and shouted: "Aluminum dear - I'm uncle - move - mosquito - pile, pad - words -"

Even the girls in the dormitory who were used to hearing this voice couldn't help but laugh out loud: "My uncle's authentic Bingang dialect is becoming more and more standard."

"This is a characteristic of our No. 1 Middle School, and you can't hear it elsewhere."

"If you want to say he is talented, he must be our uncle. Since when did Zhao Wenduo become a mosquito-catcher, haha——"

"Have you ever stayed in No. 1 Middle School? It depends on whether you understand what the uncle said. Foreigners must be accompanied by a translator from the school, otherwise there will be misunderstandings and more mosquitoes will follow. Haha——"

Several people in the dormitory burst into laughter. They were familiar with the guard's way of speaking and could translate this sentence in no time. Zhao Wenduo immediately put down the pen in his hand. Listening to the roommates' teasing, he knew that these words were not malicious and were just for fun. He also thought it was quite interesting and laughed twice. Then he followed I changed my shoes and ran out to answer the phone.

Manager Zhao was crying on the other end of the phone and asked her when she would have a day off to go to the store. Zhao Wenduo was stunned for a moment, then thought about it seriously and said, "I'm afraid I won't have a whole day's rest." , the exam will be ready in dozens of days, and everyone is rushing to do the final sprint, there is no time to rest." Everyone takes the college entrance examination seriously, and every extra minute can be used.

Manager Zhao, who didn't expect her to say that, was stunned for a moment, and then reflexively continued: "What should we do? The stone in the store is almost used up. If we don't replenish it, there will be nothing left to sell next month. "

An anxious voice came over the other end of the phone, and it was only then that Zhao Wenduo figured out why he was calling.

I patted my head, oh, how could I forget this.

"Well, I can have some rest tomorrow afternoon. Then you can wait for me at the snack bar at the school gate. I'll tell you more about it." When it comes to business, it's obviously not convenient to talk on the phone.

This was the only thing to do. Manager Zhao confirmed the time and location and then put down the phone.

Since he took over the position of general manager, this was the first time he called the school. He felt a little incompetent. There were no problems in daily operations, but he stumbled here.

This also shows how important it is to purchase goods from this kind of store. He didn't know much about jade, but he knew a little about gold. After all, he is the manager in charge of the gold store, and his little boss doesn't hide it deliberately, so he knows something about it.

It is true that the jade was purchased from X County, and the raw materials for the gold jewelry came from Qiushui Town, which is not a secret. A few years ago, placer gold deposits were discovered in two villages below Qiushui Town. Almost everyone in the county knew this news.

How did he know where the raw materials of 'Kita Gold' come from? In fact, it is quite simple and easy to analyze.

The owner Zhao Wenduo has always been responsible for the purchase of gold jewelry raw materials. This is true for the stores in the town and the two stores in the county. At the beginning, the Zhao family did not have a fixed residence in the county. The Zhao family was always running around, but it was hard to see what happened. After the second half of his sophomore year in high school, due to the heavy workload and the fact that the Zhao family bought a house to settle down, Zhao Wenduo rarely returned to the town. It usually takes two or three months to go back, and I always drive my car. When I come back, I will bring some sand gold.

He could guess it by just coming back and forth. He also knew that Zhao Wenduo had no intention of going behind his back when he did this. If he wanted to hide it intentionally, there were many ways to do it, just to come back from the town and deliberately wait a few days before taking out the raw materials. This step alone was enough to keep him guessing for a long time, not to mention using other means. Just because the little boss has such a clever mind, he just doesn't want him to know, so he won't know.

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