The King of Quick Transmigration took the wrong cannon fodder script!

Chapter 363 The eldest princess in the giant pit

The first weekend of the new semester.

Mrs. You arrived at Mu Chuanbai's house in Shanghai early in the morning.

Don't look at it, she usually doesn't give up until she makes the students faint or fail in the exam.

This time, it was her turn to faint.

Teacher Mu is really an unusual person.

Mrs. You didn't know why Teacher Mu could give her questions based on human anatomy from the perspective of Western medicine when asking about the content of the "Huangdi Neijing"?

If you enter Chinese medicine normally.

In just half a month, she memorized the twelve meridians and the main characteristics of the corresponding organs and collaterals. The teacher should be able to give her at least 95 points, not to mention giving her a perfect score.

Now, she only blamed herself for not being prepared enough.

From the initial flow of answers, to the transition to thinking again and again, and finally to racking one's brains.

Some questions were so difficult for her that her hair was almost smoking.

Mu Chuanbai didn't care about this. After seeing the student's excellent memory, he unconsciously made the questions more difficult.

He didn't care about the students' embarrassment and spoke in a gentle voice:

"Those of us who study medicine cannot just read rote books, because patients will not get sick just by following the books.

If you want to be a good doctor, in addition to learning book knowledge and medical practice, you must continue to learn throughout your life.

My master said back then, "A doctor can stand up at thirty, have no doubts at forty, understand destiny at fifty, write books at sixty, look back on life at seventy, only have leisure time at eighty, and it's his own fault if he can't survive at ninety." !”

His student blinked. The words sounded familiar, but seemed a little different.

When students have doubts, the teacher must of course answer them.

"Most doctors start practicing medicine when they are around twenty years old. The first ten years are the ten years of medical practice. They learn to see doctors and work around patients. If you don't know how to see doctors?! How can you be a qualified doctor? ?

The second decade is a decade of continued research and innovation based on practice. It is best to select a specific specialty to conduct in-depth exploration, research, and innovation on the basis of practice.

In the third decade, we should get out of the limitations of the research scope, and we should not study one point for a lifetime, but should move towards a broader level.

With more than thirty years of medical practice experience, it is time to summarize the experience of practicing medicine, and writing a book is just the right thing.

Seventy years old.

Although people in their eighties finally have some leisure time, many experts are still performing surgeries even after they are eighty years old!

Doctors are the profession with the most knowledge about health care. It is no accident that people who do not live to be ninety years old must be their own fault. They do not take good care of their bodies and health! "

After saying that, he sighed again thinking about his own experience.

At his age, he should be busy on the operating table for another twenty years.

No longer able to think about these things, Mu Chuanbai quickly adjusted his mentality consciously.

Although he cannot go to the operating table, he can still teach and write books, and is very busy.

Facing the worried look in his student's eyes, he smiled calmly: "As a teacher, I have encountered too many difficult and complicated diseases in gynecology in my life, so I have to talk to you carefully."

The next second, she raised her orchid fingers like a female patient.

He also said in a low voice: "Doctor You, I have a stomachache."

Dr. You looked confused: "Huh? You have a stomachache. Where does it hurt?"

The "female patient" held her stomach again: "It hurts, dysmenorrhea."

Okay, let’s start with a common symptom of female patients.

Dr. You immediately fell into the role of a doctor: "How many days do you have pain?"

Six pm.

Mrs. You walked heavily when she came out of the yard of her teacher's house.

The whole body seemed to have been hollowed out of soul.

How refreshing is it to have a teacher who knows both Chinese and Western medicine?

The same medical record, after being analyzed from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, must be diagnosed with western medicine.

She, she is really at the level of an entry-level barefoot doctor!

This is also thanks to a good memory and strong ability to grasp key points.

Even more heavy-hearted and dizzy than Mrs. You were the other hunters, including Uncle You.

The tribe members have not worn protective clothing for several months. When they were exploring the path around the cliff today, they were frightened by the countless red bacteria that had just popped up. Many of last year’s spores fell into the soil.

Slumbered for several months.

When the season comes, they take root and grow fungi.

Under the shade of the bare trees, there are dotted red fungi.

Make a comeback!

The quantity is huge!

Uncle You and others returned to the tribe in a hurry, shouting for everyone to put on protective clothing quickly.

within the next month.

The entire primeval forest fell into a sea of ​​red fungi.

At the maturity stage of red fungus spores.

From time to time, a puff of pink smoke drifts through the sky.

Some of them even floated to the cliffs and were knocked down into the pools by the flowing water of the waterfall.

The fish thought it was ordinary pollen and snatched it up quite happily.

Then, all the species in the pool went crazy.

Big fish eat small fish.

The little fish not only refused to hide, but also fought hard with the big fish with red eyes.

The turtles and giant soft-shell turtles that were eating fish and shrimps went crazy together and frequently crawled near the pool to attack humans.

Although they are not as lethal as the previous bison and giant pythons.

However, they pose a huge threat to the water security in the "big pit".

Blood dyed the pools and streams red.

The development speed of toadstools exceeded Mrs. You’s expectation, and she quickly consulted the fungi experts in Global Village online.

Experts have given several methods to eliminate poisonous bacteria.

First, the fungicide can be customized.

The second is to use alkaline lime powder.

The third is to use high-concentration salt water.

One of the three can be sprayed on areas where toadstools grow.

The principle is to destroy the growth environment of toadstools so that they cannot take root and germinate.

From a cost perspective, using highly concentrated brine is most feasible.

The crux of the matter is.

The most they can do is spray the soil near their new residence. The virgin forest is so big that even if they put tens of thousands of tons of salt or fungicides, it won't be able to cover it all!

Father Yoo gritted his teeth: "Kill one piece for one piece! You can't stay away from home for a month or two every year!"

The tribesmen were busy spreading highly concentrated salt water.

Mrs. You is still shopping.

When talking about the global village, in addition to the rapid development of medical technology, water treatment system technology is also worth mentioning.

When fresh water resources are insufficient, converting heavily polluted seawater into drinkable fresh water has become a routine operation.

Some systems can also extract salt from seawater while converting it.

All water purification systems sold on the village website can 100% remove dissolved salts, colloids, bacteria, viruses, bacterial endotoxins and other organic impurities in the water.

Direct drinking for babies is the most basic requirement.

Based on the data monitored by smart family doctors, there are many ways to add or subtract trace elements beneficial to the human body, as well as smell and taste into drinking water.

Basic model, a set of 50 to 3 million village coins.

A system that converts seawater into fresh water and can also extract edible salt has no less than ten small goals.

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