The King of Quick Transmigration took the wrong cannon fodder script!

Chapter 396 The eldest princess in the giant pit

Chapter 396 The eldest princess in the giant pit (one hundred and forty-six)

Mrs. You was so distressed that she couldn't sleep that night.

She kept thinking in her mind, after completing a few more tasks, should she have a baby to play with?

Whether it was her die-hard follower Pangpang in the last mission, or her younger brothers and sisters at home now, they all made her experience a lot of the joy of raising children.

I don’t want to get married, I just want a baby, is that okay?

It seems, it seems to work.

She has a client friend who is a vice president in a Fortune 500 company.

A young lady in her forties is a non-marriage advocate.

After suffering a serious illness two years ago, I wanted to leave a wife for myself.

She also flew abroad to find a serious sperm donation agency and used technological means to give birth to a pair of mixed-race twins.

Rich people really only worry about making a living but not about supporting themselves.

She hired four Filipino maids in her mansion in Hong Kong to raise the twins so well.

In her words, as long as she has enough strength, raising a child will not hinder her career at all.

So what if you travel frequently?

The Filipino maid can take her children and travel around the world with her.

After work, you can check in with your children all over the world.

Just take a random photo and upload it to Moments, and it will attract hundreds of likes.

It seems that the client’s sister’s lifestyle suits her very well!

She couldn't care about this before, but at the rate at which she makes money in the future, it will definitely be no problem to earn hundreds or even thousands of W a year.

Making a deal with the eleventh-level civilization global village is not without rewards.

At least she has some ideas about future investment directions.

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed appropriate. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night.

The next day, I attended Uncle You’s wedding with a pair of panda eyes.

Third Uncle You was married for the second time. The bride price was very generous, but the wedding was quite simple.

The two got their marriage certificate before the Chinese New Year.

Today, he invited their family, Uncle You's family, and relatives who were getting married to his new third aunt to have a meal in his courtyard.

Looking at the new third aunt who was only 1.5 meters tall, with a round face and a short neck, Mrs. You squeaked.

The cutest ones, the height difference and all, are a bit eye-catching.

Looking at the interaction between her and Miss You, they don't look like mother and daughter, just like an older sister taking care of her younger sister.

You Aniang, who was waiting for the bride, thought she was a perfect match, and even whispered to her, saying that the bride's figure was particularly good for fertility.

After the bride returns home, it's December 30th of the lunar calendar.

Also known as New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

After Wu Zhu and others finished dancing the great god, oh no, sacrificial dance, a group wedding was held for eighteen couples.

On such a festive day, of course, they must invite their good neighbors, the Haidayak tribe, to join in the fun.

They invited them sincerely, and all the men from the Haidayak tribe who came to support them were all dressed up.

On their heads, they all wore hornbill feathers that resembled a peacock's tail, and their necks were filled with strings of fist-sized skulls and beads of various colors.

He only wore a piece of animal skin around his waist.

In order to express their blessings to the newlyweds, they also wanted to perform their tribe's traditional dance - sword dance.

The sound of jingling accessories echoed with the dance movements. At the same time, someone played a wooden musical instrument called a shabei, and along with the sound of the wooden flute, the rhythm was quite cheerful and melodious.

After a performance, the adults and children in Xianju City all clapped their hands and cheered.

The city lord was extremely excited and communicated with the leader of the Dayak tribe.

After the hot dance, the banquet was put on the table in the main square.

The millet wine brewed last year is now in Kaifeng and is very fragrant.

The men were all drinking and talking, drinking to their heart's content.

The leader of the Haidayak tribe was in the mood to sing a song after drinking several bowls of wine.

The tribesmen responded in low voices to his high-pitched singing, which was very charming.

Accompanied by the sound of Sabei's musical instruments, people are mesmerized without even realizing it.

Although I didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics of the Haidayak tribe leader, it was not difficult to feel the joy and peace from his tunes.

They say music has no nationality, that’s right!

Mrs. You was watching and recording the screen, and she was still enjoying herself in her heart.

Good guy, it’s both dance and solo. It’s a folk performance from the Spring Festival Gala put on its own stage.

She secretly planned to invite her neighbors to perform at various festivals in the future!

People from the Dragon Kingdom all over the world are celebrating the New Year, except for the Ministry of Agriculture in the capital.

Since the advent of the Patriot 692 tractor, many overseas Chinese have imitated it and even donated materials and technology to the country in the name of Patriot.

Ministries receive letters from all over the country every day that can be packed in sacks.

This ordinary letter, which was intended to be read personally by the leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture, was opened by the leader’s secretary just before get off work on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve.

There was a "clang" sound.

The usually calm First Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture actually lost his composure when opening a letter.

Ten minutes later, the Ministry of Agriculture was already calling people.

In terms of understanding of these professional machines, only experts are required.

No one dared to imagine it.

If it is true as what the patriot letter says.

Using the production line in this set of drawings, the microbial organic fertilizer produced can increase the yield of ordinary farmland by more than 100%.

So, what great changes will be brought to the food production of Dragon Kingdom?

After it was confirmed that the Patriot was the donor of the 692 tractor, this production line drawing received great attention.

Zeng, the gray-haired Minister of Agriculture, was even more excited than if he had been given a chicken blood shot.

He asked several senior mechanical experts invited for advice: "Professor Zhang and Professor Lu, do you think this production line can be built with our existing technology?"

Professor Zhang, who was immersed in the design drawings, hesitated and said: "Leader, this organic fertilizer production line requires a lot of equipment.

Raw material pre-treatment equipment is required: such as feeders, crushers, mixers, etc., for pre-processing raw materials, such as crushing, mixing, humidity control, etc.

This fermentation equipment is the most important, involving composters, drum fermenters, etc., which are mainly used for aerobic fermentation of pretreated raw materials and decomposition of organic matter.

There are also several deep processing equipment with high technical content, such as granulators, crushers, packaging machines, etc., which further process the fermented organic matter into granular or powdered organic fertilizer.

In addition, dust collectors, dehydrators, conveyors, etc. are used to assist the entire production process to ensure production environment hygiene and production efficiency.

There are fifteen types of equipment involved, which is no small project. "

Another mechanical fan, Professor Lu, also returned to the topic from the exquisite drawings:

"With our existing smelting process, it's not impossible to manufacture it. The most important thing is that these equipments can be used independently. Take this crusher as an example. Its blades need to be made of stainless steel."

(End of this chapter)

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