The King of Quick Transmigration took the wrong cannon fodder script!

Chapter 228 The Pocket Sister of the School Belle

Ke Shumin nodded non-stop. She really didn't waste the past five years.

He has received the first-class scholarship from the college every year, passed CET-[-] and CET-[-] early, putonghua B-[-], intermediate sign language professional qualification certificate, computer, teacher qualification certificate, tour guide qualification certificate, driver's license, and all the exams that can be taken.

As her sister said, too many skills don't overwhelm you!

It was only when I used it that I realized that these certificates are much more valuable than the awards for theatrical performances and club activities during school.

She passed No.1 in the written test and interview!
Even if the special education school does not enroll students this year, she is quite sure that she wants to be admitted to other schools.

However, after studying special education for five years, I still hope to apply what I have learned.

The little girl with a noodle-like personality and a chubby body back then has worked as a part-time tour guide on weekends from time to time in the past two years, and she has not only developed her tongue.

Body management, dress is also in style.

Anyone who reads it will have to praise it: the female college student has changed, and the fat man who loses weight is a potential stock.

Tens of millions of [-] million bursaries were spent at the end of August and the beginning of September.

The high school entrance examination and college entrance examination candidates apply for bursaries, accounting for two-thirds.

The amount involved is quite a lot, and Wandou Group specially invited a team of professional managers to manage the scholarship organization!
As long as students with difficulties apply, the staff of the institution will contact the school that the student is admitted to after reviewing the student's family conditions within [-] working days, and the annual tuition fee will be directly transferred to the school's public account .

Prospective high school students themselves can also receive living expenses for three years of high school at one time.

Prospective college students, why is there no living allowance?

We are all grown-ups, and the bulk of the tuition fees and love bursaries have been helped to solve the living expenses, so we have to go to work-study programs by ourselves!
The bursary organization does not support the useless!
Many sponsored students and their parents came to Yougoubian Village from various villages and counties in the city before the school started, bringing their own local products, and must come to personally thank their benefactors.

You Yu couldn't stand such a scene, so he took the initiative to travel to South China to inspect the project of the greenhouse customer.

The students and their parents who came here were warmly received by the Wandou Group and the corporate image management team.

Ding He told the students about to go to high school or university one by one about the history of the Pea Group, and also took everyone to witness today's high-tech agriculture.

After seeing the various equipment systems of the smart greenhouse, a student was very excited: "I am applying for the Sichuan Agricultural University this year, majoring in life sciences. After I graduate from university, I will work in Pea Group!"

Director Ding smiled and encouraged him: "You can't waste your time in four years of university. If you have the opportunity, you can continue your studies, go to graduate school and study for a Ph. D. If you don't have enough tuition fees, continue to apply for education grants, and come back to contribute to the group after you graduate!"

The prospective college student nodded, "I will definitely study hard and take a few more related courses. After graduation, I will work for the Pea Group for the rest of my life!"

If it weren't for the beginning of this year, I heard that there are scholarships available.

His parents died early, and his grandmother picked up garbage to support him. He had long planned to go south to work after getting a high school diploma.

Fortunately, just after the new year, I got such great news from the village cadres!
Grandma taught him since he was a child that he should know how to be grateful, especially those who have helped them.

Since Wandou Group is an agricultural enterprise, when he filled out his application, he chose all agricultural schools. Even if he finished his studies and went to benefactor's company to do odd jobs for the rest of his life, he would be happy!
On the day when he received the admission letter from Sichuan Agricultural University, the gray-haired grandma cried bitterly while holding him.

Influenced by this brother, many students who have just entered high school have also expressed their opinions that they will also study agriculture in university in the future.

Ding He quickly stopped the students' dizziness:

"Choose essays or rationale. You must choose according to your grades and strengths. The bigger the Pea Group develops, the more diversified the positions will be. As long as you have learned the real skills in college, I will come to your college to recruit in person. people!"

Immediately, a student with a lively personality answered the call: "Hee hee, then I want to learn computers in the future and work in an e-commerce company!"

Some people also think that they are not science material: "I like dealing with people, I want to study sales-related majors, and the work of the direct sales center is suitable for me!"

"I want to major in advertising, and I want to advertise the products of our Wandou Group all over the country and even around the world!"

"I think"

"My specialty is"

At the scene, inexplicably, it evolved from a gratitude meeting to a discussion meeting on college entrance examination and major selection.

Afterwards, Ding He cheerfully told his colleagues in the personnel department that in three to five years, it would be easy for their group to recruit people.

Can the children who have finished college with the help of the Princess and the Pea Love Bursary be as loyal to the company as other students?

Parents of the students who came together couldn't see the Goddess of Wealth in person, so they surrounded Grandpa You and Grandma You, saying grateful words over and over again.

If it weren't for the Princess and the Pea Love Scholarship, more than [-]% of them, children with good grades, would face the risk of having books and not being able to study.

You can still apply for student loans after being admitted to university. It is difficult for students who are not in the compulsory education stage at the beginning of their careers.

A thin-looking parent of a student, when Grandpa You asked about the situation of his family, he honestly explained:

"Baby's mother has severe rheumatism, and she can't get out of bed in pain for half a year. I have a heart problem the day after tomorrow, and I can't do heavy physical work.

My baby's grandparents are still alive, and they can't do without medicine all year round.

My family has several acres of tea gardens. The spring tea and summer tea are harvested. Except for the cost of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, I can only earn more than 1 yuan a year.

For our family, if our child goes to a high school in the county, it will cost two to three thousand a year in tuition fees, plus one or two thousand for accommodation and food expenses, which is really not a small burden.

The point is, I still don't know what grades I can get in the exam after three years.I heard that many children with good grades in junior high school will fail in high school! "

Grandpa You disagreed with his words: "As long as he is admitted to high school, it proves that he has a solid foundation. Even if he goes out to work, a high school education is also a threshold. If the child is older, he will be more stable when going out to do things."

"Yes, yes! The village cadres persuaded me in the same way. Fortunately, we have the Goddess of Wealth's love bursary! At least for the next three years, we don't have to worry about whether our children have money to pay tuition or have food at school! "

"Don't worry after three years, as long as you are admitted to university, you can continue to apply for scholarships until you graduate from university!" The old man said proudly.

"Hey! That's why I said that the Goddess of Wealth is the great benefactor of our family, and we are grateful to her for the rest of my life" (end of this chapter)

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