Chapter 315 The Princess in the Giant Pit (65)
Shili Cemetery.

As the name suggests, it is really as big as ten miles of land.

In the cemetery, in addition to the large and small graves of generations of people in Shanghai, there are also some low shrubs.

In the past few years, even the poorest families would worship their ancestors during festivals.

When worshiping ancestors, it is inevitable to use meat, cakes and other items.

Therefore, there are a lot of mice nourished in this cemetery.

It didn't take a few black market guys half an hour to catch a few big rats weighing half a catty.

Brother Dayang couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he saw the fat rat: "My mother, these days, rats have more meat than humans. It's really unreasonable."

"Brother, you said we were starving to death before, so why didn't we think of eating rat meat?"

"Hehe, if Brother Huzi hadn't given some instructions to our brothers, we wouldn't have thought of going up here!"

In fact, these black market bosses are all city dwellers, and they really don't have as broad a diet as country folk.

Ignoring a few people chirping at the fat rat, the bearded man took out a small jar from his pocket.
He was very stingy and only poured a dozen or so black mouse poisons on the ground.

Then, he took a few of them and hid in the tomb bag.

Several rats thought that their lives would be in danger immediately after being caught by the Twolegs.

Unexpectedly, I got freedom.

As soon as I moved my paws, I smelled a strong sweet smell.

A family of five left after smelling the fragrance.

The female mouse upheld justice, and every mouse in the family, young and old, received three grains.

After the mice finished eating the sweet candies, they gradually felt something was wrong.

Why do you feel so bloated in your stomach?
More and more swollen.

The more it swells, the more it hurts!

I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it anymore!


"chirp chirp"

Within a few minutes, the five rats were on their backs, and finally died with their eyes open.

The black market bosses couldn't wait to show up after hearing that the commotion in the grave had completely ended.

Sure enough, under the firelight, they saw a family of mice lying on their backs around where the rat poison had been spread.

All neat and tidy, no one is missing.

Brother Dayang and others exclaimed: "This rat medicine is amazing! The rats eat it happily, and the medicine takes effect quickly."

"My rat poison has this effect. You can skin these rats and take a look." Brother Beard motioned for several people to take action.

The half-pound rat was quickly skinned.

Then, his abdomen was opened with a dagger.

Everyone can clearly see the mouse poisons that were as big as wheat grains just now.

Now in the mouse's belly, it has expanded to the size of an egg.

Some boys have already peeled off the "black eggs", looked at them again and again with the torch, and pinched the texture of the "eggs".

"Brother Beard, these mice are really stretched to death!"

"Tsk, tsk, this medicine is too overbearing! It's too overbearing!"

"Brother Beard, is it really okay to eat the stuffed rat meat?"

Big Beard was particularly good-tempered tonight, "Come on, let's bake one now and try it. I brought salt!"

His request was in line with the wishes of several people.

What could be more reassuring than witnessing it with your own eyes?

After the five head-and-tailed mice were roasted until they were charred and black, and emitted a unique meaty aroma, the bearded man took the lead in eating half of them and showed them to the brothers.

Then, a few people started grabbing like crazy.

To be honest, it doesn't taste very good.These people's barbecue skills are not as good as her ten-year-old second and third brothers.

What's more, Mrs. You's appetite has been whetted by the extremely delicious animal meat in the primeval forest in "Big Pit".

She went to great lengths just to sell a piece of rat poison!

I ate half of it despite my nausea.

She ate reluctantly.

To Brother Dayang and the others, rat meat is a delicacy in the world.

Their family really didn't get much of the salted fish they got from Big Beard a few days ago.

But if they kill all the mice in the ten-mile cemetery, how much more meat will be available for the family?
They listened to the bearded man's advice very seriously.

If there is any part of the mouse that cannot be eaten, then it must not be eaten.

this night.

The rats in Shili Cemetery and nearby areas all suffered.

After ten kilograms of rat poison was taken down, the rat corpse swelled to twice its size and weighed over a thousand kilograms.

By daybreak, the five people had peeled out more than 500 kilograms of red meat.

I definitely won’t be able to finish it all, and with this magical rat poison, Brother Dayang and others won’t have to worry about getting rat meat.

This makes their operations more flexible!

The black market in Shili Cemetery is the largest in Shanghai and has strict rules.

It is only open between [-] a.m. and [-] a.m. every day, and the trading time is only two hours.

Because the fees charged to sellers are extremely low, and coupled with the protection of Brother Dayang and others’ complicated network, it is relatively safe.

This black market was extremely popular five or eight years ago.

At six o'clock this morning, it was just dawn.

At the entrance to the cemetery, some people who had no food at home were already sneaking in to try their luck.

There is no prosperity like two years ago!

Scattered sellers, you can meet a few every three or five days.

But today, a few buyers who were already dizzy with hunger heard a bombshell news as soon as they arrived.

Regular customer [-]: "Brother Wu, are you telling the truth? Is there really fresh meat?"

The black market kid smiled and said, "It depends on whether you dare to eat it or not. The fresh rat meat was just killed and skinned last night!"

The regular customer, who had been drinking water to satisfy his hunger for three days, took out a handful of Yuan Datou from his pocket and said: "If there is anything you dare not eat, it will be in vain if you can have a full meal before you die."

"Hey, if you eat meat, why do you have to worry about life and death! I roasted a big rat last night and it tasted delicious! Don't worry, there is enough meat. One silver dollar is a pound of meat, and one person is limited to five pounds! "

When the others heard this, they crowded over one after another.

"How can I change the small yellow croaker? I want five pounds!"

"I want five pounds too! Mouse meat is also meat. I ate it when I was a child. It's all lean meat and it's very fragrant."

The buyers were shocked after seeing several large baskets of rat meat with their heads and organs removed.
Who TND has seen so much rat meat at one time?
Too scary!

Then, the regular customer who had just been paying for Yuan Datou hesitated again.

"Here, this rat couldn't have been poisoned to death, right? Where did you find so many of them at once?"

Several other people also raised the same question: "Is there any poison in rat meat? Is it edible?"

He said he didn't dare to buy it, but when he saw the meat, he couldn't move.

The black market bosses came prepared.

They caught dozens of live mice last night and were waiting for this moment of performance.

At this moment, it was already bright.

In front of everyone, everyone saw how ferociously the rats took drugs, and also witnessed the condition of the rats' stomachs after eating the drug.

This new type of rat poison has caused buyers of rat meat to rush to buy it like crazy today!

(End of this chapter)

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