Chapter 342 The eldest princess in the giant pit (ninety-two)
  Spring vegetables are expensive and rare.

For Mrs. You, who had only been growing vegetables for ten years during her last mission, it was not a big problem.

In a hot, humid and rainy environment.

It can be grown without fertilizing soil and light. The first choice is edible fungi and bean sprouts.

Artificially grown bacteria?
  The tribesmen only thought it was a fantasy.

They are used to picking up wild mushrooms in the woods after the sixth and seventh months of the lunar calendar.

Who has ever heard that you can plant fungus seeds on wooden piles and then move them home to let them grow on their own?
  There are thousands of high-quality and high-yield edible fungi species in the global village.

Wanting to reduce the cost of purchasing mycelial seeds, Mrs. You spent [-] million village coins to buy a smart mycelium breeding machine.

As long as there is one active fungus spore, hundreds or thousands of them can be cultivated in the breeding machine.

Not only can she choose common products such as oyster mushrooms and flower mushrooms from Global Village for breeding.

After that, edible and delicious wild fungi in the virgin forest can be reproduced indefinitely.

With a machine in hand, there is no end to the fungi.

The current temperature and air humidity in the new residence are enough for mushroom spores to grow vigorously. There is no need to grow in a plastic bag like they did in the [-]st century.

Mature spores can be injected directly into dead wood with a syringe and placed in a dark corner.

There is no need to take care of it later, and a bunch of fungi will grow in half a month.

The oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms grown in this way have both the fragrance of the fungi and a plump and tender taste.

If planted more densely, three to five kilograms of oyster mushrooms can grow on a dead branch one meter long.

The mushrooms are each as big as a child’s fist.

Place a stone slab on the fire pit, smear it with a layer of lard, put the mushrooms on it and roast until soft.

Sprinkle a few grains of red salt on it and it tastes more delicious than meat.

There are also ways to eat oyster mushrooms.

Goddess recommends it, tear it into pieces and stew it with fish or chicken.

Anyway, as long as you overcome the fear of never seeing these two fungi, oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms, no one who has eaten them will disapprove of them.

Although home grown fungi are indeed not as fragrant as wild fungi.

No one would object to having such a bite in this season.

Growing bean sprouts is more important than growing fungi.

It’s not that there aren’t high-power bean sprout machines for sale online in Global Village. She just wants the women in the tribe to master more vegetable-growing skills.

Grab two big handfuls of beans.

Soak it in clean water for a few hours, lay it flat in a wooden basin or a fine basket, cover it with a layer of wet linen, place it in a backlit place in the room, and sprinkle some water every day.

In three to five days, densely packed, three-inch-long green, crisp and delicious bean sprouts will grow.

It can be eaten in soup or stir-fried.

The precautions for sprouting bean sprouts are not complicated, and women with rich life experience can learn it in no time!
  When a new family moved in, Yuri long pressed the centimeter booklet from last month and distributed equal amounts of soybeans and strains to each household.

Households with more labor can produce fifty or sixty pounds of soybeans alone.

The strains are still stored at the goddess's place. Whenever you want to plant them, you only need to carry the dead wood and go to Yuri Chang's house to queue up.

If nothing else goes wrong, a family can earn enough soybeans and bacteria for two months with only one centimeter of labor.

At this time, the tribesmen realized the beauty of the common book.

At first, Chief Yuri was worried that people with less than one centimeter would be upset.

Unexpectedly, everyone accepted it well.

The clan elders praised him for his kindness.

"That's how the distribution works! In the past, those who liked to be lazy didn't say anything, but they always complained in their hearts. Nowadays, if you work harder, you won't be able to support your mother-in-law and children no matter how lazy you are."

"I see that my working spirit has changed these days!"

"The methods that gods can use, what can't they use? Can they be more valuable than the gold of gods?" "If you have any ideas, you have to hold them back for me! When they reach our age, it's not too late to be lazy no matter how lazy they are."

"Good at keeping track of centimeters! The skills taught by the Goddess are also great at sprouting bean sprouts and growing fungi. The animal meat and wild vegetables we used to eat in the "big pit" were all obtained from the forest. Now, we can grow vegetables without using land! This is a great thing.”

"Yes, yes! We still need to let the goddess walk around in the sky often."

The clan elders squinted their beards at Yuri, praising the goddess for her abilities, and finally praised him for his skill in teaching his daughter.

Good guy.

The old men's conversation made Yuri very excited for three or four days.

Half a month later, heavy rainstorms began to fall every day and then every three or five times.

Temperatures skyrocketed, with daytime highs approaching thirty-five degrees Celsius.

You'll be covered in mushrooms if you stay in the house any longer. The men have one more important thing to do.

It's not the end goal for them to move here.

How to get to the top of the cliff is their next focus.

There was the one who was good at climbing trees and wanted to climb the cliff with his bare hands.

Fortunately, I listened to the goddess's advice and laid a thick meadow at the bottom of the cliff. I slid down less than ten meters high.

The cliff far away from the waterfall is blown by the wind all year round.

Some raised stones are badly weathered.

It simply cannot bear the weight of a human body weighing one to two hundred kilograms.

There were more than a dozen people, and the tallest one climbed more than [-] meters.

Seven or eight people suffered fractures from the fall.

They didn't even consider the cliffs close to the waterfall.

Green moss clings to the stones, making them slippery.

I didn’t feel panic at all, I was exploring the cliffs piece by piece.

You Dadi and others also joined the path-finding team. It was very fulfilling to leave early and return late every day.

On this day, the cultural class in the morning had just ended.

Teachers, students and others were about to go home and have some snacks to cushion their stomachs.

A group of people hurriedly ran home, shouting from a distance: "Goddess, Goddess, save people, save people."

A dozen older male students ran towards the noisy crowd.

A few minutes later, he ran back a few steps ahead of the rest of the group to deliver the message.

"First, sir! Several of them were bitten by sky rats (bats), and the worst one had half of his ear bitten off!"

"They found a cave that was bigger than the first pit. I heard that there were countless sky rats (bats) in the cave."

"Sir, are sky rats (bats) also poisonous?"

One by one, they were panting from exhaustion and had countless questions to ask in their little minds.

She knows this question.

The latest medical books are not in vain.

Before answering the students' questions, they also arranged for Fourth Brother You to go home and bring a medicine box.

"The rooster (bat) is a non-venomous mammal of the family Cynosacidae. It does carry a lot of bacteria in its body. After being bitten by a rooster, the wound often has symptoms such as swelling, itching and pain. In serious cases Fever, arrhythmia, and shock may also occur.”

The students were all talking:
  "Sir, what is a mammal?"

"Sir, what is shock?"

"Sir, how can I be cured?"


(End of this chapter)

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