The soft white moonlight of the paranoid gangster at 80

Chapter 209 Killing someone, it's time for trouble

Seeing the left side door of the new sports car scratched by the sanitation worker's bicycle with several deep and visible scars, Zhao Tianyou's anger rose slowly, and he threw his fist at the sanitation worker's face.

The sanitation worker fell to the ground.

Zhao Tianyou was still puzzled, stepped forward and kicked the sanitation worker several times.


The sanitation worker spit out a mouthful of blood, tilted his head and lost his reaction.

Zhao Tianyou was dumbfounded, staring at the sanitation worker who was unconscious and vomiting blood, he couldn't recover for a long time.

"Killed people!"

Someone yelled, and the pedestrians all around gathered around.

"I R, God bless, someone is killed! Hurry up and run!"

Reminded by a friend, Zhao Tianyou woke up like a dream, turned around and prepared to flee the scene.

Seeing that he was about to run, an enthusiastic onlooker shouted: "Stop him, don't let him run away!"

"I want to leave after beating someone, not so off!"

Several uncles and aunts grabbed Zhao Tianyou.

Zhao Tianyou had already drank alcohol and his mind was not clear, now he panicked, and his attack was even worse.

An aunt didn't react in a hurry, and was hit by Zhao Tianyou on the bridge of the nose, and the nosebleeds gushed out immediately, which was very scary to watch.

This time, Zhao Tianyou was considered guilty of public outrage, and was pinned to the ground by the concerted efforts of the onlookers.

The police station and 120 arrived at the scene one after another.

"It's hopeless, my heartbeat and pulse have stopped."

After the emergency personnel inspected the sanitation workers, they regretfully announced the results to the police at the police station.

Zhao Tianyou directly upgraded from perpetrator to murderer.

Under the watchful eyes of all, Zhao Tianyou cannot escape the responsibility for committing atrocities against sanitation workers and causing his death.

When the news came back to Zhao's family, Zhao's father was almost out of breath and had a cerebral thrombosis.

But no matter how angry he is, he has to find a way to save his son, the Zhao family is just such a single seedling.

Fortunately, this time Zhao Tianyou was taken away by the police station, Zhao's father didn't need to seek help from the Fan family, he found a relationship to release Zhao Tianyou on bail.

After Zhao Tianyou left the police station, the story of his beating made it into the news on newspapers and TV stations.

A popular livelihood program on a local TV station made a series of follow-up reports on the case of Zhao Tianyou's beating to death.

The world is bright and bright, and someone was killed in the street, but he was released home safe and sound the next day.

The victim died so innocently, leaving behind a pair of orphans and widows, which made the sky and the earth miserable.

Is there any king law?Are there any laws?
The masses were aroused indignation, and they called or wrote letters to the relevant departments one after another, demanding that the murderer be severely punished and the victim's family members be given an explanation.

The police station that opened the door for the Zhao family has also been questioned and pressured from all directions.

At first, the Zhao family wanted to use money and power to suppress the matter.

They first found the victim's family and offered to settle the matter with 10 yuan.

After negotiations, the two parties finally settled on a price of 20 yuan, and the family members of the victims stated that they would no longer pursue the matter.

After the victim's family was settled, the Zhao family bought a reporter from the News Agency again, trying to make this incident an accident.

Accidentally wounding someone to death is negligent in terms of sentencing. Not only is the sentence light, but it can also win understanding from public opinion and reduce public anger and resentment. Over time, this incident will pass.

However, as soon as the Zhao family's whitewashed press release was released, a TV station later broadcast a video clip of Zhao Tianyou beating someone.

In the picture, Zhao Tianyou's expression is gloomy, his shots are ruthless, and he wantsonly vents his anger on the weak, which is simply inhumane.

This is not an accidental injury, it is a deliberate murder!

All of a sudden, the crowd became angry, and even the provincial leaders issued instructions to handle the case strictly and return justice to the people.

The Municipal Public Security Bureau directly issued an arrest warrant for Zhao Tianyou.

The whole incident was intertwined, and the Zhao family also realized belatedly that Zhao Tianyou was set up by someone!
It must be the Su family.

The reason why the Su family tried their best to send Zhao Tianyou in was because of the kidnapping case last time.

The reason why Zhao Tianyou ran to kidnap Ruan Qingqing was because of Zhao Xiaolan's burden.

For the time being, Father Zhao has nothing to do with the Su family, so he can only vent his anger on Zhao Xiaolan.

If Zhao Xiaolan hadn't been pregnant, father Zhao would have beat her to death.

At this point, Zhao Xiaolan had no choice but to tell her parents that Jiang Chen had taken hold of her.

To her, this handle was like a bomb that could be detonated at any time, and she had already had enough fear.

Knowing that his daughter was threatened by Jiang Chen to do this series of wrong things, Zhao's father was furious.


More than a dozen street gangsters ran to Jiang Chen's electrical appliance store with sticks, and smashed the entire electrical appliance store to pieces on the grounds that the electrical appliance store was cheating money with sub-charged goods.

Even the tortoise raised by the clerk in the shop was trampled on.

Before leaving, the gangster held up an iron rod and said harsh words at Jiang Chen, "I'm not afraid to tell you clearly, you don't want to be a gangster in the future, you open a shop and we smash a shop, and your old man, the same If you can't please, if you dare to offend the Zhao family, that's the end! Let's go!"

After finishing talking, a group of people walked away beating and beating.

Outside the store, Zhang Chunxi spit in the direction the group of people left, stepped into the store, and threw out a string of national essences to the mess all over the place.

"I'm at ease now, and once I return to before liberation."

Facing Zhang Chunxi's sighs, Jiang Chen had a faint smile on his face.

When Zhang Chunxi saw this smile, he knew that someone was going to be in trouble.

Jiang Chen was not affected by the smashing of the store in the slightest. He opened the safe to pay employees salaries and bonuses, and asked them to go home early to take their annual leave and come back to work on the sixth day of next year.

The employees were scared to death at first, but they didn't expect to take a month's paid vacation for nothing because of a blessing in disguise. All of them were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths. They offered to help clean up the store, but Jiang Chen refused.

After dismissing the employees, Jiang Chen locked the door of the store and went to Zhao's house with the account book in his hands.

"You still dare to come to the door, you are really not afraid of death."

Seeing Jiang Chen, Zhao's father's eyes were so sharp that he wanted to kill him.

Jiang Chen took out the account book and threw it in front of Father Zhao with a "slap", "I don't want to come either, but you owe me a bill, so I have to come and collect it."

Father Zhao picked up the ledger and flipped through it, and sneered, "You really think you are someone, and you dare to ask for money at your door, I'm not afraid to tell you, not only you, but also your father-in-law, the Su family, and I will take care of them one by one. "

Jiang Chen sneered, took out a photo and threw it to Father Zhao.

When Father Zhao saw the photo, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was so gloomy that he could wring out water.

"How do you have such a picture?"

"I picked it up on the road."

Father Zhao stared at him, "What do you want?"

Jiang Chen pursed his lips, "I didn't say that, I came to ask you to collect the bill."

Father Zhao sneered, "Jiang, don't put on airs in front of me. You come to the door with a clue, why don't you ask for a price just for money."

Jiang Chen took out a cigarette and lit it, and blew out a smoke ring before he said calmly, "I said, come to collect the bill, you find someone to smash my shop, and all the items in the shop must be in accordance with the law." If you don't pay, I will have to go to your son-in-law to pay."

Jiang Chen left after speaking.

Following his departure, several uniformed policemen came out of the kitchen one after another.

The policeman at the front shook his head at Zhao's father, "He just came to ask for reasonable compensation. He didn't admit that he took the photo secretly, and he didn't use the photo as a threat to ask for property. It doesn't constitute extortion."

After hearing this, Father Zhao was so angry that he kicked over the coffee table in front of him.

Two more~

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