No matter how ridiculously active the inner activities of the people watching in "Mizili" were.

Patients taking turns for surgery, lying on the floor.

No matter how irritable they were, they gradually calmed down after the goddess cast the spell.

There are many more elderly people living longer in "Mizili" than in "Jukengli", and some are over 50 years old by visual inspection.

Maybe as you get older, your metabolism slows down.

After the elderly are poisoned, the symptoms they show are not as serious as those of young people.

Most of them are sleepy, lethargic, and unable to wake up.

Those who either cry or laugh loudly or don't recognize their relatives are mostly between 15 and 30 years old.

That is, during the operation, the younger you are, the shorter the time it takes to return to normal.

The three-month-old baby who was the first to wake up from the debridement operation was held in her arms by her new mother-in-law and kissed again and again.

The child's mother-in-law cried uncontrollably.

After confirming that his baby had fully recovered, he handed the baby over to someone else.

Pulling the man who was still a little stunned, he prostrated on the ground and kowtowed to the goddess.

He kept mumbling: "Thank you Goddess for your great kindness, thank you Goddess for saving my daughter's life..."

It's impossible to pull.

Based on the past experience of the Goddess, they will definitely hit their heads until they feel dizzy before they get up.

Looking at the young mother with a black forehead, which only reached as high as her armpit, and was even more tender-faced than her, Mrs. You couldn't help sighing.

Sin, sin!

In modern times, a girl of thirteen or fourteen has just entered junior high school!
But she is already a mother and can manage a small family.

At the age she was before she started the mission, anyone here could be a grandmother, and she was still an ordinary grandmother with several grandchildren.

Think about how scary it would be if a group of dolls called her grandma?
I just wanted to rub the goosebumps on my arms that were frightened by this thought.Two hours later, the first wave of removal techniques was finally completed successfully.

Except for about twenty young people, more than half of the people on the ground were still unconscious.

Suddenly, several young men ran in with pale faces.

The one running at the front shouted: "Li Chang, Li Chang, we found a lot of gophers!"

The one at the back continued: "The gophers are all crazy and bite everything they see! All the chickens raised by our tribe have been bitten to death!"

As soon as the boys finished speaking, another middle-aged man ran over sweating profusely.

"Chief, a lot of millets were stolen from the warehouse by gophers! We just counted them and found that half of them were missing!"

"We have punched through all the bluestone slabs on the ground and made more than a dozen holes!"

Sang Lizhang said angrily: "When will the gopher's teeth be able to bite through the bluestone?"

His face was pale, and he really couldn't imagine that a warehouse that had been safe for hundreds of years would be stolen by gophers.

All the grain received by the entire tribe in "Mizili" is stored in the warehouse.

More than 600 people eat two meals of millet rice every day, and the consumption is quite high in a month.

Moreover, if there are not enough millet, what else can they use to trade with "Jukengli" and "Nozawali"?

You can eat less or no animal meat!
Red salt, really, can’t live without Dundun.

If people don’t eat meat, they still need to eat an extra bowl of millet rice.

If people don't eat salt, they won't have the strength to work.

Farming, how can you do it if you don’t have the strength?

Before everyone could finish digesting the shocking news, the messenger pointed in the distance and said: "Here they come, they come here, they are here!" (End of Chapter)

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