Before Mrs. You went on a business trip to Mizili, she also ordered protective clothing for every tribe member in Jukengli.

It can't be that other tribes are protected, and our own tribe is left behind.

Transparent breathable hood, protective jumpsuit and high-cut boots.

A complete set of protective clothing costs thousands of village coins.

Mrs. You could only grit her teeth and buy it!

Only by letting everyone wear this and be armed to the teeth can we not be afraid of falling into a dreamy sleep in the middle of the night.

People in the tribe who had not been poisoned were frightened by the poisoned appearance of those who dug out their own eyes and beat others manically.

There were also those sleeping people who came to help from "Mizili". They all said that the virus had entered their brains, and they asked the gods to use their magical powers to perform a purge in their brains.

Scary to think about!
No matter God, if people use their own brains, will the person who is saved be the original self?

Scared, scared to death.

I heard that protective clothing is really useful, and every household came to the goddess with offerings to ask for one.

Fungal spores are spread through the air, and there is no medicine to prevent them. In addition to staying away, the only option is to use protective clothing mode.

Needless to say, this kind of nano-material protective clothing that is soft, light and can automatically adjust the temperature according to the outside temperature is quite easy to wear.

The clothes come in dozens of colors and can be divided into styles for men, women, old and young.

As long as everyone has tried it on the upper body, no one will be surprised!

The tribesmen were talking.

"Just tell me, what materials are these shoes made of?"

"That's right. The soles of the new shoes don't scratch your feet, and they can wrap your toes completely inside. It's so comfortable to walk on."

The best knitting person in the tribe shook his head when he saw the clothes, pants and shoes made of nano fabric:

"It can't be knitted, it absolutely can't be knitted! How can we mortals learn to knit the shoes made by the Weaver Girl in the sky?"

Everyone believed in his words:
"Just because it doesn't get stained by oil or water, it's much better than our linen. Not to mention that it's neither cold nor hot when you put it on. It's never been so comfortable."

Everyone seemed to have forgotten the fear caused by red mushrooms.

Women and children alike fell into the joy of getting a new set of clothes.

The second brother You and the third brother You even put on protective clothing, organized a group of teenagers, and continued to help the gods collect "pink powder".

For the 13-year-old boys who went to the mountains for experience before, does this abnormal experience count as adulthood?
Chief Yuri was summoning the elders of the tribe to discuss with the mature men who had certain authority.

The first clan elder said: "According to the ancestral rules, we have broken the rules by letting the boys go together this time. Not to mention the dozens of them, even the boys who were looking for the way could not all come back. Let me tell you, They are already considered capable.”

The second oldest member of the tribe: "The rules have been broken. Among several groups, some were seriously injured and some died, but no group went out neatly and came back neatly. They have to be considered adults. They were delayed in the past. What should the young boys think?"

The third son of the clan: "Dozens of people are not allowed to pass the test? Then do the girls still need to get married? If you delay for one year, you will be one year older. Girls only have a few good years!

Yuri, who has no daughter to marry, looks relaxed:
"It's all because these boys were seriously injured, and the girls didn't have a good time during this year's Moon Worship Festival (and Hairpin Ceremony). According to my opinion, if they can survive, they will be lucky, and the hardships they will have to go through as adults are still There are so many. What is the most important thing, that disease that is transmitted to children! Before getting married, it is best to ask the goddess to take a look!"

"Yes, the chief is absolutely right!" "You must not have contagious diseases."

After some pushback from several clan elders, everyone finally reluctantly agreed with Yuri Chang's words.

In this special year, we have once again broken the rules.

This means that in the next one or two months, the "big pit" will usher in a climax of weddings.

There are going to be happy events one after another, and the whole village must have a feast.

Everyone focused on the hunt in the next few months.

Man [-]: "Now the outside of the mountain forest is covered with red mushrooms. I don't know what it is like in the deep mountains. Who is not afraid of crazy pythons and buffalo herds? We don't have the ability of a goddess to subdue these beasts!"

Man [-]: "The most important thing is that we don't know if there is any "spore" poison in the animal meat returned from hunting. God will not allow us to eat this poisonous animal meat! It only took two days for us to be stable after wearing protective clothing. , I am afraid that the virus will enter the brain from the mouth after eating animal meat."

Chief Yuri nodded: "Don't go into the forest for now. Tomorrow I will send someone to Ye Zeli to discuss with Chief Wuli. Let's find a lake and catch fish ourselves."

The clan elders agreed: "There is no need to catch fresh fish. They can directly make salted fish in their tribe and then dry some fish."

Yuri asked humbly: "Wuzhu, what do you think?"

Ever since Mrs. You used her black turtle shell to treat everyone's illnesses, Wu Zhu no longer likes to use turtle shells to tell fortunes.

He always felt that his little tricks were not enough in front of God.

Without the props in hand, he felt inexplicably unconfident in his speech.

He thought for a while and then said tremblingly: "Anything flying in the sky, swimming in the water, in the soil, as long as it can't be touched by any spore poison, it's all fine!"

After listening to Wu Zhu’s suggestion, the men all praised:
"As expected of Wu Zhu, Wu Zhu is experienced!"

"Yes, even though the fish flying in the sky don't have much meat, they are still more delicious than fishy fish! And those country rats love digging holes!"

"I'm the most experienced at catching mice."

Suddenly, the food shortage meeting turned into various technical exchange meetings.

As long as they don't run out of food tomorrow, men are always more optimistic than women
Aunt You, who followed the guide for four days and three nights before arriving at Mizili, was shocked when she looked at the densely packed mud houses on the slope in front of her.

This is a hilly mountainous area about 400 meters above sea level, and all the houses are built on the hills.

Half of the house is built into the slope, and the other half is built out of wood.

Low, dense and well-proportioned.

The roof of each house is also covered with a thick green grass carpet, with unknown wild flowers of various colors blooming on the grass carpet.

The wild flowers sway in the wind, and if you look closely, you can see the smoke curling up from the kitchen, making it look like a real-life version of a fairy tale cabin.

I saw the small courtyard in "Jukengli", the shack in "Yezali", and the fairy tale house in "Mizili".

Mrs. You had to admit that in terms of aesthetic taste, she had to be "Mi Zili".

Although the average height of the men in their tribe is less than 1.6 meters, it seems that all of them are good at getting by. (End of chapter)

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